Chapter 196

"Why does Master say that?" Qiao Yuling asked.

Jiang Yichen himself laughed, "Shifu feels that you are more talented in business."

Qiao Yuling replied with a smile: "I prefer studying medicine to doing business."

"Shut up, how long have you been away from me? It's good to talk to me about learning medicine. " Jiang Yichen immediately stares at her and expresses his dissatisfaction that she hasn't studied recently.

Qiao Yuling scratched his head with embarrassment and said, "master, you're wrong about me. I'm really busy recently. I'll go there when I'm free."

"Do you have any free days? I've heard from boss Lin that you're going to open a shop in the county. How busy are you with this business? " Jiang Yichen said.

Lin Guangqing then came over from one side and said with a busy smile: "brother Jiang, you're joking. The shops of these two families are opposite. I treat Yuling as well as my niece. Naturally, I have to take care of both sides."

"That's really troublesome for brother Lin. Yuling, a little child, has been tossing out so many things. I'm really afraid of something wrong."

Yes, Jiang Yichen is very concerned about Qiao Yuling. These shops are not just open. What if they are smashed by others?

"Master, don't worry. They are all skilled. No one dares to make trouble, even if someone makes trouble." Qiao Yuling said naturally.

Some of these people were picked out of the house by her, and two of them were from the farm school. They asked to come by themselves. They were short of manpower, so she asked them to come.

However, she is very confident. With Xu Bozhong, she doesn't believe that someone will ruin her performance.

She is right. At least in Qingxian County, where Xu Bozhong's official title is located, no one dares to think ill of Qiao Yuling's shop.

On the day of the store's opening, the Qiao Hu family came over, but they couldn't help because they had already arranged it. Finally, they had to sit in the box, accompany Jiang Yichen and Lin Guangqing to have a meal, and then went home.

Qiao Yuling also went to the pharmacy the day after the store opened.

The hotpot restaurant is very nice, but Yisheng of Lin's restaurant is not affected at all. It can be said that he is very peaceful.

The shops in the county are also opening in full swing, because we have heard that there is a hot pot shop in the town for a long time. We are very curious, so when the shops in the County opened, the business was very hot.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Four months later.

From winter to spring, there is a green scene everywhere.

The farm has already begun to turn over the ground and build greenhouses. Everyone is very busy.

During the Chinese new year, Qiao Yuling didn't give you any money. He slaughtered two pigs on the farm and divided them according to the number of people. At the same time, he also got some vegetables in the greenhouse, which made everyone happy.

However, the people trained in the house and the owners of the hotpot shop she has opened now are all red envelopes. The amount is not small, and she has not been ungrateful in eating.

During the Spring Festival, Qiao Yuling and Qiao Hu went to visit the patriarch's house, the second elder's house and the Third Elder's house. They were all ready-made pork, and they didn't prepare anything special.

As for the old Qiao family

After the house was finished by the people sent by Qiao Yuling, Qiao Hai's daughter-in-law, Lu Shi, came back because Qiao Yuling asked the patriarch to give the Qiao family two mouthfuls of medicine.

The old couple recovered quickly, and there were several pills left in that small bottle of medicine.

Lu Shi saw that it was very good, so she secretly ate a result... The rash on her face was good, and she recovered to the past. She no longer had to wrap the cloth every day.

Wu came back before the Chinese New Year.

Because there is a local custom that a married daughter can no longer stay in her mother's home for the new year, so even if she doesn't want to come back, she can only come back.

However, her children did not come back, only Wu came back alone.

When Wu Shi saw that LV Shi's face was good, after all kinds of flattery, LV Shi told Wu Shi, Wu Shi also went to ask for medicine from Mr. Qiao, but Mr. Qiao didn't give it.

Because he knows the medicine is very good. He will use it when he wants to stay and save his life.

And his second son is gone. Wu's family is just an outsider to their family. It's better if she wants to go. Naturally, the medicine can't be given to her.

But Wu's is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She simply steals the medicine bottles when others are not prepared. She doesn't spit out the things when she takes them. Of course, it's good to take the medicine on her face.

Qiao Shui's daughter-in-law also came back before the Chinese New Year. Qiao Shui's body has been well for a long time, because of the medicine given by Qiao Yuling.

But now old Qiao's family are very honest, no one dare to think of to Qiao Yuling's home.

Qiao Xue, the youngest daughter of the old Qiao family, didn't come back. Instead, she stayed in her sister Qiao Yu's house for the new year. I heard that after Qiao Xue passed, Qiao Yu's life was particularly difficult.

As for the old Qiao family, Qiao Yuling only heard one or two sentences and didn't care. That day, Qiao Yuling and Qiao Yuyue were sitting in the yard with Xiao Liu, sewing small clothes. Because a few days ago, there were many things, so we didn't prepare any small clothes. Seeing that Xiao Liu was about to be born, everyone was busy. But... Qiao Yuling sewed the wound is no problem, but... Let her sew the clothes, that can be much more difficult, so she just sat silently, holding a book, watching carefully. Because she knew that her mother was pregnant with twins, she was very careful. A few months ago, she began to pester her. Her master taught her about women, especially giving birth, giving birth, baby care and so on. Now the book she read is about gynecology. Qiao Yuyue and Xiao Liu are both sewing with needles and thread in their hands. Qiao Yujia is thrust into the hands of Juan Juan, who is sent by Nangong Chenwei. Although Juan Juan is young, her skill is excellent. Qiao Yu Nan went to school by herself. The atmosphere is very warm. No one speaks, but it seems very harmonious. When Qiao Yuyue talks with Xiao Liu, Qiao Yuling occasionally inserts a sentence. At this time, a figure appeared at the door. Qiao Yuling found it at the first time. She turned her head and saw Qiao Hai standing at the door with an embarrassed face. She slowly put down the books. Qiao Yuyue and Xiao Liu also found out that they were both puzzled and did not speak for a while. Qiao Hai stood at the door and hesitated for a long time. At last, he didn't have the courage to go in, so he turned away“ Yuling, I'm afraid there's something wrong with your great uncle coming here? "“ I don't know. This man has already left. If something happens, he will come again. " Qiao Yuling said softly, and then continued to read the book.