Chapter 1045

"The second time at the drugstore, Xiaosheng really went to get some medicine. Today, Xiaosheng just went shopping. He saw a girl from a distance. When he came near, he found that she was the girl. She was very beautiful. She was kind-hearted and gave the child something to eat just now, which was more beautiful."

If ordinary women were praised like this, they would have been floating, but Qiao Yuling... There were no waves in her heart and no changes on her face. She just nodded to the white faced scholar, "thank you for your kindness."

The white faced scholar looked at Qiao Yuling's smiling eyes and said, "I can meet you three times, which proves that you and I are predestined. Can you tell me your name?"

"Not very convenient." Qiao Yuling refused without thinking about it.

But the white faced scholar didn't seem to be angry at all. He said politely, "my last name is Bai, my first name is..."

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Bai? Come out and buy food? Go for a walk. It's rare to meet Mr. Bai. I invite him to dinner. " A man in his forties, wearing a royal dress, interrupted the white faced scholar's self introduction.

The white faced scholar seems to have a good temper. He is not angry when he is interrupted. Instead, he laughs at the humanitarian who interrupts him: "no, no, come out to buy something."

"It's rare to see Mr. Bai."

"No, sir. Please come back." The white faced scholar said.

The man saw that Bai Baisheng didn't really plan to go to dinner. He took another look at Qiao Yuling. He looked like he knew Bai Baisheng for a moment. He laughed vaguely at Bai Baisheng. "Since Mr. Bai has something to do today, another day... But I hope I can have Mr. Bai's wedding wine earlier."

"Thank you." The white faced scholar nodded politely. After the other party left, he wanted to talk to Qiao Yuling and found that... He was three meters away.

Qiao Yuling had some separation in her heart, because the old man's ambiguous eyes just now, how to see, what can she do with little white face.

"Fairy girl, fairy girl..." the white faced scholar chased after Qiao Yuling and followed her. It seemed that there was something very important.

Qiao Yuling speechless back, some impatient said: "small white face, can not follow me?"

"Little white face?" The white faced scholar was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "is the fairy girl talking about my white face?"

Qiao Yuling didn't answer. He said to himself, "my face is really white. Don't you like it?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yuling couldn't help laughing. It turns out that Xiao Bai Lian's explanation is like this.

"It's none of your business what I like." Qiao Yuling was not happy.

The white faced scholar is still smiling, "it has nothing to do with me. Could you tell me your name, fairy girl?"

Suddenly, Qiao Yuling looked at the white faced scholar and thought of a person... Monk Tang.

No matter what you say, he is very calm and not angry at all. What's more, he is very persistent about one thing. The white faced scholar looks like Tang Monk now.

"No comment." Qiao Yuling turned his eyes.

"If you don't want to tell me, I'll call you fairy." A white faced scholar entertains himself.

Qiao Yuling ignored and left directly.

After going back, the white faced scholar was forgotten by her and began to prepare the medicine. But in the afternoon... The palace sent someone to invite Qiao Yuling. He said that Qiao Yuling needed to go to the Palace Banquet in the evening. He was the father-in-law beside the king of Tiangou.

Qiao Yuling doesn't want to go, but he still needs to give his father-in-law face. After his father-in-law leaves, Yingfeng comes back and says that Nangong Chenwei also asks Qiao Yuling to clean up and go to the Palace Banquet in the evening, saying that there are many people who want to see Qiao Yuling.

Tiangou king invited, Nangong Chenwei also said, Qiao Yuling can only accept the fate of Huaiqing early prepared medicine, and then let Xiaoba stay to take care of, Xiaoying is brought into the palace by her.

Once again into the temple, the first time is in the daytime, and this time is at night, different scenery.

Looking at the magnificent palace during the day and some people at night, it would be more terrible if there were no lights, but the places with oil lamps were very beautiful.

All the way to the palace, he was directly taken to the palace of Queen Tiangou. Maybe king Tiangou gave an order early. Queen Tiangou liked Qiao Yuling very much.

Queen Tiangou is a little older than Xiao Liu, and she speaks very gently. Maybe it's because there is another imperial concubine in the palace who always presses the Queen's head, so the Queen's words always make Qiao Yuling feel low spirited.

After chatting for a while, the Palace Banquet was about to begin. Queen Tiangou took Qiao Yuling to the place where the Palace Banquet was held.

The purpose of this Palace Banquet is to welcome the people of the Northern Dynasty in Nanshan, so the place for the banquet is on an island in the center of GONGZHONG lake, so we need to go by boat.

When the queen and Qiao Yuling arrived at the lake, Princess Qi also came.

Seeing that a queen didn't even have the least courtesy, concubine Qi glanced faintly, "Oh, the national doctor is coming. Do you want to take the same boat with me?"

Qiao Yuling gently shook his head, "don't trouble your concubine."“ All right With the help of the palace people, Qi left. Qiao Yuling heard a low sigh from the queen around him, then forced out a smile and said to Qiao Yuling: "the national doctor is really sorry, let you laugh." Qiao Yuling shakes her head and doesn't say anything. Now it's not good for her to say anything, and it's the first time to meet her. She can understand that it's very uncomfortable for the queen to be pressed like this, but... She has been able to sit in the position of Tiangou queen for many years, and she hasn't been removed even though she is angry with Princess Qi, which proves that she has some ability. She doesn't judge a person because of his appearance. She took the same boat with Queen Tiangou to the center of the lake, where the minister and his family had been seated. When they saw the king, they all got up to salute. After seeing the salute, Qiao Yuling was taken to her place. She's a table for two. The other one is Nangong Chenwei's. Some ministers who have not met Qiao Yuling and their families all look at Qiao Yuling curiously. Some single childe brothers, or princes and grandsons, all look at Qiao Yuling with interest. One bold man even stood up, "queen, this is... Never seen." Queen Tiangou glanced at the person who stood up and was about to speak. First, Princess Qi opened her mouth in a strange way. "The little Marquis doesn't even know this one. That's a bit clumsy. The national doctor of Nanshan, such a beautiful woman, really needs to know him." When it comes to the national doctors in Nanshan, all the people who didn't know Qiao Yuling's identity looked at him, either envied her beauty, or looked at her with plain eyes, or looked at her curiously, or looked down upon other people.