Chapter 1216

Looking at the old man Joe walking some urgent steps, she inexplicably distressed the old man, although from her wear over, old man Joe did not give her a good face, also to the original owner, but... After all, he is Qiao Hu's father.

Master Qiao left. Afraid of Qiao Yuling, Qiao Hu explained, "he has nothing to do now. He often comes out. Today, he happened to meet Yu Ling. Don't take it to heart."

"It's OK, uncle. I'll go back first."

"Well, good."

Qiao Yuling turned and left. Qiao Hai stood in the same place and couldn't recover for a long time.

After Qiao Yuling went, she didn't know why. Old man Qiao's appearance seemed to linger in front of her eyes. In the afternoon, when she did needlework with Yi Zhi, she often lost her mind.

"What's the matter? Why are you so distracted? " Yi Zhi simply put down the work on the hand, looking at her to ask.

Qiao Yuling looked back and said in a low voice, "you said that if a person made a mistake before, but later knew that he was wrong, should he be forgiven?"

"That's too much. Who hasn't been stupid before? The Buddha said: it's very important to know what's wrong and correct it. Just muddle along."

"I saw old Joe at noon today." Qiao Yuling looks at Yi Zhi helplessly.

Yi Zhi hesitated and thought of Qiao Yuling's grandfather, "how?"

"He was surprised to see me. He met me by accident. He bent slightly at me and left in a hurry."

"Is this an apology or a thank you?"

"I don't know." Qiao Yuling shook his head.

Yi Zhi propped her chin and thought, "I feel... You should try to forgive him. After all, he is your father's father. Your father has been away from home for such a long time. He says that he doesn't want to be at home. He must have thought that no matter how he is, he raised your father before."

Qiao Yuling suddenly thought that when Chen's family died, Qiao Hu's heart was miserable. From the state at that time, we can see that Qiao Hu didn't say anything. Later, he followed them to the capital.

Think of here, she thought of Joe's legs, slightly shook his head, "shadow."

"Yes, master."

"Get the pen and paper."

Soon Xiaoying took things over. Qiao Yuling drew on one side, and Yizhi also followed. When she saw the outline, she knew what to draw and put forward her opinions on the other side.

After studying for a long time, they finally drew a picture of the wheelchair, but when Qiao Yuling saw the wheel, he was worried.

Yi Zhi heart big, said directly: "first do it, you first find someone to do it well, put it on the wheel and then try to find a way, after all, now the technology is limited, directly use the wheel way of the carriage can also."

"Is it too bumpy?"

"OK, because we can't think of anything else at present. What else can we do? If it's bumpy, just make it a little thicker. "

"So it is."

After thinking for a long time, they didn't think of a good way. In the end, they had no choice but to do so. Qiao Yuling wanted to go to the blacksmith's shop, Nangong Chenwei wanted to follow, and Yi Zhi wanted to follow.

But because of Nangong Chenwei, yizhi can only stay by herself.

Qiao Yuling went to the blacksmith's shop and said what she needed. Then she went back to the village to find carpenter Zhang Fugui and arranged all this before she went home.

Yi Zhi is taking gauze to stir up, Qiao Yuling saw and went forward to ask: "now is white gauze, do you plan to make wedding dress white or red?"

Yi Zhi looks up at Qiao Yuling strangely.

"What's the matter? Have you ever thought that in this period of time we are in, we will not accept the white Qiao Yuling asked again. After that, she added, "I didn't even think about what color I want to make."

Yi Zhi is more strange, "you are not amnesia, we just said yesterday, do white."

"Yes... Yes? Did we say that? " Qiao Yuling was also puzzled.

"Yes, you forgot?"

Qiao Yuling couldn't help but put out her hand and patted her forehead. She said with a smile, "I forgot."

"It's OK. Anyway, take your time. I don't know when I can put it on. Your main task is to make a suit. Besides, don't you wear a wedding dress just for a suit?"


"Come on, don't worry. Is the wheelchair ready?"

"Well, it's all arranged."

"That's OK. I'm hungry. Today I'm going to teach you how to cook."


They go to cook, because it's Yizhi, so Xiaoying still goes into the kitchen, just to give Qiao Yuling a hand. After all the dishes are ready, Qiao Yuling starts to fry. Yizhi stands aside and says that she wants to learn, and she wants to be a good wife and mother in the future.

Qiao Yuling winked at her and said she didn't believe it.

Two people are talking and laughing, Qiao Yuling is putting salt, Yi Zhi asked after seeing: "Yuling, does this dish need more salt?"

"No need?" Qiao Yuling doubts. Yi Zhi frowns, "that what you just put is sugar?"“ No, salt“ Then you let it go in front of you. Why do you want to let it go? " Yi Zhi is more puzzled. Qiao Yuling said with a smile: "where, I put it once, just put it." Yi Zhi looked at Qiao Yuling did not speak, dish out of the pot was put aside, Yi Zhi directly forward with chopsticks clip a piece of dish into the mouth, the entrance is denounced salty, she instantly spit out the dish. Qiao Yuling's dishes haven't been cooked yet. Seeing Yi Zhi's appearance, he was surprised and asked, "what's the matter with you?" Yi Zhi didn't speak. She took a chopstick dish to Qiao Yuling's mouth directly. Qiao Yuling shook his head gently. "OK, if you're hungry, you'll eat first. I'm not hungry. I'll be there for a while." Yi Zhi's expression is some serious, "you compensate first." Qiao Yuling looked at her suspiciously, opened her mouth and vomited out the food in an instant, "my God, how much salt did I put? No, I just put it once." She seldom makes such mistakes. Small shadow also noticed in one side, oneself picked up chopsticks to compensate one mouthful, and Yi Zhi's idea is the same. Yi Zhi from Qiao Yuling's hand took a shovel, "the rest of the food to small shadow to do."“ Yes Qiao Yuling was also very depressed. After she came over, she could never forget how to put more salt now. Small shadow without saying a word, went forward and began to do it, Yi Zhi directly Qiao Yuling do bad dish down, and then pulled her out of the yard, is very serious looking at her, "you are not sick." Qiao Yuling frowned, "no, I don't have any other diseases except that I can't directly contact my skin."“ You can be sure that your disease is poison or disease Yi Zhi asks.