At this time, xuliewu's team also found something wrong. Hongyanhua looked at the distance and said anxiously to xuliewu: "Lord, there seem to be some suspicious figures around these two days, most of which are against our intentions."

Although she is a husband and wife, the two of them have been playing separately for a long time. Her husband Liu Yaozhi died quietly in the hands of the old man in the mountain. She doesn't know who the killer is. After a short period of sadness, she has recovered.

One side of mietian said with a smile: "it's too much to worry about flower Dharma protection. Now who dares to fight against our Lord on the grassland?" Now, eight of the ten evil spirits in the magic palace, Jinmu shuihuotu and riyuexing, are all folded in the Xingqing mansion. They were either killed by Fu Cailin of Korea, or injured by mysterious people when they were dealing with Mrs. Zhen of hualazimoo. Only the eldest two, mietian and Jedi, are left. However, their martial arts are far better than the other eight. In time, they can train another eight evil spirits.

Now he returns to the grassland and leaves the nightmare of Xingqing mansion. Naturally, he is in a better mood.

The nearby Jedi and others laughed in agreement, and obviously did not think that anyone dared to pull out his teeth.

But Xu liewu frowned slightly: "don't be careless. Why hasn't the scouts sent before come back?" After all, he is a famous general on the battlefield. His sense of smell made him aware of some crisis. He immediately sent several bodyguards to all directions to investigate again.

However, the bodyguards just rode not far away, suddenly shot a few feather arrows, and several people fell in response.

"Enemy attack A Mongolian warrior screamed desperately, and a group of warriors gathered in front of Xu liewu. Hua Jieyu and mietian Jedi guarded him on both sides. As for the old man in the mountain with his men, there was a little distance from him. It was obvious that Xu liewu didn't trust him, and he didn't get close to each other at such a sensitive time.

"What are you doing around me? Go up and fight!" At this time, Xu liewu saw clearly that there was a group of horse thieves nearby. He saw that there were nearly 200 people. Although there were a lot of them, they were all experienced knights on his side. They were not afraid of these horse thieves.

Xu liewu's subordinates had long ago outflanked the brigands with their neckties on their flanks. They galloped and killed the enemy by riding and shooting at the same time. Song Qingshu in the distance was awe inspiring. No wonder Mongolia has been dominating the world for so many years, and its combat effectiveness and organizational efficiency are far superior to those of ordinary countries.

However, the brigands were not willing to lag behind. They drew bows and arrows one after another, and rode and shot each other. Moreover, they also crossed the xuliewu camp with extremely clever formation.

"Lord, these are not ordinary horse thieves." Mietian said to Xu liewu in a hurry.

Xu liewu nodded. Although all the tribes on the grassland basically have the skill of riding and shooting, only the most elite troops can show such rigorous tactics. What's the origin of these people.

"Huo Shan, help them." Xu liewu ordered.

The old man in the mountain's pupil shrinks. The assassins are good at assassinating, but they are not good at frontal impact. Xu liewu's order makes it clear that both his people and the brigands are defeated.

But people had to bow under the eaves, he quickly lowered his head to hide the true emotion: "yes!"

So he rushed to the battlefield with Wang Baoshu under his command. After all, he was a super master who only stepped into the great master. Even if he was no longer good at head-on fighting, his force could still play a decisive role in such a small-scale battle.

The formation of the brigands gradually loosened and could no longer withstand the repeated attacks of Xu liewu's men. With a cry, the leader quickly gathered up his men and fled to the north.

"It's a remnant of Tatar." They recognized each other's accent, which was the language of Tatar.

Tatar tribe used to be the most powerful tribe in Mongolian grassland, but later Tiemuzhen rose up. After more than ten years of fighting, it finally took its place. Now even Tiemuzhen's young wife, empress Zhenren, was robbed from Tatar tribe.

Because Tiemuzhen once issued an order to the Tatar tribe - "kill all those who are higher than the wheel", the Tatar tribe's people were nearly extinct, and a few of the remnant tribes hid in the deep mountains and forests, which can be said to have a deep blood feud with the Mongols.

"How can Tatar still maintain such fighting capacity." Xu liewu's brow is locked. We should know that in recent years, Mongolia has launched large-scale cleansing of Tatar tribe from time to time. It is almost impossible for Tatar tribe to find adult men. How can it gather such a powerful team?

"Huo Shan, take them all back. I want to know who is behind the scenes!" Xu liewu ordered.

The old man nodded and led his cavalry to chase each other.

"Who is going to do it to me? Who has the strength? " Xu liewu thought hard, and went through all the possible enemies in his mind. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, and his face changed greatly. "Come back, let them all come back."

But the old man in the mountain with two teams of cavalry has run out of shadow, which can catch up with, just at this time, a black line suddenly appeared in the west, Xu liewu's heart instantly cold, long experienced battlefield he doesn't know what the black line means.

A squadron of at least 300 cavalry charged this way!

"Take care of the Lord!" Mietian Jedi's face also changed greatly. He quickly ordered his men to protect Xu liewu. Now there are only dozens of horsemen left. How can he resist the impact of the other side's 300 cavalry?

"Can't run, spread out on both sides!" Xu liewu is still calm. If he is not injured, he can still escape on horseback and shoot back to stop the pursuit.

Of course, it's not wise to stay in place to deal with the other side's impact. The other side's momentum has become stronger, and it's faster to stay in place. So although he's not in a panic, he can support for a while, and when his main force comes back, he can turn defeat into victory.

Song Qingshu nodded in the distance. No wonder Xu liewu was called the second whip of God by the West. He really had a way of commanding the army.

However, no matter how skillful the art of conducting is, it is still of little significance in the face of the absolute disparity between the strong and the weak. The two sides soon met each other. Because of the inferior number of people, Xu liewu's bodyguards fell one by one.

Xu liewu's face was gloomy. All the soldiers who could serve as his bodyguard were the best in the army. Even if they were inferior in number, they should not die so quickly. It was obvious that the cavalry opposite him was also the best of the elite.

Before long, there were few bodyguards around him. If not for mietian Jedi and huajieyu, he would have died on the spot.

But there was no lack of experts in the enemy's army, and soon mietian Jedi and Hua Jieyu were all decorated.

Seeing that Xu liewu couldn't support himself, song Qingshu was about to move, but suddenly he frowned slightly and looked in another direction.