Chapter 1199

"Nothing. Why are you so nervous? I didn't say anything. I just said what you did in those days. It was Li Shuai who was so kind to you that he made you reluctant to leave. "

Yi Zhi instantly angry, "what moved so reluctant to go, that bastard put me under house arrest in the palace, where do not let me go well." After the angry roar, when she saw Qiao Yuling's true expression, she was stunned, and her intestines were blue with regret.

Qiao Yuling laughed, "you see, it's still something. If there's really nothing, why doesn't Li Shuai put others under house arrest in the palace, but he put you under house arrest?"

Yi Zhi's words had already been said, and she felt much more comfortable. She looked at Qiao Yuling feebly and said, "there are other women around him..."

"Oh? No, there should be no other women around him. How can there be other women? " Qiao Yuling was surprised.

"What happened after you left, the daughter of an old minister, is now the queen of the kingdom of incense."

Qiao Yuling frowned, "queen? Why didn't it come out that Li Shuai got married? "

"He didn't want to pass it on, but the old minister's daughter was willing to go into the palace to accompany him. I heard that she was the queen. I didn't know the details. I was under house arrest every day, just like a pet in a cage. I didn't like that. What happened in the palace would never spread to me. He would come and sit with me every day, Everything else is on my own

"The people he arranged for me to wait on were very strict. They would chat with me and talk about some interesting things outside, but they never said anything about Li Shuai or the palace... I didn't want to live like that."

"Every day I think about how to get out, and even... How to kill him and let myself go."

Qiao Yuling felt the helplessness in Yi Zhi's tone, and her joking mind was gone. She reached out and held Yi Zhi's hand, feeling that her hand was cold. "How can your hand be so cold?"

"Just came back from the outside." Yi Zhi said.

Qiao Yuling turned a white eye without a word, "come back from outside, can the hand be so cool? It's summer, sister

"I don't know. It's like... It started when I was under house arrest." Yi Zhi herself also doubts.

"Put your hands down." When talking, Qiao Yuling let go of Yi Zhi's hand, and then took off his gloves, put the towel on Yi Zhi's wrist, carefully pulse her.

At first, Qiao Yuling's face was calm, but later, her face was not so good.

"I'll see the tongue coating."

Yi Zhi opened her mouth, Qiao Yuling took a look, took a silver needle from the dark place of her clothes, and said to Yi Zhi, "you can bear it."

Yi Zhi sees Qiao Yuling holding silver and is about to prick her tongue. She immediately closes her mouth and leaves her body a long way away. "What are you doing?"

"I'll show you." Qiao Yuling said it seriously. He didn't even smile.

Yi Zhi frowns, "my body has a problem?"

Qiao Yuling nodded, "the problem is not small."

"How can it be that I've always been in good health?" Yi Zhi didn't believe it, but after that, she thought about the performance of these days

"Do you think of something?"

Yi Zhi didn't speak. She put out her tongue. Qiao Yuling took a silver needle and stabbed it into Yi Zhi's tongue. Just a little, about ten centimeters deep, she took it out.

The silver needle, which was still in good condition just now, turned black in the moment when it was taken out. Qiao Yuling had been ready in his heart for a long time. It was OK.

But... Yi Zhi can't calm down, she points to the silver needle on Qiao Yuling's hand, "this... What does this mean?"

"You're poisoned." Qiao Yuling said.

"Damn, who poisoned me." Yi Zhi can't help but scold a, angry face all green.

"It should be a kind of chronic poison. According to the time... You should have been given a little bit of poison when you were in the incense Kingdom palace. The purpose is to let you die a little bit naturally, just like you are sick. Do you have night sweats when you sleep now?"

"Yes, sometimes it feels hot, sometimes it feels cold."

"That's right. It's a kind of chronic poison. Fortunately, you escaped. If you didn't escape... The next thing waiting for you is death."

Yi Zhi was so angry that her nose was almost smoking, "I'm in the fragrant Kingdom palace, where can't anyone, why do they want to poison me?"

"Don't forget, there is another woman in the incense Kingdom palace. You don't want to stay with Li Shuai, but he regards you as a treasure and goes to see you every day. But another woman, Li Shuai, doesn't want to see more. She is jealous." Qiao Yuling reminds, "but can't guarantee it's her."

Yi Zhi thought carefully for a while, and was silent for a moment. "I remember that once I got the chance to escape from the palace, but I met that woman on the way. I thought she would let people catch me back, but she didn't send people to catch me back, and she also covered my escape."

"I was very grateful to her, but I was stopped by Li Shuai just after I got to the palace gate. Li Shuai knew that she had covered me. He was very angry at that time."“ She was so scared that she knelt down at the gate of the palace and said that she didn't mean it. She just looked at me pitifully, so she wanted to help me. At that time, Li Shuai said a word to make her pitiful. Then Li Shuai took me away. Later, I asked people around her how she was, but none of them wanted to answer me. "“ Later I asked Li Shuai, and he told me that the woman was very good. In the end, I didn't think much about it. This time I was able to escape because Li Shuai was going to find a fight, and the palace guards were lax, so I escaped. "Hearing this, Qiao Yuling... Can roughly guess," when you escaped this time, was it in the day or at night? "“ During the day, I heard from the people below that some people delivered goods into the palace, all of which were cloth. When I asked about the time, I withdrew the people around me, and then escaped. I was waiting for the merchants. The merchants really came, so I followed them out of the palace without even checking. " Yi Zhi herself says again the thing that experience, she herself also doubted to get up... Out of the palace unexpectedly don't check“ It doesn't mean that the people around you are arranged by Li Shuai and won't let you know anything? How could they tell you that a businessman came into the palace to deliver things? "“ Then it must be her. " Yi Zhi said here is angry and helpless, "I really should thank her, if not for her secretly help me, I'm afraid... I go out."