Yin Xin pushed the door open and came in to see such a scene. She was a little sad. If this is a strange floor, she let him fall down?!

Yin Xinyue went over, reached out and picked up the fruit, got close to his face and gave it a kiss, "do you miss your mother?"

As soon as Guoguo saw his mother coming back, he twisted his butt happily. He rubbed his big head in his mother's arms and called out: "Mom..."

Qin's mother came out from the kitchen with the cooked corn. She saw Yin holding Guoguo with her heart and said with a smile, "Guoguo has been calling his mother all day today. I taught him to call him grandma. He just didn't call her mother. He called her mother all the time."

Yin Xin sat on the sofa, put the fruit on her leg, held the little fat hand of the fruit and said: "fruit, called grandma, milk... Milk..."

Guoguo stands on his mother's leg and jumps. His clothes are rolled up. Bai Shengsheng's little belly is exposed. He giggles and cries, "Mom..."

Mother Qin said, "look, he's called mother again."

Guoguo turns his head and takes a look at mother Qin. He puts his hands around her neck and holds his butt to mother Qin.

Yin Xin grinned and patted Guoguo's ass, "little villain, thanks for grandma's pain." She also said to Qin's mother, "Mom, don't worry. When a child just learns to speak, it's like this. After teaching him for more than half a month, he will call him Dad. When it's OK, I often teach him, and soon he will call grandma."

This is where Qin's mother and Qin's family like Yin Xinxin. She is very sensible and reasonable. She always speaks to her elders and has a heart for them. Qin's mother smiles and says, "it's OK. It's not urgent. Here, have a corn. It's just cooked. " Then mother Qin handed Yin Xinxin a corn.

The corn was planted by grandfather Qin himself. He sent several boxes of corn. It was big and full. When it was cooked, you could smell the smell of corn all the way. It was sweet and delicious. There was no miscellaneous flavor. Yin Xinxin's favorite food in his hometown in Huizhou was the corn planted by his mother. He could eat seven or eight corn at a time, but he couldn't eat any rice, Humming in the cold bed.

Yin Xinyue took a bite and chewed it. He was surprised and said, "Mom, this corn is so sweet!"

Qin's mother also took one to eat, "your grandfather said that this year is a new variety, fertilizer also under enough, sure enough, really sweet."

When Guoguo saw her mother eating corn, she was so greedy that she asked her mother for it.

Yin Xin broke off a grain of corn and put it into Guoguo's mouth. Guoguo chewed hard with his eight teeth. He seemed to like the taste of corn very much. After chewing one, he held out his hand and asked his mother for it.

This time, his appetite obviously increased. When Yin Xin broke off a grain of corn and was ready to put it into Guoguo's mouth, Guoguo shook his head. His big black eyes looked at the corn in Yin Xin's hand. Obviously, he wanted a whole corn.

Yin Xin asked Qin's mother, can this whole corn give fruit?

Qin mother said with a smile, nothing, break off a small section to him, let him try to eat.

So when Qin Xiaoduan came home, he saw Guoguo sitting on the blanket on the floor with a small corn cob in his hand.

Guoguo was so serious that he didn't notice when his father came back. Qin Xiaoduan held Guoguo out of his hand and said, "why doesn't my father call?"

Guoguo looks up at Qin for a moment, then lowers his head to eat his corn.

Qin slightly end pinch pinch fruit small flesh face, "know to eat, see you fat into what kind of."

If this will be busy, no time to speak, nodded as an answer. In fact, he didn't notice what Qin Xiaoduan was saying at all. In normal times, he must have clenched his fists to protest. Guoguo is not a little fat man.

Qin Xiaoduan took a paper towel from the table to wipe the wet fingers stained with saliva. He squatted down and asked him, "is corn so delicious?"

Guoguo still doesn't make a sound and continues to nibble his corn silently. Qin Xiaoduan asked again, but he didn't say a word. So Qin Xiaoduan, who was left out in the cold, began to spoil him. He took a whole corn from the table and shook it in front of Guoguo. He pretended to be surprised and said, "ah, Qin Guoguo, how can my corn be so much bigger than yours?"

Finally, the action of chewing corn stopped. He blinked and sent a small piece of corn to Qin Xiaoduan's mouth.