"I can't see that Lao Kang in your family is so fierce!" said Yin Xinxin

Wang Yu said with pride on his face, "of course, our old Kang is in bed. He is definitely not inferior to a 20-year-old boy, so you are not allowed to talk about our old Kang from the corner in the future."

Yin Xin nodded and echoed: "OK, I won't say it in the future, absolutely. As soon as Lao Kang comes back, there will be no shortage of cucumbers in the market! "

Wang Yu micro puzzled asked: "my home old Kang back and vegetable market cucumber what relationship?"

Yin said with his heart, "if Lao Kang doesn't come back for a long time, you will be empty. If you are empty, you will inevitably go to the vegetable market to buy cucumbers and solve them by yourself..." after that, Yin's body shakes with his own smile.

Wang Yu slightly understood. She bit her teeth and said, "Yin Xinxin, I dare you to pretend that you are pure. Speaking of colored jokes, you are not inferior to me at all."

Yin Xin was just about to say two more words when he saw that Qin Shaoduan had a big bowl of soup on the table Qin Xiaoduan said.

Yin Xin stood up and went to the kitchen to get the chopsticks. He patted the chopsticks and said: "fruit, sugar, don't play, come out for dinner."

Qin Xiaoduan's Chinese food is very rich, including chicken wings, fish, shrimp, spareribs, vegetables and soup. In addition, he also made a fruit salad. In the crystal clear heart-shaped crystal plate, there are all kinds of fruits cut into various shapes, including apples, yellow peaches, strawberries, Hami melon, kiwi fruit, watermelon and so on, mixed with light yellow salad sauce, bright color, The fragrance is so sweet that people can't help but want to eat it.

Yin Xin can't help but wonder why Qin Xiaoduan's fruit salad is so good-looking and tastes much better than his own. This makes Yin Xin feel very puzzled and unfair. It's the same fruit and the same salad, but it's so different for him.

When Qin Xiaoduan came out with the fruit salad, Guoguo and Tangtang opened their eyes at the same time, forgetting to speak.

Guoguo took the lead to react. He ran to Qin Xiaoduan and happily held his father's leg and asked, "Dad, did you do this?"

Qin Xiaoduan put the fruit salad on the table, nodded and said, "it's dad."

Guoguo sighed: "Dad, you are so powerful!"

Tangtang also came running and hugged Qin Xiaoduan's other leg, "godfather, you are so powerful."

Qin Xiaoduan was flattered by the two little guys, and his inner vanity rubbed outward. He raised his lips and asked with a smile, "do you like it?"

Guoguo and Tangtang yelled happily with one voice: "like..."

Yin Xinxin saw that Qin Xiaoduan wanted to laugh. She said, "if you want to eat, wash your hands first."

"Good!" Guoguo and Tangtang answered in unison. At the same time, they let go of Qin Xiaoduan's legs and rushed to the washstand. Tangtang rushed to half and folded back, holding Lao Kang's arm. "Dad, Dad, go wash your hands, we need to eat..."

When the food is served, Guoguo and Tangtang are already waiting on the chair beside the table. As soon as Qin slightly brings it, they can't wait to wave their palms at him, saying that they have washed their hands and can eat.

There were six people, four adults and two children at a table. Except for Qin Xiaoduan, the other five people didn't eat well. Wang Yuwei gave Qin Xiaoduan a thumbs up as he ate, "delicious!" Then he glared at the old Kang beside her, "see, when will you cook such a rich meal for our mother and daughter?"