Originally, she said that she was going downstairs to prepare for dinner, but Mo Qianqian unconsciously went outside the villa. She always felt that the environment inside the villa was too oppressive, and wanted to go out to get some air. When she saw the beautiful flowers blooming beside the fountain outside, she couldn't help but smell the petals. At this time, a deep voice came from behind.

Miss, what are you doing here?

Mo Qianqian was startled. When he looked back and saw that it was the gray haired housekeeper, he settled down a little, but with a trace of anger in his tone.

Housekeeper, why are you silent when you walk? It really scares me!

Besides, don't you mean there's still a little time to eat? Let's go downstairs and do our own activities. Then I want to come here and have a look at the scenery. Can't I?

I don't know why, when she saw the housekeeper with gray hair but straight back and no bending in the middle of the new year, she felt a little scared, but at this time, she had to hold up her spirit to deal with it.

Mo Qianqian thinks it's really weird here, and how did the housekeeper find out that he was outside?

Such a big luxury villa, it's not easy to find her! What's more, the news that she sneaked out of the villa and came out to play didn't let anyone know. She sneaked out the back door!

There is no one behind, not even guards and bodyguards!

This is also a small garden she found after she went out. The fragrance of flowers is everywhere in the garden, which makes Mo Qianqian feel relaxed and refreshed. When she comes to Lujia villa, she feels frightened and frightened. Her fear and fear are released instantly! Feel relaxed!

But at this time, he was found here by the housekeeper, and the housekeeper's face looked solemn and not good-looking, as if Mo Qianqian had broken into some forbidden area, and his eyes were full of aggressive eyes and accusations!

At this time, Mo Qianqian heard a gentle voice, low and low, with some magnetism and some clarity. It was the clear voice between the middle-aged and the young people, obviously with helplessness, he said to the housekeeper.

Uncle Wang, you just worry too much. I said it's OK. Even if someone comes into my garden, it doesn't affect me at all!

It's been so many years. Do you still remember that? Don't forget, this young lady is a helpless, unarmed young lady. What's her lethality? What can you do to me!

Uncle Wang, you'd better not make too much fuss!

You scared this lady! Did not see her eyes, in fact, hidden a trace of panic?

Ink shallow can't help but be surprised, that originally hide of very good facial expression unexpectedly by this voice of host see thoroughly, she can't help but raise a head, black paint deep in the eyes pan with a trace of surprise.

But at this time, she scanned in the past, but did not find a figure in the huge garden, but heard the voice again, sighed slightly, and said to Mo Qianqian.

Miss, you don't have to be afraid. Uncle Wang is also for my good. He won't have any malice to you.

Don't be afraid. I'm glad you're here. Also hope, I didn't disturb your interest!

Just now I saw that this young lady is very fond of flowers. I'd like you to be close to me in this flower garden! After all, for many years, few people have talked about these flowers.

Few people have ever been in close contact with them!

But young master! This!

The housekeeper had nothing to say, but it seemed that as soon as he took a step, he smelled a cold and dangerous smell in the air.

He can't help but shrink back, just want to step forward in mid air feet, and, fiercely stare ink shallow.

With the color of warning in his eyes, he said to Mo Qianqian, miss, you'd better not stay here for a long time. The dinner is almost ready.

Go and meet the young master of the Lu family as soon as possible. Mr. Wang is also waiting for you in the study. After the evening, please come to the study and get together with him!

Mo Qianqian suddenly felt that there were people and words she couldn't understand everywhere, and who was the person who talked with the housekeeper just now?

a young master?

Why does she only hear it but not see it? Why is the housekeeper so afraid of him, even because he shows warning to himself!

In his eyes, he didn't even hide his naked intention to kill. It seemed that if he made any move beyond the distance, he would be merciless and solve himself. Mo Qianqian could not help feeling cold in his neck, and suddenly he felt a sense of retreat in his heart!

You don't have to be afraid. The housekeeper is like this. For so many years, he still hasn't changed his temperament. He has always been cautious and focused on safety, in order to put an end to all things that hinder my safety.

He didn't even allow outsiders to enter the garden, and he didn't know how you found it. Did you follow the direction of the fountain?


You are smart. This fountain is also an abandoned one that hasn't been repaired for a long time, but it can still spray water. I didn't expect that you are willing to get close to such a scenery. You can see that your mind is delicate and quiet! There is not a trace of disgust!

Ink shallow can't help opening a way.

Here is full of antique charm, even the fountain is also with an ancient charm, the fountain around the ancient Sanskrit carving, I look very familiar, I also like it, unconsciously to explore here. I didn't expect that there was a delicate garden. Did you say it was an abandoned fountain? Is this garden abandoned, too? I think it's more lively and lively than the lifeless villa!

Mo Qianqian also found something wrong as soon as she lost her voice. She covered her mouth in a hurry, but found it was too late. She moved her lips, but an inexplicable emotion welled up in her heart. It seemed that at this time, she had a conversation with this man. Fortunately, she had a conversation with him.

If the other party is the man you see in the bedroom, the man who is clearly disabled but gives a strong deterrent, the man whose surname is Oriental, it will be very dangerous, very dangerous, and even leave no living room!

Hehe, you are very honest, but I advise you not to tell anyone what you just said. Here, except what you just said to me, if you don't say these words to anyone other than me, otherwise your life will be in danger, and today's distraction trip will become an unexpected tragedy!

Who the hell are you?

Mo Qianqian couldn't help but open her mouth. I don't know why the young master of the Lu family gave her the feeling that danger and gentleness coexist in the Lu family's villa. There is a gentle and considerate side and a wild side.

But in the old villa just now, the man she saw gave him the feeling of awe inspiring danger. He wanted to escape from the danger completely. He didn't have a chance to breathe at all. He was like a beast ready to go. He had uncontrollable fear and pressure. He was a wolf!

But this man in the abandoned garden seems to have a very gentle tone and a very calm attitude towards himself, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, especially when talking to him.

Even if she accidentally let out her true thoughts, she doesn't have to worry about being attacked by danger!

When she thought of this, Mo Qianqian could not help approaching the garden for a few minutes. Her slender legs took two steps forward. At this time, she heard that gentle voice, with a trace of surprise in the dullness!

You dare to come in, don't you know the legend in the garden? You're not afraid?

Mo Qianqian's step is tiny. She really doesn't know, but she doesn't want to shrink back. She doesn't know why she just wants to see the man who is talking to her. Who is he?

Why are you so gentle with yourself?

Contrary to the man she saw in the old villa!

She knew that the man was Dongfang Shangxuan. Could she say that this man was Dongfang Shangxuan's younger brother?

At this time, Mo Qianqian was still going forward, but she heard a familiar voice in her ear, and her face was even more unhappy.

The young master of the Lu family looked at the ink shallowly and said in a dull voice.

what are you doing? Mo Qianqian finds his arm caught by the young master of the Lu family.

His face was full of haze, and his eyes were staring at Mo shallow, as if Mo shallow had done something sorry for him.

Ink shallow can't help struggling, eyes not happy staring at each other said!

What are you doing? You let go of me, how can you come here!

The voice of Lu's young master was even more unhappy. His expression was not good-looking at this time. Seeing that Mo Qian was in the garden, and he was getting closer to the center of the garden, he felt an ominous premonition in his heart. He quickly grasped Mo Qian's arm!

But he found that the other side not only did not accept his kindness, but also spoke harshly to him, as if he was the uninvited guest who interrupted her!

The young master of the Lu family's displeased eyes immediately fell on Mo Qianqian. However, he found that Mo Qianqian entered the abandoned wasteland. In the forbidden area, he did not have a look of panic and confusion. On the contrary, he was calm, as if he was very calm!

The young master of the Lu family got up and looked up and down at the ink!

And Mo shallow in his eyes, some unnatural put aside his eyes, voice also with a trace of questioning!

I ask you, why are you here?

The young master of the Lu family's eyes turned, his black eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes sank.

This sentence should be my question to you!

Mo shallow pretty face a red, voice but with extra calm, speak slowly to him.

I found this back door occasionally, so I went out from here to see what the scenery is outside, but I found that the scenery here is good, so I walked here casually!

what about you?

Lu family young master's deep Mou son stares at Mo shallow directly, says to her.

For you, of course!

Do you think I'll just hang out? I'm not as idle as you are!

Ink shallow, you explain it to me! What the hell were you doing?

Why go to the center of the garden? Don't you know that it's a forbidden area, and the center is more likely to bring danger?