The luxury hotel is holding a grand wedding. Lu Mo Ming, the most mysterious and popular man in the Empire, is one of the indispensable protagonists of the wedding."Damn it! When was the boss controlled? It's all my failure that makes things like this! What wedding? It's just a stupid deal! Bad luckBut at this time a handsome statue of David, but revealed a wild man, his fist smashed on the wall behind him, his face was full of ferocity and terror.Behind him came a soft sigh."Don't think too much, it's not your fault!""No one thought that the old naughty boy of the Ye family would do such a trick. Knowing that the woman was a disaster, he would make the boss condescend to marry her." Luo Chengbei continues to say unconvinced."But it's done. No one can change it. Why insist?""It's no use blaming yourself. The boss has promised to attend the wedding. You don't know the boss's temperament? When did he not believe what he said? "I feel my lungs are going to explode in the north of Los Angeles. That said, it's the boss who is really aggrieved! Is marriage a joke? How can it be decided by a contract and a transaction?They just want to use this woman to coerce Lu Mo Ming! Just really think the boss is a fool?A puppet who is controlled by others, a woman who is lured by money and is willing to marry someone who has never seen her before, is really qualified to be the wife of Lu Mo Ming, a modest gentleman who has gone through a lot of troubles in the vanity fair and is sought after by the newspapers and the media?Los Angeles North sneered, eyes full of disdain and ridicule!"Do you really think the boss is willing to attend the wedding? Gu Zhicheng, you are not stupidThe man who turns the finger on his hand and smiles gracefully is wearing a decent black suit coat, and the white shirt line sets off his whole figure perfectly."Not necessarily."Gu Zhicheng watched more and more guests and private cars gather outside the hotel. His eyes narrowed slightly and he said noncommittally.In the waiting room of the bride's room, a petite woman looks at the huge wall clock on the wall. Her face is expressionless and she silently counts the minutes and seconds, turning little by little.But suddenly, a tear fell from the corner of my eye.She really didn't expect that the wedding she had been looking forward to for a long time should be held so hastily that she would join hands with a stranger she had never seen before, exchange rings and walk into the holy palace.But fate did not allow her to refuse.The teardrop from the corner of my eyes is crystal clear and huge.Fall in the corner of the mouth, the taste is very bitter.There are 38 minutes left before the wedding, but every minute is very hard for Mo Qianqian, the bride who is indulging in helpless struggle and grief and sitting still.At this time, the wedding of the hotel is in full swing. More and more people gather in the magnificent hall. People who are familiar with each other toast and greet each other."Auntie, it's said that today is my brother's wedding day! Is there any mistake? Is this too sudden? Do you know what's going on? "A delicate voice asked. The girl in the light pink cheongsam asked urgently, pulling a lady's sleeve with a stiff smile."Ah, summer! I don't know what's going on. I was suddenly informed to attend today's wedding. I thought you'd know something? After all, it's your brother's wedding. "A face of elegant lady, light mouth said, tone but a trace of confusion."But so am I. I was called here all of a sudden! I was taking a law course in Australia! Whose prank did you think it was at first? How could my brother get married so soon! He doesn't even have a girlfriend. He has been alone for so many years. How can he say that he got married when he got married? "Lu zhixia trotted all the way over, panting, running all the way nonstop, and then came to the wedding on time. At this time, the doubts in her heart can finally be released.She continued, blushing as she murmured."Besides, I always have that woman in my heart, so I haven't accepted other women? Why do you suddenly change your mind now and make progress so fast? ""Son, I think the same as you. I also think it's very strange. With your brother's character, he will not force himself to marry a woman he doesn't love."The lady who wears a rich cheongsam and chats with Lu zhixia is a Luofu who has a close relationship with the Lu family and has always had a good friendship with Lu's sister Lu zhixia. They have nothing to talk about, and they can be called friends who forget their years.Of course, she also knows the whole story about her brother from Lu zhixia's mouth.At that moment, they both looked at each other with suspicion.