There was a moment of silence in the bathroom.

The indignation on Wang Wei's face is frozen. The most embarrassing thing in the world should be to speak ill of people behind their backs, and be listened to.

Can be said that the person should also be very embarrassed?

But Xue Xi, as if she was nothing, calmly went to the pool and washed her hands. Then she looked at the mirror and put the scattered hair into her hat. After finishing, she walked slowly to the door.

Those students who just came in at the door looked embarrassed and chatted with a smile. Someone opened their mouth first: "Hello, Xue Xi."

This voice, Xue Xi knows, is the one who praises her for her good skin, without any malice.

Xue Xi nodded to her: "hello."

This just took out the paper towel from the pocket, took out one and wiped his hands, then threw the paper towel into the garbage basket and walked out calmly.

The audience: "the

I don't know who said "what an embarrassment!" Breaking the eerie silence.

Then we all said one word about you and one word from me.

"Ah, ah, I feel that I can't look at Xue Xi directly. What did we just say?"

Wang Wei bit her lip when she saw that.

Although she didn't think there was a problem with her words, it was really wrong to say people behind her back, especially when she was caught

Several people left the toilet after going to the bathroom.


instructor Li whistled: "assemble!"

All the girls got together again. After they lined up, they started walking.

It's very difficult for the girls to walk in line. After practicing for a while, it was really bad. So instructor Li got angry: "what are you going to do? You can't stand still

After two days of military training, we are familiar with instructors Li and Zhang.

After all, they are students who are more cheerful and like to joke.

So someone opened a mouth: "drillmaster, this is really too difficult, we are not professional, where can we walk steadily?"

Drillmaster Li: "well When I first entered the army, I was not a professional soldier. How can I walk well? You can't? "

The man laughed: "you are a boy, you can't have so many requirements for girls! We are really tired! "

"Tired, one by one will know how to yell tired. In addition to shouting tired, what else will you do?" Instructor Li stretched out his hand and ordered everyone. Then he praised: "you all learn from Xue Xi. Look how stable she is when she stands!"

"It's all the same. It's all girls. Look at you. Did the earthquake happen? Hands are shaking, and you, legs are not in place! Don't be lazy! Lift it up

Instructor Li walks among the students and knocks with a stick when he sees the non-standard ones

I can't help it. After all, instructor Li is a boy, and he is good for girls. The instructor in the next class is directly kicking.

After walking around, someone asked, "I really can't hold on, drillmaster. When can I be better?"

Instructor Li: "if you all practice like Xue Xi, I promise you won't be allowed to train. I'll bring you wind blowing and singing every day. Can you do it?"

Everyone was silent.

Speaking of it, we have to be convinced.

Xue Xi is really the best one among them. He never complains about being tired. He can stand there like a robot for half an hour.

But there are also unconvinced, Wang Wei opened the mouth: "drillmaster Li, I don't think Xue Xi has done so well, but Liu Zhao is also very standard!"

Suddenly, Liu Zhao, who was called out, was stunned. He immediately widened his eyes, turned his head to look at it, and shook his head vigorously to make her stop talking.

Wang Wei, on the other hand, said, "drillmaster, you always praise Xue Xi alone, which is unfair!"

Instructor Li looked at Liu Zhao: "well, Liu Zhao is also good."

Wang Wei: Is that Liu Zhao excellent or Xue Xi excellent? After all, our class will choose a small pacesetter, drillmaster Li, who are you going to choose? "

Instructor Li:??

Is talking about the problem of walking, how suddenly became a small pacesetter?

The matter between girls is really troublesome!

"We'll talk about it later," Li said

Wang Wei was aggressive: "now you say, is Liu Zhao's performance good or Xue Xi's performance good?"

Hearing this, drillmaster Li turned his head and looked at Liu Zhao.

Liu Zhao stands upright, holding his right arm and his left leg. His posture is standard. The whole person is standing there steadily. It's really good.

Drillmaster Li frowns.

Liu Zhao opened his mouth: "Wang Wei, don't say anything. I can't compare with Xue Xi. "

Wang Wei:" why can't you match it? Can't you be more confident? You are the highest score in our class! Besides, you have a good character. I really don't think you are worse than Xue Xi! "The full score of the college entrance examination is still limited to the people in the dormitory.

Xue Xi is a low-key person, not to say, Li Zixia and Xie Yingying are not broken mouth, so no one is talking.

Li Zixia heard this, but looked at Liu Zhao.

She thought that Liu Zhao would explain for Xue Xi, but she didn't expect that Liu Zhao just stopped and changed the topic: "this is military training, it's not the same."

Wang Wei is about to say what, Xue Xi suddenly opened a mouth: "compare it."

In a word, everyone was silent and looked at her one by one.

Xue Xi looked at Liu Zhao: "compare, who is better."

Xue Xi knew that Liu Zhao wanted that little pacesetter.

This is also the real reason why Liu Zhao has been alienating her and her classmates. When the young pacesetter comes to vote, she has a bad reputation and no one votes for her.

In that case, don't poke.

Direct use of strength, let everyone be convinced!

Liu Zhao was flustered: "no, I'm..."

Words did not finish, Xue Xi opened a mouth: "are you afraid?"

Before Liu Zhao said anything, Wang Wei, the impatient son, called out: "what are you afraid of? How could you be afraid? Liu Zhao, go up

Liu Zhao would like to have a comparison.

After all, standing in the crowd, no matter how good she is, instructor Li can't see her. Although on the first day, instructor Li has been praising her, and the next day, she suddenly becomes indifferent. She doesn't know what happened, but she needs to let people know that she is excellent!

Besides, she felt that Xue Xi was a young lady who could not bear the hardships.

But she didn't want to show that she wanted to compare, so she always pushed back: "forget it, everyone is a classmate, and everyone is the same..."

Drillmaster Li frowned and took a look at Xue Xi. Although she was worried about her sister-in-law, she said so --

"Xue Xi, Liu Zhao."

"Come on

"Come on

"Out of line!"



Xue Xi and Liu Zhao step out of the team and stand in front of instructor Li.

Liu Zhao's eyes were bright, and she felt that she had finally reached her high light moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!