"Girl, are you ungrateful?" Song Qingshu looked at the dagger on his neck. It flashed with a cold light. He could see that it was a precious knife to cut iron like mud. If it was used to cut people's neck, it would be broken without sound.

"Ungrateful?" The girl was so angry that she could not speak for a moment.

"Isn't it?" Song Qingshu zhengse said, "those people are obviously chasing you. I was coerced by you. I didn't blame you. Instead, I used good for bad to try to cover up for you. Finally, I succeeded in cheating them out. Shouldn't you thank me?"

"I thank you?" The girl was a little annoyed. "Those people are not my opponents at all. Do I want you to save them?"

"It's strange," Song Qingshu doubted. "Since they are not your opponents, why do you want to hide? Why do you hide in a strange man's bed?"

"I..." the girl wanted to say that it's easy to kill these pursuers, but killing these people will completely expose her whereabouts and lead to more powerful enemies at that time. So it's better to hide first. These people are not sure whether they are really in this direction, and they are eager to take credit, so they won't inform other companions. But on second thought, it's not convenient to tell an outsider about these secrets.

See her language, song Qingshu said: "no words?" As she said this, she gently touched her hair on her dagger and suddenly it broke into two pieces. She couldn't help but added: "your knife is really blowing hair and breaking hair. Can you take it away first, or I'm afraid that if you accidentally shake your hand, I'll suffer."

Seeing the worried look on his face, the girl finally felt better: "do you know how to be afraid? I thought you were born bold. "

Song Qingshu said with a smile, "I'm really brave."

The girl took back the dagger and came out of the quilt: "forget it, although I don't want to admit it, what you just said can save me. I can't do the thing of revenge."

It's song Qingshu's turn to be surprised: "do you forgive me like this?"

Girl while finishing some messy dress, while hate to stare at him: "how, want me to give you a knife?"

Song Qingshu shook his head, a smile appeared on his face: "although the girl's mouth is a little vicious, but her heart is rare kindness."

The girl seemed to be moved by his words. She could not help sighing: "what's the use of kindness in this world? The butchers are the winners in the end."

Song Qingshu zhengse said: "heaven and earth are inhumane and regard all things as cudgels. Therefore, good or evil is not directly related to the final victory. What we can do is to live up to our hearts."

The girl gave him an unexpected look: "I didn't expect that you were quite knowledgeable."

Song Qingshu smiles: "it's just in the Tao Te Ching that I dare not ask for credit."

The girl shook her head: "there are few people who can really understand this sentence. You are not like ordinary people."

Song Qingshu said haughtily, "I'm not an ordinary person. Yushu Linfeng is handsome and unrestrained. He's a man of style and martial arts. Let Huakui take the initiative to throw himself in his arms..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" The girl had a black thread. Thinking of what he said in front of those killers, her face was a little ugly. "What did you just do to me?"

Song Qingshu shrugged: "I didn't do anything. I just touched a few. I don't know where to touch. If I touch something I shouldn't touch, I hope you don't take it too seriously because I want to save you."

The girl almost fainted, thinking about what it means to touch something that shouldn't be touched. Is there anything else I should touch?

Soon she reflected what she wanted to ask, but then she became hesitant: "I'm not asking you this, I'm asking you... Why do I have such a reaction?"

Song Qingshu raised his hand: "I'm Kato hawk's hand, otherwise why do you think you can make Huakui paste upside down?"

"Dirty!" Hearing this answer, the girl quickly jumped out of bed to draw a clear line with him. She just fell to the ground, but her legs were weak. If it wasn't for her excellent martial arts, she almost fell to the ground.

Song Qing Shuxin thinks that I'm merciful enough. I just input a point of joy, and then I'll take it back soon. Otherwise, a little girl's family won't be able to move.

The girl didn't know why. She felt quite inexplicable and embarrassed about her body reaction. She didn't want to stay here any more, so she decided to leave directly. When she got to the window, she suddenly stopped: "what's your name?"

Song Qingshu did not answer, but asked: "what's the name of the girl?"

Girl show eyebrow micro Cu: "my name you had better not know, otherwise there will be danger."

Song Qingshu replied with a deep face: "my name, girl, you'd better not know, because there are too many women who fall in love with me. I don't want any more girls to fall in love with me."

"He's really an arrogant idiot." The girl snorted. She was too lazy to talk any more. She jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

Song Qingshu sighed: why is it that no one believes the truth in this world?

A few years ago, when he met a girl with such a beautiful appearance - although her face was covered by the veil, the color between her eyebrows was beautiful enough - and her figure and personality were all the best choice, he had no reason not to be interested in it. But now he's just flirting. If there's any development, he doesn't have the leisure.

After a little disturbance this evening, song Qingshu had a smooth journey. No more accidents happened. He arrived in the state of Jin soon. After all, the state of Jin was the closest to Xixia, so he naturally chose it first.

Without any hesitation, she subconsciously went to the Marshal's mansion to find Gebi. From the aspect of appearance, it is difficult to distinguish between daiqis and Gebi, who were the first beauties in the Wulin in the past and the first beauties in the kingdom of Jin. Of course, the exotic Daisy is more sexy and gorgeous to some extent, but although men sometimes like some enchanting and sexy style, more often they prefer the gentle and beautiful Gebi, because she can bring people a sense of home, which is hard to be replaced.

Because he wanted to know what her life was like, song Qingshu didn't ask anyone to inform her. Instead, he went directly to the study. Based on his understanding of Tang Kuo's house, Ge Bi now disguised herself as Tang Kuo Bian, so when she was at home, she was mostly in the study.

As soon as I got to the study, I heard Wan Yanping's anxious voice: "sister, you are in good health now. Don't worry too much."

"Nothing. I can still support it," said Gebi in a gentle voice, and then sighed again. "I just don't know how long I can last. I guess you can only pretend to be your brother-in-law instead of me in the future."

Song Qingshu's heart is shocked. It's only two or three months since I saw her. Does Gebi suffer from any incurable disease?