At this time, I heard a curious voice coming from the opposite side.

The voice is sweet and with a few silk pure, like the breeze, the people feel itchy.

Mo Qianqian couldn't help looking up, but he found a woman wearing a blue and white porcelain evening dress. She was very luxurious, and beside her was a very noble middle-aged woman.

The two were in a hurry, as if they were on their way to a dinner party.

But opposite them, a man was talking with a woman happily, with a gentle look on his face. At this time, he could not help but look back when he heard the woman suddenly exclaim her eyes and look back in surprise.

Mo Qianqian then saw a silver suit. The slender man was nodding politely to him. There was a wisp of gentle and not aggressive in his deep eyes. His face was angular.

And this face can not be underestimated, very familiar, ink shallow mouth can not help consciously open, this is not the vice mayor, once in the news media, the newspaper wantonly publicized, brilliant, elegant young talent?

Mo Qian looks at each other curiously, but he is seen by the man beside him. He holds her white and delicate wrist tightly. Mo qian can't help but stare at each other and cry out. But when he sees the other's dignified look, he can't help being curious.

There seems to be an atmosphere of tension between the two people. What is the relationship between the two people? Is it difficult to be a rival?

When Mo Qianqian thought of this, he could not help looking across curiously. He saw that the young woman was smiling, her face was full of elegance and luxury, and the middle-aged woman beside her also had a trace of influence.

It's Lu Lu. You're back! When did you come back? I thought you were abroad all the time! Just like your brother, your brother seems to have returned home today!

But Mo Qianqian finds the man beside him. He relaxes his wrist slightly, looks straight ahead, looks at this gorgeous woman, and says with a trace of politeness and alienation in his voice.

I came back as early as 10 days ago. Aunt, you have a lot of social activities. Of course, you won't remember this little thing. My brother came back by plane today. Unfortunately, I don't have time to meet him at the airport. Now he should be home!

Well, you don't say hello to Qianqian when you come back. Qianqian has always been thinking about you. Do you want to know when you will come back?

By the way, some time ago, I heard that you were married. Is that a joke? How can a talented young man like you marry an ordinary girl at will?

I didn't even attend your wedding. If you do get married, you will invite us to attend, right? There is also Qianqian, but Qianqian has been thinking about your coming back!

How can you not tell her such a big thing!

The middle-aged lady's voice was a little warm. At this time, looking at the tall, handsome, slender, one in a million, looking more luxurious man, her voice was more meaningful. Looking at the daughter beside her, her eyes were even more suggestive!

Mom, what are you talking about? Between me and silent, also really quite a long time did not see!

But unexpectedly, the young woman's voice language is naive. At this time, she looks at it with shame and annoyance. She can't help pursing her lips with the delicate white wrists of the Lu family.

It looks very pitiful and charming!

Ink shallow but not from stare big eyes.

Did she see a good play?

The reason why the young master of the Lu family dragged her here was to act with him, right?

They are clearly a contractual couple, but Master Lu didn't disclose it to each other!

It seems that in his heart, this woman is really not shallow, he does not even want to let her know that he has married him.

She couldn't help but feel indignant in her heart. Unconsciously, a touch of bitterness poured out. But he and she still forbeared to be angry at this time. With a wave of his hand, he threw off the arm of the Lu family.

Then he said angrily to the young master of the Lu family.

I won't play with you any more. How do you like to play? Four people can just gather a table of mahjong, I will not accompany, I have something else to do, go first, goodbye!

As soon as Mo Qian's words came out, the faces of the three people on the opposite side all changed. The young master of the Lu family's face also sank. His dark eyes sank to the end, and he looked unhappy. He immediately pulled Mo Qian's elbow.

Who allowed you to escape? Voice whispered, close to her lips, with only ink shallow can hear the voice said!

Mo shallow but some struggling up, and at this time, but heard the opposite, mixed with curious male voice, came.

The voice is low and magnetic, and the line of sight that explores also swept to come over.

Silent, who is this? Don't you want to introduce it?

The voice of the man opposite had a trace of meaning. The man's voice was mellow and pleasant.

At this time, the voice of the opposite girl, sweet and clear, began to smile and asked the young master of the Lu family, with a trace of curiosity in her voice.

Yes, who is this lovely sister? At this time, the young master of the Lu family was silent. After a few seconds, he spoke in a quiet voice.

He said coldly, cold thin lips gently open, cold face without a smile,.

Narrate as if it were a routine.

She is mo shallow, of course, my person.

But the words of the Lu family young master should have just come down, and there was a thunder in the plain! Mo Qianqian obviously saw the young woman with a sweet smile on the other side. Her face was obviously pale, and her fingertips were slightly tightened,!

Before Mo Qianqian could react, he heard the young master of the Lu family's words. His eyes slowly scanned the face of the young woman with a sweet smile on the other side. Then he continued to speak in a low voice

Of course, she is my person. The artists who will be signed by our company will soon enter the devil training camp. It can be said that she is the key cultivation object! The company attaches great importance to it!

Mo shallow can't help but be surprised, she can't believe some sarcastic looking at the man beside, but in the heart can't help but bitter smile.

when does it start?

Did the young master of the Lu family attach so much importance to and trust him?

He clearly said that he could not enter the next level of cooperative singing! Even the devil training camp can't be easily entered!

Now, in order to use himself to attack, the woman opposite him, in order to play this play, he thinks highly of himself, saying that he is an important artist in the devil training camp that he attaches great importance to.

Isn't it just to get rid of the relationship?

Why didn't he dare to say that he and she had a proper relationship! Yes, I've got the certificate! Red book can be left in front of the right side!

Although it's a contractual marriage, it's also a fair marriage. There's a bit of complexity in Mo's shallow vision. Her cold vision sweeps by. The young master of the Lu family, his dark eyes, takes a deep breath and wants to leave.

But found that the wrist was tightly clasped in the hands of the other side, and at this time, the opposite woman is a cold breath, eyes with joy.

At this time, he pretended to be generous and said to the young master of the Lu family.

In this case, I won't prevent you from talking about business. After all, the business of the company is very important. So is your devil training camp. I've heard that it's very strict. If this sister can enter it, her potential can't be underestimated!

But brother Lu, when you are free, go to my house. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't you think so? Brother Lu?

But Mo Qianqian saw that the woman was pale just for a moment, but now she was overjoyed and flattered.

She could not help wondering what kind of relationship was between this woman and the young master of the Lu family? Is this a pair of dog men and women, in front of him and her to hook up with each other?

She couldn't help humming and was dissatisfied with the young master of the Lu family.

Does he really use his wife as a tool?

Show your identity when you need it! When you don't need it, treat yourself as invisible!

But the young master of the Lu family didn't look at the woman opposite, and his eyes were still gloomy. His eyes were deep and narrowed slightly. He looked at the action of the little wild cat in front of him.

He couldn't help but smile, with a touch of doting and tenderness in his eyes that he didn't even notice. At this time, the young woman opposite turned pale again, and her smile couldn't be maintained!

And at this time, Mo shallow but struggling to each other said.

I have something else to do. Please don't accompany me. Let's talk slowly! Finish saying, also don't lift the head, big step meteor ground leaves!

But at this time, the voice of the young master of the Lu family was cold behind her, and there was a trace of care in his cold words!

Don't forget, you promised me, if you can't advance, just quit!

Mo shallow can't help but turn around and glare at each other, to find the man opposite is using the mouth to say to her.

You are not suitable for devil training camp. You'd better be your little grandmother!

Mo shallow Qi's whole body is going to shake, and at this time, she is even more impatient. She waved the small bag in the air, and waved to the other side. She yelled with all her strength, with some hysterical struggle in her tone!

I won't let you succeed as you wish! I will make it! You wait!

Looking at the figure of the woman slowly leaving in front of him, the young master of the Lu family moved his body. With a cold sight, he slowly left from his back. At this time, he saw a man of the same age, with a smile in his eyes, and said to him!

This little girl is very lovely. I'd like to introduce her to you when I have time!

At this time, the voice of the young master of the Lu family was even colder, and his tone was not happy!

Why do you want to know her? It's just a small artist. Even if her strength is good, she can enter the devil training camp for the final selection and training, but it doesn't mean she can be lawless!

You don't have to care too much about this woman. She's just a clown!

Lu's voice, with a trace of relaxed, seems to really do not put ink shallow in the heart, but his cold words let the young woman opposite with a sweet smile in her eyes.

She came forward and saved the arm of the young master of the Lu family!

Stop talking about her! By the way, today is Miss Du's birthday! We are all going to celebrate for her. Would you like to join us!

Master Lu Mo Ming slowly raised his eyes, and moved his eyes to the man who was handsome, beautiful, with a gentle smile, but hidden in his eyes. He asked him gently!

Your sister's birthday?

Hehe, yes, I wanted to invite you, but you should not have time to come because of your busy business. Besides, I heard that you were still in the United States two weeks ago.

I didn't expect to be back so soon. We didn't know you were back! If you know, I will give you an invitation in advance, but now I will meet you. You can go with me. My sister will be very happy!