Chapter 19 - An Exclusive Agent

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Arielle knew her best friend very well. When she saw that Heather’s face didn’t show any signs of disgust or even a hint of admiration, she knew that she didn’t dislike Samuel.

The first step of my matchmaking plan is considered a success.

“Samuel, chat with my friend for a while. I’ll go to the warehouse and arrange for the delivery,” she instructed and left the two of them alone.

Samuel was good at talking business, but he had no experience chatting with girls. He stood there awkwardly.

“What are you standing there for? Sit down and let’s chat.”

He sat on the sofa, forming a right angle with Heather.

Seeing his awkwardness, the eccentric Heather was instantly interested and even had thoughts of teasing him..

Holding back her laughter, she said with a straight face, “Didn’t I ask you to chat with me? Well, start chatting.”

“What do you want to chat about?” he asked in a daze.

“Tell me, who is more beautiful between Arielle and me?” she posed a fatal question.

No matter how foolish he was, he still knew that he couldn’t openly compare them.

However, if he didn’t answer properly, this woman would probably continue to pester him.

He was a smart man. He quickly thought of an idea. After giving a perfunctory reply, he changed the topic. “Both of you are beautiful. Oh right, Heather, what do you do for a living?”

“Me? I started a company that mainly manufactures bottled mineral water. Your boss and I were going to go bankrupt, but I didn’t expect her to be so lucky as to bump into you, and the liquor factory rose from the dead! I’m the only one on the road to bankruptcy now.” In the end, she couldn’t help pouting, looking pitiful.

It could be said that she was a drama queen.

She sounded pitiful, but his heart skipped a beat.

Could there be any business opportunities with this woman?

With this thought, he continued to chat. “Then, you have to quickly think about which segment has gone wrong and correct it with the right method.”

Heather looked a little dispirited. She sighed and said, “Nowadays, bottled mineral water is very competitive in the market. The money I had in hand was used to build the factory, buy equipment, and hire workers. After spending most of it, I don’t have much left. I don’t even have the funds for publicity. My brand isn’t very famous.

“As for big brands like Leaf Dew, Drizzle, and Eternal Spring, they are famous, have a good reputation, and are easy to promote. The distributors only recognize these brands and don’t represent ours.”

Samuel was silent. Not having a reputation was indeed tough. The amount of money those large brands invested in advertisements every year exceeded 15 million dollars. Her funds were nothing compared to them.

Without reputation, the distributors couldn’t be bothered to act as agents. Without sales, no matter how good the product was, it was useless.

Looking at Samuel deep in thought, Heather’s eyes suddenly lit up. She pulled his arm and asked, “Oh right, Samuel, you manage to sell Ruby’s liquor even though it isn’t famous. Do you have any ideas for my mineral water?”

“What’s your mineral water like?” he asked.

“Here, this is it. This is our main product.” She pointed at the mineral water on the table.

He stood up and took the bottle of water to examine it.

With a capacity of 500 milliliters, the bottle was slightly larger than an ordinary mineral water bottle. It was a little shorter as well, making it look round and cute. The label in the middle was in black and white, simple and fashionable. The two words “Iceberg Beverage” were artistic and elegant.

Putting aside fame, this product design was quite good.

“What’s the cost price? And what’s the price for wholesale exports?” asked Samuel.

Heather hesitated for a moment and didn’t hide anything from him. She said, “A bottle of water costs 3 cents. Our manufacturers usually only supply goods to the distributors. The distributors then supply goods to the major supermarkets and shops. The price for the distributors is 7 cents a bottle.”

“What’s the price the distributors give the shops? And what’s the retail price?” he pressed.

“The distributor’s price is about 16 cents, and the retailer’s price is between 23 cents and 30 cents,” she replied.

Samuel quickly calculated.

Big brands were famous for their water. When people wanted to buy mineral water, they would think of brands they were familiar with.

In addition, the shops also liked to store these branded water in the shelves’ conspicuous position, so the sales naturally increased.

However, if the most eye-catching part of the cabinet was the “Iceberg Beverage” with its exquisite packaging, it would definitely capture the hearts of many people.

The price of the water wasn’t expensive, so customers didn’t have to choose carefully. The possibility of buying this water would also be very high!

It was summer now, the best time to sell water! If he could seize this opportunity, he might be able to make a profit!

Although selling liquor could also make money, he had to consider a few things.

Firstly, the liquor market in New York City. Great sales would run out quickly.

Secondly, Ruby Liquor Factory’s scale could only be considered moderate. Once the sales figures reached a critical point, he would face the awkward situation of having no available stock if he reached out to the market again.

Making up his mind, he said, “Ms. West, if you trust me, we can work together.”

“How?” She was interested.

“I’ll be your exclusive agent. Give me the price of 7 cents per bottle of water. As for how much I can sell, it all depends on my ability. How about it?” asked Samuel.

An exclusive agent meant that her water could only be supplied to him.

Although she was a drama queen, her brain worked just fine. She said, “If you only manage to sell one bottle, won’t I suffer a huge loss?”

“How many bottles can your factory produce every month?” he asked.

After hearing his question, she almost threw up blood. Does this guy know how to chat? Why does he keep exposing my deepest scars!

This was like chatting with a director who had filmed a lousy movie and asking him how much the box office was.

“About a few hundred boxes,” she said reluctantly after a while.

A few hundred boxes basically meant no profit.

“You can terminate my exclusive rights at any time. But if you want me to represent you, it has to be exclusive to me. How about that?” he proposed.

She thought about it. There seemed to be no loss.

Since the factory couldn’t make any money now, she might as well let him try. If he couldn’t do it, she could just take back the rights at any time.

“Alright, I’ll let you try!” She gambled. “Do you have any other conditions?”

“I will raise the retail price to 50 cents per bottle. As for the supply price for the distributors, you don’t have a say.” He set the rules.

Women’s thoughts were complicated.

Upon seeing Arielle’s liquor factory doing well, Heather was glad and also anxious to run her own company properly like her.

“Sure, that’s up to you! Let’s go. Before Arielle comes back, let’s head to my company to sign the contract.” She grabbed his hand and walked out of the office.

“Oh right, let’s not discuss this with Ms. Bright first. We will talk about it when the time is right.” Samuel was afraid that Arielle would feel uncomfortable, so he reminded Heather first.

Heather was also afraid that Arielle would think too much, so his suggestion was exactly what she wanted. She hurriedly nodded. “Yes, this is our secret.”