Chapter 1103

Before going out this time, he put some of his things in Qiao Yuling's space. Qiao Yuling never went to search his things, so he took them out two days ago when Qiao Yuling didn't pay attention.

"Thank you. I like it very much." Qiao Yuling was very happy. Before, the empress also gave her a bracelet, which was very beautiful, but the meaning of the two was different, and she preferred the icy one.

"Just like it." Nangong Chenwei saw her satisfied smile and began to smile.

Qiao Yuling suddenly thought that today is new year's Eve, and it must be very busy outside, so he proposed: "let's go out tonight, it must be very busy outside."

"Yes, yes." Xiao Ba is also very happy. Every day he is on his way, and there is no other life. He finally stops and naturally wants to have a look.

"I know you're the happiest." Qiao Yuling looks back at Xiaoba helplessly, and then pulls Nangong Chenwei out. Xiaoying and others follow him.

It was almost dark when they went out, and the street was already full of joy. There were children's laughter, adults' New Year's greetings, and hawkers' shouts everywhere

Listening to these voices, Qiao Yuling felt very comfortable.

She's still holding Nangong Chenwei's hand with gloves. She stops in front of a snack stand every time. Then she's very tangled. The final result is... Buy one, and everything she can't eat belongs to Nangong Chenwei.

"Do you think we'll be like this in the future, two for one?"

"Naturally, because we're going to the white head."

"Yes, to the white head." Qiao Yuling nodded and threw away all the pressure in her heart. She was very happy with her smile.

Soon, snowflakes were floating in the sky, which added a sense of fantasy in this festive day. It was very beautiful. Qiao Yuling picked the gloves on one of his hands and reached out to catch the falling snowflakes

There is a lantern seller beside her. The red light shines on her face. Snowflakes fall one by one. She becomes the most beautiful scenery. Nangong Chenwei can't even move her eyes.

At this time, a figure came running from one end of the street and rushed over like flying. It seemed that he was running away and ran into Qiao Yuling directly. He didn't care to say sorry and ran away directly.

Nangong Chenwei subconsciously hugs Qiao Yuling for fear that she will fall.

Yingfeng and others are trying to stop the figure. They see that the figure is like a slippery fish and runs away directly from them. Several people are angry, but they don't want to worry about it. When Xiaoba, who is the last one to buy food, sees the man's face, he throws his things away and follows the figure quickly. He doesn't even have time to shout.

After Qiao Yuling is held by Nangong Chenwei, what she sees is Xiaoba's reaction. She says to YINGDIAN in a hurry: "go after it and see who it is."


Xiaoba, Xiaoying and YINGDIAN all follow. Yingfeng is the only one guarding Nangong Chenwei and Qiao Yuling.

If at ordinary times Nangong Chenwei must let Yingfeng also go up, but now Qiao Yuling can't leave people around, must keep people, in order to prevent accidents.

Soon a few people ran in the past, Qiao Yuling frowned tightly, did not know what had happened.

Next, she did not want to stroll, just strolling in the street, just want to see if a few small eight people have come back, the more snow, I do not know when the street people are less, slowly become a little lonely.

"It's cold. Go back." Nangong Chenwei said.

Qiao Yuling looked up and saw his head full of snow. At first glance, he looked like a white head. He was stunned and then laughed, "Nangong Chenwei, today we went to the white head together."

Nangong Chenwei understood and then laughed, "yes, white head."

Qiao Yuling lets Nangong Chenwei lead her, and they go back all the way. When they get to the yard, the eight little people haven't come back, and Qiao Yuling doesn't feel sleepy, so... They just sit under the lamp and read, while Yingfeng is guarding outside.

It was another two hours, and the little eight finally came back with a chill.

Qiao Yuling looked at Xiao Ba and asked, "who is it?"

Eight hesitated to look at all the people present, some embarrassed said: "I... I see that person is miss three, so I will hurry to chase."

"Yujia?" Qiao Yuling stood up from the chair in surprise, and the whole person couldn't control his excitement.

Xiaoba nodded, "yes, it's very similar to miss three, but she doesn't have scars on her face. I just want to catch up and make sure... Unfortunately... I didn't catch up." She said some lost, wasted so long time, unexpectedly still did not catch up with people.

Xiaoying is arranged by Nangong Chenwei after Qiao Yuling goes to the capital, so Xiaoying hasn't met Qiao Yujia. She just wants to help Xiaoba, but... The other party's skill is not bad, so she can't keep up.

Ying Dian actually met Qiao Yujia. Looking back at the other person's back, she whispered: "it seems to be really like miss three, but it's just her back. I'm not sure."

"As long as there's a glimmer of hope, you can't let it go. Tomorrow you'll gather some people to come here and start to check. No matter whether that person is Yujia or not, you should find someone first." Qiao Yuling decided on the spot.

Xiao Ba said: "my subordinates will send the news now and let all the people around come here."“ Yes With a little hope, Qiao Yuling felt that she had a few more shares in her sleep at night. Because of Qiao Yuling's body, Qiao Yuling and Nangong Chenwei sleep separately, either in one space, one outside, or in one bed, one couch. As soon as I wake up, Qiao Yuling's first thing is to ask Xiao Ba about the situation, but there is no news. People have been sent out to check. After breakfast in the morning, Qiao Yuling takes Nangong Chenwei to the street. She wants to walk around the street to see if she can find Qiao Yujia. It's a pity that they didn't see anyone in the morning, but they got a little bit of news. Last night's girl was he's family, and her pursuers were he's family, from Lecheng nearby“ "Miss of the he family?" "Xiaoba nodded," this matter has spread. It's said that the young lady of the he family is a legitimate son, but because her mother died when she was a child, she was sent to the countryside for foster care. She only took him back last year, or because now the wife's daughter doesn't want to marry the man who has been promised marriage. She took the young lady of the he family back to get married. "“ That young lady is a tough girl. If she doesn't want to marry, she will run away. " Listen to small eight words, Qiao Yuling feel some dog blood, but she still decided to go back to see, "people were caught back?"“ It's said that the he family has sent a lot of people, and they've caught them. Now they're on their way back to Lecheng. "“ Let's go and have a look. "