Chapter 830

"Yes, we were together with them at the beginning. On the way, we met the people of the Shan family. We saved them. I wanted to have a good relationship with them. I stayed in Dawen city to inquire about my sister's whereabouts. Unexpectedly, there were too many things on the way. We found that we couldn't go together. We decided not to be with them because of sister Hua and bao'er."

"Oh, you are so easy to say, but you have provoked those people. I'm afraid they will retaliate against you. You have to be careful. No one is good at it."

"Yes, thank you."

"Well, I hope what my old lady said will be useful to you."

"It works."

Qiao Yuling is lying on the bed of the space, thinking back on what Mrs. Sun said to herself, she takes out the map and looks at it again. In fact, she is looking at the old lady's drawing, which has been deeply imprinted in her mind, but she just wants to take it out and have a look again. There is no reason.

Nangong Chenwei came forward and took the picture from Qiao Yuling's hand. He folded it gently and put it aside. "Don't look at it any more. It must have changed after so many years."

Qiao Yuling shook his head. "Even if there is a change, some important places will not change. Besides, the single family is not a good thing. This time we go to Dawen City, we really want to bring them all together."

"You can do whatever you want, and you can't prevent it."

Qiao Yuling sat upright on the bed and quietly looked at Nangong Chenwei and asked, "who are you in Xiang kingdom?"

"No one. I've already told you about the dark lines."

"How can it be done in one pot?"

Nangong Chenwei looked at her, "with you, naturally there is a way." After that, he added, "of course, I'll make sure you're safe."

Qiao Yuling laughed, and she fell back on the bed again. "I haven't thought about what to do next, but if there is such a terrible person, I will kill that person, and turn a child into a teenage girl in half a month..."

Even if she is a person for two generations, she has never seen such a person. She has never seen such a person in her previous life when technology was so advanced.

"I'll see it then, but there's an interesting thing about Xiang Wang."


"I don't know when to start, the queen of King Xiang must be from Dawen city."


When Qiao Yuling was surprised, Nangong Chenwei had told her in detail. There were all kinds of coincidences. The queen was from Dawen city.

"It's not the single family that's behind the scenes, is it? If they are so powerful, why don't they become the king of the incense kingdom? " This is what Qiao Yuling is most curious about.

Nangong Chenwei gently shakes his head, he doesn't know, "sleep, sleep, wake up, we continue to start."

As soon as Qiao Yuling closed her eyes, she frowned and said, "Xiaoba and Xiaoying have passed. I'm worried about the situation of Xiaoba and Xiaoying. They don't know what's going on behind Dawen city. If they do run into each other, it's not good."

Then she got up and wrote a letter quickly in front of the table on one side. Then she went to catch a carrier pigeon, flashed out of the space, watched the carrier pigeon leave, and went back to the space to sleep.

For several days, they were resting in the space during the day and speeding up at night. Qiao Yuling's arm was just a little misplaced. Nangong Chenwei didn't feel at ease and didn't need to raise it. However, after two more days' rest at Daniu's house, Nangong Chenwei let her go.

Starting on the road, both of them are not ambiguous, and they are riding horses out of space, so their speed on the road is even faster.

A few days later, she was on her way through the night. Qiao Yuling felt hot. She looked back at Nangong Chenwei, "how is it getting hotter and hotter? Is it coming soon?"

"Well, it is said that Dawen is the hottest city in the kingdom of incense." Nangong Chenwei said with a slight frown, "it's so hot at night now. I'm afraid it's getting closer to Dawen city."

When he finished, he looked back and saw that Qiao Yuling's face was full of sweat, and his hair was stained on his face. He felt a little distressed. "Let's go to rest now, and go on our way in the daytime tomorrow, to see if there is a town, and to see how the local people avoid the heat."

"Good." Qiao Yuling agreed that she was afraid of heat. Now she feels wandering on the edge of death every day. She really can't stand it. But every time she thinks that Yu Nan is still so young, she is sent to such a place. How can her little body stand it? Her heart cools down.

The next day, Qiao Yuling and Nangong Chenwei found a county on horseback. They took the horse away and walked in.

People in the kingdom of incense are not as conservative as those in Nanshan. The closer they are to the capital of the Kingdom, the more open the folk customs are. It may be too hot.

People here show their legs and arms. Some women even show their waists boldly. Qiao Yuling even has the illusion of going back to his previous life and traveling to the famous and popular cultural village with characteristics.

Nangong Chenwei's and Qiao Yuling's clothes are different here, but they are not without them. Some people are still very conservative and wear the same clothes as Qiao Yuling's.

But they are handsome men, beautiful women, and stand together, all the way attracted a lot of eyes. Qiao Yuling found a restaurant that looked relatively good. As soon as she went in, she felt comfortable and cool. When she looked carefully, she saw that there were many ice basins in it. There was a big fan beside the whole basin. The wind was cool and comfortable. However, she soon found a funny thing. All the ice pots and fans were put in different positions. She walked all the way to the second floor, only to find that it was a person standing there rotating a shaft, and then the fans on the second floor were moving. It's pretty good. She just fell in love with it at a glance. Finding a place to sit down silently, she looked at it, and immediately a second child came up and asked what they wanted to eat. Qiao Yuling asked the second child to look at some special features, enough for them to eat. Soon the special food was on the table. Qiao Yuling looked up at Xiao ER and asked curiously, "Xiao Er Ge, we're from other places. We need to go to Dawen city. I don't know if there's a rented carriage or something that we can take the place of."“ There are so many. It depends on what you need. " The younger brother was very enthusiastic and introduced Qiao Yuling one by one. There was a luxury carriage. After listening to it, Qiao Yuling knew that it was the one she bought for space, but the rent was quite expensive. Another one is medium-sized. It's spacious enough with ice inside. It's relatively comfortable to sit in. If the second brother has money, he will rent it. The other one is the simplest one, which is also a carriage, but it's just an ordinary carriage with ventilation on all sides and a top on it. This kind of carriage needs several people together. The groom may pull one here, stop at one place, and then pull another. Qiao Yuling understood after listening, which is not much different from the previous life of the bus.