After he moved the stone, his heart asked him to cut the bamboo and open up the bamboo joints. It was a simple thing for Shangguan Zixi. He soon finished the bamboo and asked Duke fan to find some barrels and ropes to connect.

"All right?" Shangguan Zixi looked at these things on the rockery and asked in wonder.

He didn't know what the soul was doing. In order to make this rockery, he really wondered. He patted the sand on his hand. To be honest, he was a prince for the first time. Moreover, he listened to the command of a little girl.

When he looked at his heart, he didn't know why. He moved a little and lost his temper. He hurried back.

"Are you leaving now?" Cried the heart.

"What else do you want to do? Haven't you finished it?" Shangguan Zixi couldn't help asking. The soul girl seemed to really use him as a coolie.

"Don't you want to see the results of working so hard for so long?" The heart is not angry. The third prince seems to be angry.

"What results!" The third prince looked at his heart with some wonder. What she said seemed like a surprise behind him.

"Hey, you pull the rope and you'll see it!" The soul smiled and hum, didn't Princess Lingyue play without musical instruments just now? She can do it too.

The third prince went and pulled the rope hanging at last, with a thud. Then, the stone rolled over the bamboo tube, with a clatter.

The stone fell from the and hit a small piece of bamboo. The bamboo fell down and hit another stone. That stone began to roll again, fell into the bamboo tube and continued to roll

Next, there was a sound of mountains and flowing water. When the stone rolled to the camera, it just hit the switch in the fool. The sand flowed smoothly in the bamboo tube that opened the joint. After a while, it was the sound of winding water, ticking, and then the sound of torrent hitting the bamboo.

After the song of high mountains and flowing water, the switch of flowing water starts another switch. At the beginning, the stone rolls back to its original position.

They thought it was over, but then the stone was hit and repeated the high mountains and flowing water just now.

"What a magical song!"

"Yes, mountains, running water and rolling stones are too powerful!"

"This is simply the uncanny workmanship of nature. It's so magical!"

Everyone present was surprised. Even the proud * * * * messenger was stunned at the wonderful mountains and rivers.

The more the spirit looked at the soul, it was like seeing a ghost, as if the jade soul was not a real jade soul, but controlled by a ghost to control all this.

"No, it's impossible“ Lingyue muttered to herself that it was just a rockery. It was impossible to play such a magical song. Unexpectedly, her hard planning and calculation have become the reputation of Yu's heart. How can she be reconciled! "

"It's amazing. How did you do it?" The third prince couldn't help asking. Looking at the switches cleverly connected just now, the placement of these bamboo tubes and stones needed careful calculation.

And the soul is also a temporary thought. Such a smart man is admired by the third prince Shangguan Zixi.

"With the soul, you are too powerful. The shameless spirit is more angry than the princess, and the head is smoking. I wish there was a crack on the ground and went in!" As soon as the soul sat down, snow came over and said happily.

Hearing snow Xi's words, my heart was almost choked by the tea. I took a deep breath, "princess, can you think of an image!"

Snow Xi disdained, "compared with this spirit, my image is the model of women in the world. Mind, can you teach me how to do it?"

"No!" The soul blurted out that this person can't teach Arabic numerals, and she can't teach mathematics or physics. How can she teach.

Princess Xuexi was a little angry. As soon as she wanted to talk, she saw Qinyang and Xinxin looking over, so she had to sit back.

"How did you this?" Yu Meiling couldn't help saying.

"I saw it in the book!" The soul answered carelessly and looked at Lingyue, "Princess Lingyue, are you satisfied with the music we don't play with musical instruments?"

The more the spirit listened to this, the body trembled, "the more the spirit didn't know why the soul princess said so. Just now, the more the spirit played a song at will, it didn't offend you. You misunderstood!"

This is not the anti guest, the soul smiled, "Princess Lingyue, although I don't know why you provoke the soul, the soul is just a girl in the little general's house. The princess and Princess present are more powerful than the soul. You don't challenge the princess and princess, challenge me. Since you lose, you have to lose. Is it difficult for you * * * * to be so arrogant when you win, Don't you dare to do it if you lose? "

"You!" The more the spirit listened, his face changed greatly. He just wanted to stand up, but the thin gauze on his body cracked, revealing a snow-white piece in front of his chest, almost naked.

"Ah..." Princess Lingyue was very frightened. She didn't react for a long time and hurriedly grabbed her clothes.

However, her clothes were very tight, because there was a fire around the hall, and her coats were put outside before she came in.

When the people present saw that Princess Lingyue's belly pocket was exposed, they couldn't help taking a breath.

And she still has a lot of scratches and bite marks, old and new.

"Brazen!" The Empress Dowager Leng drank and stood up, "emperor, I'm tired of mourning. I'll go back and have a rest!"

"Don't be angry, mother. Go back and have a rest!" The emperor said quickly.

Princess Lingyue was very dissatisfied when she danced and dew point. Unexpectedly, she didn't cover her body in this banquet. If she wasn't an emissary, the Empress Dowager would have been killed.

As soon as the Empress Dowager left, the princess Lingyue became the focus of attention. The traces on her body were amazing. They were all traces made by men.

Princess Lingyue is so beautiful and hot. Who dares to treat her like this.

The emperor stared at Lingyue angrily, "Princess Lingyue, are you insulting Dahan by bringing your unclean body to Dahan for marriage?"

Lingyue's heart trembled and even couldn't help retreating. Even if she had great ambition and city government, she didn't know what to do when she saw that the emperor was angry.

She wondered why her clothes split at the back. Someone must have made hands and feet, and she also knows martial arts. Who is so powerful that she made hands and feet on her unconsciously?

In a hurry, seeing the sarcastic smile on the heart's face, he immediately pointed to the jade heart, "jade heart, you calculated me, you little bitch..."

The spirit is still somewhat shameless. She thought her body was so happy when she was exposed in public. Now it's on fire.