The emperor's face suddenly changed and his voice reached the extreme: "where did she go missing?"

"On the way down the mountain..."

Before the voice fell, the emperor turned around and ordered, "everyone go down the mountain. If you can't find anyone, raise your head and see them!"

This words, not only song Qian was frightened, but also Xu Zeqing.

"Wan'er..." he murmured to himself. He left quickly with Feng Che.

In response, song Qian ordered some people to resettle the refugees. Even if he sent all his troops, he ordered the mountain to be searched.

It was very late at night, but on the high mountain, his head suddenly trembled, and the calls came out one by one. It was "Miss Xu" that he called.

An hour later, someone found the coir raincoat and coir cap in the water. To be exact, it was fished out.

After the emperor saw the coir raincoat, he ordered people to continue to look for it. However, when he saw that there was no sign of breakage or damage on the coir raincoat, he immediately judged what happened and looked at the mountains opposite.

Then, without saying a word, he flew up to the opposite mountain.

Song Qian immediately ordered people to go up from the wooden bridge to the other side to ensure the safety of the emperor.

After all, Xu Wan found a cave. She couldn't make a fire because her orifices were all wet with water, but she still found a way to make a fire and just raised a fire in the cave.

She takes off her coat and sets it up with branches to dry. She leans on the stone wall and listens to the sound of the torrential rain outside. She thinks about the safety of Xu Zeqing. But all this will have to wait until tomorrow morning when she meets with song Qian.

Before he knew it, he went to sleep like this. It seemed that he heard something strange in the misty. Xu Wan opened his misty eyes and saw that it was dark in front of him. When he looked up again, he saw a figure coming in from the outside. He was wearing a coir raincoat, and his face was not real.

Just as she was puzzled, she suddenly saw the man take off his hat and show a very elegant face. She saw his face clearly. She was going to say something, but she was shocked when she touched the look in his eyes.

The fear at the bottom of the eyes has not yet faded, and a pair of Phoenix eyes are full of frightening colors. He just stood there, his cold eyes falling on Xu Wan, as if she had done something cruel and unforgivable, which made Xu Wan feel a little hairy.

She immediately stood up and hesitated to walk towards him: "Emperor... Why are you here? Are you trapped in the rain?

Voice down, she also tried to go to the hole to see if there is an entourage to confirm whether he is really lost.

However, just as she passed him by, her wrist suddenly became heavy. The next second, Xu Wan was forced to retreat until her back hit the cold stone wall, which made her eyes full of stars.


She only had time to say a word, and her lips suddenly became cold. His cold lips seemed to be covered with the rain of late autumn outside, and the bone chilling chill came down from the lip petals and chilled her whole body.

The coir raincoat on his body did not take off, and the cold rain water was printed on her thin inner garment through the coir raincoat. In an instant, she was all wet.

"The Emperor..."

She tried hard to push him away, but she could not shake his body at all. The iron clamped arms held her tightly, and she was not allowed to retreat. The pain on her lips also shocked Xu Wan.

"Feng... Che..." she called his name and struggled hard. If she couldn't move her fingers, she had to use her feet.

Suddenly a kick seemed to kick his calf, and Xu Wan used 100% of his strength, but the people in front of him were not moved. Xu Wan struggled so hard that he broke out in cold sweat. Finally, he could not bear to bite his tongue directly. The smell of fishy sweetness permeated his mouth, and he still had no influence. Finally, Xu Wan completely lost his strength and let him do whatever he wanted.

At last, he didn't know how to stop. He buried his head in her shoulder socket, breathing heavily, and his figure didn't recede.

But Xu Wan finally got free, could not help but inhale, and then he kicked in again: "are you crazy?"

Feng Che was kicked by her, but still did not retreat from the body, but slowly raised his head from her shoulder socket to see her, eyes deep as the sea, very dark: "I am crazy..."

He said in a low voice: "my heart aches like a knife when I hear the news of your disappearance. I lost it once, and I will never allow myself to lose it again! I even told myself that if you really die like this, this valley will be my burial place! "

"I have been waiting for three years, the taste of waiting is too hard, the torture day and night, the pain of thinking, no one knows better than me!"

"Late, late, I can't lose you, really can't... I'm afraid that after losing you, you will never come back, and I... Have no courage to wait any longer!"

Xu Wan was shocked by his words, and even her heart was in pain because of his words uncontrollably. It was not until the appearance of the word "late night" in his mouth that she pulled her out of the pain. She looked at Feng Che's hot and humid eyes, and their color had returned to calm.

"Emperor... I'm moved by your deep affection, but I'm not your late night. I'm Xu Wan, the daughter of Xu Zeqing. Have you forgotten?"

Feng Che's deep eyes suddenly sank down. He looked at Xu Wan for a moment, then suddenly lowered his head to seal her lips again.

Xu Wan's heart was shocked, and suddenly he stretched out his hand to push him, but Feng Che's voice had already spread: "Xu Wan or late, I know better than anyone."

Xu Wan was stunned. For a moment, he could not understand the meaning of his words. When he reacted, he realized the coolness on his waist. Suddenly, his face was furious: "Fengche... What are you doing?"

In her voice, she was gnashing her teeth in a rage, but Fengche ignored it at all and said, "don't worry, I will marry you in the grand sedan chair..."

Xu Wan was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "who said that he would marry you? Did I say that I would marry you? Even if you want to marry me, you may not be willing to marry... Fengche, your uncle's! "

His wrist was suddenly tied by a belt. Xu Wan stared at him throwing away his coir raincoat, taking off his belt and untiing his clothes. His eyes were red and bleeding: "your uncle! You can't take it off! I don't want you to take off... You're big... "

His lips were covered again, and Xu Wan was deeply grieved. However, he couldn't fight for him at all. He could only curse hard: "why... Why... You are the Emperor... How can you have such a bad character... Son of a bitch! I curse your ancestors for eighteen generations

Feng Che's action suddenly stopped, looking at her a pair of heartrending appearance, eyes color must way: "other can scold, but the ancestors eighteen generations can't."

Xu Wansheng was stunned for a second, then bit him on the shoulder, "I'll curse your ancestors for 18 generations, and die of children and grandchildren..."

Feng Che Mou color a sink, simply directly lower the head to go, this time, Xu Wan completely was startled in the wind disorderly.

Xu Wan thought that she really could not escape this disaster, because Feng Che's attitude is tough and resolute, and there is a trend that she must be dealt with.

She didn't know where she angered him, or which one of his tendons was suddenly wrong. She told her that she was not him at all, but he was still like this. It was just a stroke!

But at such a critical moment, there was a big cry outside the cave. Xu Wan listened carefully and just heard a sentence, "there is light, where is the Emperor..."

She suddenly looked at the person in front of her body. The bottom of Feng Che's eyes was gloomy and frightening for a moment. She saw that the voice had reached the entrance of the cave, and he suddenly roared: "stop!"

Suddenly, the outside became quiet, only the storm.

He looked up at Xu Wan. Then he got up without saying a word, sorted out her clothes, untied the bandage on her hand, and handed her the robe.

Xu Wan was free, quickly dressed, and at that end, Feng Che had slightly cleaned himself up, turned and went out.

I don't know what he said to the people outside. When he came back again, he put all the raincoat and bamboo hat on Xu Wan without saying a word. Then he took her hand and left.

On the way back, it was very quiet.

Not only Feng Che, but also the officers and men who came to search for him were silent. There was only a storm crashing by, and nothing else could be heard.

Xu Wan is even more witty and does not speak.

Finally arrived at the camp, Xu Zeqing saw Xu Wan excited, tears.

Xu Wan was also shocked that Xu Zeqing came back alive. Suddenly, her father and daughter hugged each other and wept with joy.

Once the refugees are settled, there will be no need to stay in the disaster area. After Xu Zeqing's life and death, he naturally wanted Xu wan to go back to the prime minister's residence with him. However, Fengche only gave him a cool look and said, "from now on, you don't have to rely on her to accompany you. You can rest assured that I will compensate you."

The end result is that Xu Wan is forced to follow him all the way back to the palace.

When the Empress Dowager heard that the emperor had returned safely, she came all the way from Shande palace to see him safe and sound. She was relieved to see that he was safe and sound. As for Xu Wan who came back together, the Empress Dowager only thought that she was going to the disaster site for the Emperor's sake. She was more favorable to her and rewarded her with many things before she left.

After a comprehensive bath and grooming, Xu Wan slipped to the evening palace and went back to sleep with Yuanyuan in her arms.

The reason why she went to drag Yuanyuan into the water was that she was afraid that someone would kill her in the middle of the night.

She took Yuanyuan as a shield. In the face of her own daughter, the emperor should have some scruples.

As a matter of fact, her behavior is just unnecessary, because the recent disaster is fierce, the emperor immediately put into the next round of work after he came back, and he had no time to pay attention to the things between him and her.