We've all felt at one point in our life that we were going to die. We've imagined it accepted it but then we open our eyes and realise that we weren't dead yet.

Inspirational quotes will tell you that you live to fulfil God's wishes in your life, maybe it is true, maybe it is a lie. Maybe we have our time of death just as we have our time of life and until our time of death reaches we cannot die. I best believe that.

I opened my eyes to see that I was Still alive and it shocked me. Mario Jose sat on the bed not caring if I died or lived and I suddenly felt rage.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked crying. I struggled to breath while my lungs burnt.

"You ask why, is that answer not obvious to you. You think you can buy me with your wealth just because you are the senators daughter you think everyone will bow to you?" He yelled looking up at me with more rage than is allowed for one man.

"You agreed to marry me I didn't force you to neither did my father," he sprung up from the bed with a murderous look on his face like he was going to murder me. And maybe he was. He moved to where I stood so swiftly I could have missed him walking. He held my hands tightly and stared at me boring into my soul.

"Do not give me that crap, Monica. You didn't force me but you left me no choice. no choice." he screamed at my face and I shivered in fear. Fear of the unknown. This him I did not know but wished to know. I wanted to know all of him the sides he hid from the world and the sides he let the world see.

"I love you Mario don't you see that, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone more than I love my self more than I love anything," I cried. Trying to reason with a rage filled man is as useless as reasoning with a woman in love but I didn't care. I needed him to know that I loved him very much. That was all that mattered to me at the point.

"You don't know what love is. You don't!" He yelled. "Why are you here? " he asked pushing me against the door again. He bent down so his eyes could meet mine and at that point I forgot how to speak "

"We are married now Jose__I___"

"That doesn't answer by damn question bitch!" he said. Before I could speak again he hit me across the face and I fell sideways falling on my knees.

He dragged my hair pulling me up so I could face him. "Answer the damn question or you will regret it?" He shouted menacingly. Looking into his eyes I've never seen such rage. I felt scared and turned on at the same time. I don't know what came over me but my inner demons took over and I kissed him.