Chapter 2287

Prince Qiu, who got the news, came over the first time and saw Qiao Yunan's body move again and again because she was too sad. The tiles under her buttocks all moved, and her whole body was about to fall.

Thinking that she is likely to fall, the prince's heart catches up with him. He uses lightness skill to catch Qiao Yunan directly and steadily. The little girl drinks too much, and she is full of wine. She cries so much.

Seeing her tears, Wang Ziqiu was distressed. He was really worried. At this moment, he doubted if Qiao Yunan had someone in his heart. He had inquired around Xiao Liu before, but Xiao Liu said that Qiao Yunan had no one to like.

But now he negates the idea of Xiao Liu. There is someone in Qiao Yunan's heart. Otherwise, he won't cry so sad. He must have been hurt. He hesitates for a while and enters the room with Qiao Yunan in his arms.

Qiao Yunan keeps crying, especially hard. She feels that the person holding her is Ziqiu's elder brother, the familiar embrace. But in her mind, Ziqiu's elder brother is with other women. She can't accept it. She is especially wronged. She just wants to cry.

So... Wang Ziqiu is taking care of Qiao Yunan by the bed. Qiao Yunan cries endlessly. She cries all night. Wang Ziqiu is almost driven crazy. She finally stops crying at dawn.

Wang Ziqiu tidied up Qiao Yunan and put hot eggs on her eyes to make sure she was OK. Then he left.

Qiao Yu Nan didn't sleep well. She had many dreams. At last, he had a dream that brother Zi Geng was getting married. She was very sad and wronged. She cried and said that she would not let brother Zi Qiu get married, but everyone couldn't find her. She hurried forward to see who the bride was, so she woke up.

Look up to see Bed Tent, she Lengleng Leng blinked an eye, turn head to see guard in the side of small servant girl, see oneself wake up, full face surprise, "you wake up."

Qiao Yu Nan didn't speak. She thought that she was not happy because she was King City last night, so she sat on the roof drinking. Later, she didn't remember, "how did I get down from the roof?"

"Here comes the master. He took you down."

Qiao Yu Nan is laughing. Wang Qiu is really nice to Xiao Liu. Even her elder sister follows her. It's still early outside. When she wants to leave, she gets up directly,

One of the little maids brought her washing water and the other brought her rice.

After eating, Qiao Yu Nan asked, "where's your master?"

"The master is usually in the study, and the maid has never been out in Nan yuan. I don't know if the master is there. Why don't you ask me?"

"No, you can take me." Qiao Yunan points to a servant girl and takes herself there. Even if Wang Qiu is not in the study, she is waiting. She wants to leave immediately and doesn't want to wait for a moment.

The servant girl didn't dare to disobey and immediately took Qiao Yunan.

Now no one in the house doesn't know that Qiao Yunan is the future mother, so Qiao can go anywhere. So when other people can't go in and out of the study at will, Qiao Yunan goes in. Wang Ziqiu is really not here. I heard that he is out.

Qiao didn't want to waste her time, so she stayed in her study and waited.

Waiting is very torture, especially Qiao Yunan didn't want to stay in the king's city, and wanted to leave immediately, so it was even more torture. After drinking several cups of tea, before Wang Ziqiu came back, Qiao Yunan got up and began to walk around in the study.

She knew that the privacy of the study was very important, so she didn't look elsewhere. She just kept turning around silently, and put it on one shelf. The small box under it attracted her attention.

There's nothing nice about the box, but the small box didn't cover well, and a piece of cloth leaked out, which made her very familiar. Qiao Yunan hesitated, came forward and gently pulled the cloth. After making sure she really knew the cloth, she reached out and opened the box.

The moment she saw the things inside, she couldn't breathe smoothly. It turned out to be... It turned out to be her burden. It was her burden. She opened the burden in a hurry. Nothing was lost inside. It was all inside. But why was her burden here?

Wang Qiu, Wang... Qiu.

Wang Ziqiu.

All of a sudden, before the fog aside, carefully recall Wang Qiu's face, and Wang Qiu's strange behavior, she instantly understood that Wang Qiu is Prince Qiu.

Qiao Yunan is so angry that she can't breathe smoothly. But she turns black when she follows her. She runs away from home. Ziqiu's brother has been following her all the time. The burden has been put in his study. It can be seen that the old man is sent by Ziqiu's brother.

"Well, you prince Qiu, you have a deep heart."

She looked down at the burden in her hand and thought about it. Finally, she tied the burden as it was, covered the box and sat in the same place as if nothing had happened.

Before all the irritability has gone, carefully recall Prince Qiu to Qiao's house, and then to the shadowless door, and then get along with himself. It turns out that at the beginning, brother Ziqiu wanted to get close to himself, but this man is very stupid.

Think of Wang Ziqiu in order to get close to his stupid appearance, Qiao Yunan suddenly smile, random she frowned, a few years ago she came, Ziqiu brother is engaged, now... Yesterday came back, it seems that did not hear the following people say that Ziqiu brother has a wife.

"The master hasn't come back yet. It's lunch time. Are you eating here or going back to Nanyuan?" The little maid asked respectfully at the door. Qiao Yunan then noticed that he lived in Nan yuan, Nan... "I'm not hungry, you go to ask where your master has gone, just say I'm waiting here, want to leave." After Qiao Yu Nan finished, he added, "you don't have to prepare food for me. I don't plan to eat any more, so I want to leave." The little servant girl felt that what Qiao Yu Nan said was strange, and she didn't dare to think about it. She immediately answered and turned to ask. Qiao Yunan just came out of the study and looked carefully in the yard. This was not the Wang family before. When she came from Nanyuan, she saw all the strange things, so... Is this brother Ziqiu's own yard? She would like to ask a few former betrothers, or whether brother Ziqiu has a wife, but... Now she doesn't want to ask. She wants to see what brother Ziqiu wants to do if she wants to leave. She cheated her, played tricks on her, and even sent someone to steal her baggage, which she wanted to pay for. Prince Qiu, whom Qiao Yunan has seen through, is now entertaining Qiao Yuling and Nangong Chenwei in a restaurant. The latter two people didn't expect that. They were known by Wang Ziqiu the next day when they came to the city. However, they are not embarrassed, and they even eat with peace of mind“ Second sister, second brother-in-law, I came here today to ask you something. " Wang Ziqiu thought about something for a long time last night. Xiao Liu is a boy. Maybe he didn't find it, but Qiao Yuling is not the same. Who did Qiao like in her heart? Maybe she knew who was her sister. Besides, Qiao Yuling is not an ordinary person.