Chapter 302

Half a month later, the Queen Mother's health is getting better day by day, and the Wang family's house has been built, but usually everyone still lives here, just because of the excitement.

Wang Mu Xu has no grandchildren in her life. She likes Qiao Jianzhi and Qiao Yuling very much. When she is well, she makes clothes for them. In short, she is not idle.

Life is very comfortable, this day also ushered in the first snow of this year.

Qin Xiaoyan is really happy when the snowflakes are floating. She is running and playing with Qiao Yujia on the farm. Qiao Yuling is also very happy when she looks at her back.

Since Nangong Chenwei left that year, the first snow every year, she would think of the day he left.

Looking back, she saw that he was standing half a step behind him, and her heart was full. These days, she was used to his existence, used to his kindness to herself, used to his hegemony, and occasionally talked to him.

They didn't mention the unhappiness of the engagement banquet, as if it hadn't happened. That night Qiao Yuling was seen by Nangong Chenwei when he entered the space, and they didn't mention it, so they had a very tacit understanding.

"It's snowing." She said softly.

Nangong Chenwei stood beside her and asked, "do you like snow very much?"

Qiao Yuling chuckled, "no, I like the feeling of being alive."

Nangong Chenwei came forward to pull her body over, facing him, this just serious said: "girl, what kind of age should do what kind of thing, don't always think too many things, so your happiness is gone."

"What should I do?" Qiao Yuling asked with a wink.

Nangong Chenwei turns to look at Qin Xiaoyan and Qiao Yujia who are running in the snow, "you should be like them."

Qiao Yuling looked back and laughed, which made her think of a sentence in her previous life. Real love is that you are making trouble and he is laughing.

This year's snow came quickly and quickly. It snowed all night. The next day, it was still falling. In the morning, Qiao Yuling got up from the warm quilt. First, he looked out and felt white.

Before going out, I heard Qin Xiaoyan's laughter outside, "ah, what a thick snow, it's still falling. It's really beautiful."

Qiao Yuling is also playing heart, quickly put on clothes to go out, air conditioning hit, let her first Leng for a while, this just shrunk neck to go out.

The snow is still falling, feet on the snow, issued a crunchy crisp sound.

Qiao Yujia, Qiao Yunan, Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu are all up.

Outside, Wang's father has been sweeping the snow with a broom. He wants to sweep a path first. Qiao Hu also goes to sweep the snow today. Even Nangong Chenwei, who is high above, is sweeping the snow with a broom just like his usual son-in-law.

Qiao Yuling was not surprised when she saw Qiao Hu, but she was really surprised when she saw Nangong Chenwei. She saw that he was holding a broom in a standard posture, and he was also sweeping seriously.

Suddenly a voice appeared behind her, "Hey, I didn't expect that your man really loves you. Look at the way you flatter your father-in-law. It's really dogleg."

"Poof." Qiao Yuling smiles unkindly, but she agrees with Qin Xiaoyan.

They had a fight for a while. The meal was ready. After eating in the room, Qin Xiaoyan wanted to make a snowman. Qiao Yujia and others also wanted to go. In the end, everyone went together, even Qiao Jianzhi.

There's no place to change, just in front of Qiao's house, which is quite large.

Because they just had eight people, big and small, and finally decided to compete in four groups. The bigger ones are Nangong Chenwei, Qiao Jianzhi, Qin Xiaoyan and Qiao Yuling.

The rest are Qiao Yujia, Qiao Yunan, Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu.

When it comes to grouping, the two eaters naturally rely on each other. Qin Xiaoyan and Qiao Yunan stand together without dividing.

Nangong Chenwei wants to work with Qiao Yuling, but he is opposed by everyone.

Finally, Xiao Liu follows Nangong Chenwei, and Qiao Yujia follows Qiao Jianzhi. They usually pretend to be mature and steady Xiao Wu and Qiao Yuling.

Four people divided into groups, then began to build a snowman, pile what can, but must be like.

When the snow was not enough, he took the tools to get them. As time went by, Xiao Liu came out and saw the children playing. He went to Da Liu's house with a smile.

Soon, Wang's father came out. He went to his good grandson Qiao Jianzhi for the first time. Then he went to see other people's books.

About an hour later, we finally finished.

Nangong Chenwei and xiaoliudui are a... Horse. It's a lifelike horse. It's no different from the real one. Even the hair on Nangong Chenwei's body is a little bit processed. If you dye it again, it's more like it.

Qiao Yuling and xiaowudui are... Dabai, which Qiao Yuling thinks is the simplest and the most warm. Dabai in previous life is loved by many people.

In the food group, Qin Xiaoyan and Qiao Yunan were very simple. The snowdrift on the spot was improved a little bit, and it turned into a plate of food with everything in it, such as beef jerky and cakes.

There is a big plate on the ground, which can eat all kinds of food. Qiao Yujia and Qiao Jianzhi, both in good health and keen on martial arts, are very similar to each other when they build a small doll to fight. Four groups, do all not bad, of course, to say the first, that is naturally the best Nangong Chenwei. Qiao Yuling also likes Nangong chenweidui's horse very much. She even said to herself, "if it's alive, it's too beautiful." One side of the Nangong Chenwei eyes bright, don't know what to think. When Xiao Liu heard someone praising the horses they piled up, he was very happy and looked up. One side of Qin Xiaoyan around Qiao Yuling pile of white, all kinds of look, very puzzled, "Yuling you pile this is what? A big doll? But this stomach is too big. It looks strange. " Qiao Yuling changed Dabai's story a little, and told it to the audience in a simple and easy way. However, the final result is that all the women present will like it“ I like it. I like this big white Qin Xiaoyan kept saying. Qiao Yuling curled his lips and said, "shouldn't you like eating? How can you like Dabai? I think eating is the most important thing. "“ How could it be? " Qin Xiaoyan did not admit it. Qiao Yujia burst out laughing, "sister Xiaoyan, it's not easy for you and four younger sisters to make such a large plate of food." Qin Xiaoyan immediately complacent said: "of course, this is the first time I and Yu Nan decided."