Everyone was staring at him, and song Qingshu's mind quickly turned and denied: "I didn't ask him to come here." When such a thing happens, in the face of an angry sufferer, it can be said that whoever is involved in it will die. Naturally, he has to get rid of the relationship. Anyhow, naya'a is dead, and there is no proof of his death.

"It wasn't you. Why did Naya say it was you?" Tiemuzhen waved his hand. Two of naya'a's entourage were tied and pushed over. Seeing him, they exclaimed: "it was he who came to our general yesterday morning, and then the general took us to Bayin restaurant for his appointment."

Looking at Tiemuzhen's cold eyes, song Qingshu replied: "I did go to naya'a yesterday morning, but I just discussed with him about the stock issue mentioned before, and didn't say anything else."

"Dry stock, what dry stock?" Tiemuzhen asked with a frown.

Song Qingshu pretended to be hesitant. After a while, he hesitated and explained: "naya'a promised to take me to do some business with Hu merchants before..."

Tiemuzhen understood as soon as he heard that such things are common in the high-level of Mongolia.

"I just went to him to discuss it, but I didn't ask him out," Song Qingshu said to naya'a's two followers. "Did you hear me ask him out?"

"That's not true." The two men looked at each other and thought that as soon as naya'a came here, he would arrange them outside. Now it seems that they may have gone to a tryst.

Song Qingshu continued: "if you don't believe me, you can ask the boss of the restaurant if I have an appointment here."

Tiemuzhen has a look in his eyes. Someone has already pressed the boss of the hotel. The boss has confirmed his statement.

Seeing that the doubts in Tiemuzhen's eyes gradually disappear, song Qingshu is about to breathe a sigh of relief when a voice comes from the side: "since this matter has nothing to do with you, why do you know in advance that naya'a has an accident here?"

It's Li Chimei who asked questions. Obviously, he has been quite suspicious of the sudden appearance of Shuiyue.

"I also happened to pass by here in the morning. I heard someone talking about naya'a's accident. I wanted to go in and help, but I found that all the guards were Khan's, so I didn't dare to go again. I wanted to ask you to help me." Song Qingshu was also a little nervous. In a hurry, it was hard for him to think of Wanquan's excuse, leaving some flaws.

Li Chimei frowned and said nothing. Naya'a's entourage in the lobby was captured. It's not difficult to judge that he had an accident, but why do you think the whole thing is so wrong.

"You want to save Naya. Do you have a good relationship with him?" Tiemuzhen suddenly asked coldly, in a calm tone, there was a murderous chance.

Song Qingshu hastily explained: "it's not very good, but if he died, he promised that my shares would not be fulfilled, so I wanted to see if I could save him. If I knew what he had done in the morning, I would never have the idea of helping each other."

Tiemuzhen snorted coldly. It was obvious that it hurt his heart deeply.

Song Qingshu worried that these people kept questioning him, and he would lose if he kept guarding for a long time, so he took the initiative to divert their attention: "in fact, I think Khan can find out why queen Hulan appeared here, whether she came here on her own initiative or was lured here."

As the saying goes, dead friends never die, poor friends, lost in the sea, this guy almost ruined me, but also to find some trouble for her.

Tiemuzhen's pupil shrinks, and his eagle like eyes are extremely sharp: "are you teaching me how to do things?"

Song Qingshu made an apology: "dare not."

At this time, a soldier came to inform Guo Jing and his party that they ran to the north of the city and suddenly disappeared, asking Li Chimei to give instructions.

Tiemuzhen said, "did you find Guo Jing and them?"

Li Chimei reported: "yes, in the morning, they disguised themselves as Hushang and wanted to go out of the city..." and then she said briefly what happened at the gate of the city.

"How could they have an order to leave the city?" Tiemuzhen was quite surprised, and his tone became colder. "It seems that someone in the senior management is helping them. This matter must be thoroughly investigated!"

"Yes Li Chimei's voice is particularly enchanting. "In addition, there are many houses of high officials and dignitaries in the north of the city. I'm afraid it's difficult to search them."

Tiemuzhen was in a bad mood at this time. He directly ordered: "search door to door, even the palace is no exception. Who dares to fight and kill!"

With his assurance, it would be much more convenient for Li Chi Mei to do things.

Tiemuzhen is about to return to the palace after arranging these things. Obviously, he still has to deal with the affairs in the back palace. When he leaves, his voice is calm, but the order is chilling: "all the people in this inn are killed."

Song Qingshu frowned. This guy is really cruel. So many people killed him without trial. Most of them didn't want to spread the story about naya'a and Hulan queen.

Listening to the screams around him, although he was a little impatient, he didn't get ahead. Although he was kind, he didn't go to that kind of field, and he couldn't save so many people.

As he was pondering, he heard Li Chimei's words: "don't watch here. Go with me to search Guo Jing."

Li Chi Mei's face was calm. It was obvious that he had experienced so many things that he didn't take them seriously.

"With pleasure." Song Qingshu is worried that Guo Jing and others will have a chance to join the search team, so it will be convenient.

When two people rush to the north of the city, Li Chi Mei suddenly says: "is the big family in the north of the city?"

"Yes, you have been there before." Song Qingshu's heart thumped for a moment, pretending to be calm and replied, "why did you suddenly ask this?"

Li Chi said with a smile, "just ask."

Song Qingshu is silent. He already feels that the other party is suspicious of him.

When they got to the north of the city, a lot of soldiers and experts were already searching door-to-door. Song Qingshu noticed that there were several old acquaintances among them, including the king of the golden wheel and Yin Kexi, xiaoxiangzi, as well as the King Kong sect leader and xuanming elder.

"Why are they here?" Song Qingshu thought, did they change their family again?

Li Chi Mei replied: "the fourth Prince has been thinking behind closed doors recently. The people in Zhaoxian hall are also idle, so they are sent out to help me. I think the fourth prince wants to do his best to calm down the anger of Khan as soon as possible."

Song Qingshu nodded, it should be the taste of thinking over the wall is not good, Kublai Khan wanted to lift the foot ban as soon as possible.

Looking at their busy look, he took the opportunity to say: "I also help to search it."

Finish saying to make a gesture to want to go, but was stopped by Li Chi Mei, said with a smile: "don't worry, don't worry, you are with me, sit in the atrium."

Song Qingshu's heart sank. It's obvious that today's time to block the way to save Guo Jing is too opportune. There's also the matter of naya'a. his own explanation just now didn't dispel his doubts.

"I haven't chatted with anyone for a long time. Are you interested in chatting with me?" Li Chimei has a soft voice, a smile on her face and fair skin, which is more beautiful than many women.

But song Qingshu's iron and steel straight man felt a chill. Of course, he didn't offend him at all: "it's my honor to chat with Mr. Li."

Li Chi Mei "charming" smile, voice more than a trace of secluded meaning: "before in Khan's tent with the palace as minister, although we are not a few friends of life and death, but look up and don't see, how can also be regarded as friends, but in recent months, the first is the red sun fa - Wang Heng died, who is the murderer up to now has not been found out; Then borhu and chilaowen died one after another in Tieyan, and uchen also died in Gaochang labyrinth; Old man Wusun was also killed by Khan. "

Song Qingshu was surprised: "Wu sun, he is dead?" You should know that his mental strength has its own uniqueness. He is a rare master. I haven't heard much about him since I came back last time, but he died?

Li Chi Mei said with some regret: "Wusun is a talented person, and I am afraid of his spiritual method. But he is too good. Originally, only good color was enough, but he didn't know how to deal with it. Before, he was injured due to bad color in the desert and didn't give early warning, so the whole army was destroyed. Later, he bit Princess Huazheng, He even helped match princess Huazheng with Guo Jing without the help of Khan. Hehe, if he hadn't sealed Guo Jing's memory, how could it be such an uncontrollable situation now? "

In Song Qingshu's silence, Huazheng is Tiemuzhen's favorite daughter. If Guo Jing was the emperor's son-in-law of Jindao in the past, it would be all right. But he has betrayed Mongolia for a long time. Now Tiemuzhen really wants to get his daughter to marry with uchen and completely bind the relationship between the golden family and Hongjila tribe. As a result, this incident has not been brought together, but has caused irreparable cracks between the two sides, How can he not be angry when the foundation of his rule is unstable?

Li Chimei continued: "nachen died two days ago, hosar died, and today Naya also died. There are only BASBA and me, and you left in our circle."

Song Qingshu said with a bitter smile: "thank you for your high opinion, but your status is respected. I dare not compare with you."

"You don't have to be modest, either." Li Chi smiles, "I thought of these before, but today I suddenly noticed a detail."

"What details?" Song Qingshu asked.

Li Chimei looked at him with two eyes straight, and said slowly, "all these people's deaths have one thing in common, which is more or less related to you."