After listening to Xie Yufei's introduction, he Li smiles and greets Yin Xinxin and Qin Xiaoduan one by one.

Xie Yufei's husband he Li is an ordinary looking middle-aged man. Standing next to Xie Yufei, who is 1.68 meters tall, he Li has no advantage at all. However, Yin Xinxin can see that he Li is very kind to Xie Yufei. He Li carries Xie Yufei's handbags in his hand. A man carrying a lady's handbag looks funny, But he Li didn't care at all. His eyes full of love never left Xie Yufei.

Yin Xinxin heard Xie Yufei mention that he Li had chased her for more than three years. Xie Yufei didn't remember how many times he had rejected him. But he Li never thought about giving up. He chased after being rejected and refused to chase again. In the words of He Li, he liked Xie Yufei and only married Xie Yufei in his life. Xie Yufei said that at the beginning, she was moved by He Li before she agreed to him. But she could get along with him slowly. Unconsciously, she was moved to heart!

A woman, the most important thing in her life is to find a man who really loves her. It's the greatest happiness to have a man who loves you and understands you. This person may not be perfect, but he can love you unreservedly and protect you all the time. Therefore, for women, a man's best betrothal gift is a lifetime of accommodation and love.

Xie Yufei asked Yin Xinxin: "I've heard from my family that Guo Guo is playing the prince of snow white this time, isn't he?"

Yin Xinxin nodded with a smile, "yes. Last night, when I took a bath for him, I talked about it for a long time. I think he was reading his lines

Xie Yufei also couldn't help laughing, "then I have to watch it well. I've brought a camera, and I'll record all the children's performances later."

Wang Yuwei said: "you also brought a camera. You really thought it over."

"After all, this is the child's first performance on stage. I want to keep a memorial for him, but my family has participated in a chorus since then, and the others are reluctant to participate." Although Xie Yufei said that, he couldn't stop smiling in his eyes. In fact, he was unwilling to participate in the chorus according to his previous temperament. Now he can take the initiative to sign up for the chorus, which is beyond Xie Yufei's expectation.

"The chorus is also good. My family's Tangtang plays a fawn. The queen of Snow White's poisoning sends a hunter to kill Snow White. The hunter can't bear to kill Snow White, and then kills a fawn. He takes out the fawn's heart to replace Snow White's heart. Ah, you don't know. She made trouble. She didn't want to do it at first. It took a long time to coax her. " Wang Yuwei said, shaking his head, the expression on his face helplessly with doting.

Xie Yufei probably didn't expect Tangtang to play a fawn. He laughed and said, "it's not bad. For children, it doesn't matter what they play. As long as children are willing to participate and happy, we parents will be happy."

"Yes, I think so, too. I told Tangtang, what's the role of human being? It's the ability of human being to play animal!"

As soon as Wang Yuwei said this, Yin Xinxin and Xie Yufei couldn't help laughing. Yin Xin smiles and gives Wang Yu a thumbs up, "you are strong!"

Compared with the hot atmosphere of the three women, the atmosphere between the three men was a little heavy at the beginning, but the three men had seen the world, had no low social status, and had their own way of getting along with others.

The three men started to talk about the recent financial situation, and then talked about the stock market fund, the national policy, the recent tax policy and so on. Although the atmosphere was not as warm as the three women, they could still talk about it.