After returning to the house, song Qingshu didn't go in through the main door. He still sneaked into the house like a thief. Because he was worried about Chen Yuanyuan's safety, he arranged her in the next room. Then he told the servant girls to prepare toiletries and put them in the door of her room. He didn't meet Chen Yuanyuan from beginning to end.

This is mainly because Chen Yuanyuan's identity is too sensitive. He is not only the beauty in the heart of the world, but also the servant girl he brought out of the palace secretly. All the servant girls in this house are prepared for him by the imperial court. There must be spies from various forces inside. If someone knows that Chen Yuanyuan is here, it will be a big trouble.

Song Qingshu has made a plan, and decides to go out tomorrow to find some trustworthy servant girls to replace the original servants. But now it's late, and it's not convenient for him to stay in Chen Yuanyuan's room, so he let her have a rest early.

"Ah..." facing the back of song Qingshu, Chen Yuanyuan wanted to say nothing.

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "I'm next door. If anything happens, I'll come to protect you immediately, so madam doesn't have to worry about danger. Go to bed early."

"Thank you, young master." Chen Yuanyuan's face is slightly red. In fact, what she wants to say is that she hasn't eaten anything since she saw song Qingshu. Now she is hungry.

But after all, women pay more attention to their own image. They always feel that it's indecent to ask for food from a man. After a moment's hesitation, she still doesn't say it. She thinks that Li Yuanzhi hasn't eaten either. When she's hungry, they will naturally think that they are still hungry next door.

When song Qingshu returned to his room, Li Yuanzhi jumped into his arms.

After a while, song Qingshu asked, "sister Yuanzhi, when are you going to leave for Yangzhou?"

Li Yuanzhi small mouth son a pie: "how, so quickly want to drive me away, afraid I bad you and Yuanyuan Sister good thing?"

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while: "I don't mean that. I just want to know ahead of time, arrange the time more reasonably, and don't make jokes like that. If people hear it, they won't know how embarrassed it is."

"I've been in love so soon?" Li Yuanzhi laughed, "I'm joking with you. I'm going to start early tomorrow morning."

"So early?" Song Qingshu asked in surprise.

Li Yuanzhi gradually put away her smile: "I've been out for a long time. If I don't go back to visit my parents, it's unfilial. I couldn't help it in the palace before. Now that I'm out, I have to go back as soon as possible, otherwise I'll have a bad conscience; In addition, my father... After being defeated by you, the gap between the front and the back is too big. I'm afraid it's difficult for him to turn around. I also need to open him up. "

"In that case, I can't stop you," Song Qingshu nodded, "but I can't see you off because I haven't finished my work. Golden Snake camp has a branch here, but there's no expert. I'm worried about your safety along the way."

Li Yuanzhi Chin a Yang, confidently said: "don't worry, brother song, these years I go south and North, a person is not also alive?"

Seeing her complacent appearance, song Qingshu fondly pinched her nose: "today is different from the past. You used to have no enemies, but now you are my woman. What if my enemies can't deal with me

"It has to be prevented." Li Yuanzhi, as the daughter of one of the princes, naturally knows that he is not aimless. When she thinks of the enemy threatening song Qingshu with him, she turns pale. However, when she hears her lover saying that she is his woman, she is soon replaced by a piece of sweetness in her heart.

Song Qingshu then said: "I pass you a set of light body skills, so that you can protect yourself when you are in danger."

"Wow ~" Li Yuanzhi's eyes brightened, thinking that she was also a martial arts girl. In order to let her Master Lu feiqing teach her martial arts, she spent a lot of time.

"Do you know the position of the book of changes?" Song Qingshu asked. Among his lightness skills, Lingbo micro step is the most suitable for women to practice. It also has an adverse effect of dodge, which is very useful when facing experts.

"Roughly." Li Yuanzhi is the daughter of the governor's family, and her Master Lu feiqing is also a member of Wudang sect. Whether it's military education or Taoist tradition, she will be involved in some things of the book of changes. In addition, she is also smart, so she printed those things in her mind when she was very young.

"That's twice the result with half the effort," Song Qingshu was overjoyed. "I'll teach you the pithy formula while demonstrating. You should watch it carefully."

Song Qingshu demonstrated it in front of her several times, and Li Yuanzhi almost remembered it. However, when she actually started to walk, she always fell inexplicably after a few steps, which obviously ended in failure.

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu practiced martial arts like an external plug-in. He never practiced martial arts step by step. Naturally, he didn't quite understand what problems li Yuanzhi encountered. At the beginning, he thought she was not qualified enough, so he had to patiently talk about it several times. Unfortunately, Li Yuanzhi still encountered the same problems.

"I don't know. I clearly remember those steps, but after a few steps, I feel tired and nauseous. I can't go on the next step." Li Yuanzhi pouted and said that she felt a little humiliated when she hit the wall several times.

Song Qingshu put his hand on her pulse. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind and found the reason: "I understand that Lingbo's micro step is a very advanced martial art, and the practitioner must have a deep internal skill. Every step is closely related to internal power. It's not just a step. If a person without internal power takes a slight step to walk, it will cause danger of self destruction and meridians. "

"Ah?" Li Yuanzhi's pretty face turned white slightly. She was glad that she didn't try to be brave just now. Otherwise, if she was paralyzed, it would be better to die.

"I was going to pass another internal skill to you. In that case, let's learn it first and improve your internal power." After all, in this world of martial arts, internal power is the foundation of everything. Only when internal power is higher, other abilities can advance by leaps and bounds.

"What internal skill?" Li Yuanzhi asked curiously that she had learned some inner mental skills of Wudang school from Lu feiqing before, but because Lu feiqing's position in Wudang school was not very high, she naturally could not learn the top pure Yang Wuji skill and Wudang Jiuyang skill of Wudang school.

Song Qingshu took out a pamphlet, which was painted with all kinds of human body outline, and there were some red lines inside the human body: "this book is called" the maharata state wants to break the line of samadhi to achieve the divine foot Sutra ", which was passed down from the maharata state in Tianzhu. It is a magical skill." At the beginning, I met ah Zi you Tanzhi, and seized the Sanskrit version of Yi Jin Jing from Shaolin Temple, then

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanzhi shook her head and said, "the devil, the earth, the broken foot, whose name is so bad, or Tianzhu's Kung Fu, I don't want to learn. Brother song, you can teach me more powerful Central Plains Kung Fu."

"The nine Yin manual" is also called "God's foot scriptures". Er, though the name is hard to hear, it is really very powerful. It is the most profound internal strength of Tianzhu, and it is in the position of Tianzhu, similar to the muscle bone strengthening exercise of the Central Plains and the nine Yin classics. Although the nine Yin manual muscle bone strengthening exercise and the nine Yin classics are also in the hands of Song Qing, the muscle bone strengthening exercise is Sanskrit, and has not been able to translate. "Nine Yin classics" is too deep and obscure. Even the top master such as Wu Wu and Guo Jing has been practicing for decades.

Li Yuanzhi's martial arts are far from perfect. It's too slow for him to practice. If he learns Zhou Zhiruo's quick method, his foundation is not stable, so he is easy to be possessed.

As for the other "Huanxi Zhenqi" and "shenzhao Jing" are not suitable for women's cultivation, "not old Changchun Gong" has the same high threshold, and "star sucking big. Fa" has too many disadvantages. After thinking about it, the most suitable one for Li Yuanzhi is "Shenzu Jing".

Song Qingshu continued to explain: "this internal skill is very suitable for people who have no basic knowledge to practice. It develops very fast, and the internal skill is amazing..." he didn't tell a lie. You should know that in the original work, you have a mediocre aptitude. After practicing this Kung Fu halfway, the internal power produced by you actually suppresses Xiao Feng's internal power, Although there is no lack of ice silkworm's contribution, but "shenzujing" is the fundamental.

"Well, since brother song says so, there must be no problem. Tell me how to practice." Li Yuanzhi looked at him excitedly.

"Practice according to the postures of these villains. The red lines represent the route of qi movement." Song Qingshu handed her a small volume containing the book of divine feet, which was originally printed from the Sanskrit version of Yijinjing.

Li Yuanzhi couldn't wait to take the pamphlet and practiced it according to the posture painted on it. After a while, she couldn't help looking strange: "brother song, is the founder of this Kung Fu a thief?"

Song Qingshu was confused: "of course not. They are eminent monks. How can you ask like this?"

Li Yuanzhi's face turned red, and said, "the posture of cultivating... Is too shameful."

Song Qingshu has been guiding her to run the route of Zhenqi just now. After hearing her words, he just noticed her posture at this time, and the nosebleed almost gushed out.

It turned out that at this time, Li Yuanzhi stood on one leg, leaning forward slightly, her small chest curve was very obvious, and her other foot was raised high behind her head.

At this time, her posture shows the girl's soft beauty incisively and vividly, and shows her good figure of protruding forward and backward. Of course, it's nothing in the previous life, but it's really shocking in this feudal and conservative era.

"This is Tianzhu's unique yoga technique. Although these postures are... Strange, they can not only strengthen the practitioner's knowledge of the sea, but also greatly expand the practitioner's flexibility. Women can keep their youth when they practice." Song Qingshu swallowed his saliva and explained it hoarsely.

"Really? Then I'll practice hard! " As soon as Li Yuanzhi's eyes brighten, she completely ignores other effects, but is interested in the last sentence that can keep her youth. After all, no woman does not love beauty.

Looking at Li Yuanzhi's posture, song Qingshu only feels that his belly is burning more and more fiercely.

Finally, when she put her hands on the ground, one foot on the ground, and the other up in a straight horse posture, song Qingshu couldn't help but jump on it.

"Brother song, people are still practicing martial arts ~" Li Yuanzhi's face was red and attractive because of the sweat on her skin.

"You keep practicing, and I'll play mine." Song Qingshu only felt that his body was getting more and more swollen, and he could not help leaning behind the girl.

At this time, Chen Yuanyuan on the other side waited for a long time, but the expected situation did not appear. After all, she could not help feeling hungry. She got up to go to the next room and decided to find something to eat even if she was ashamed.