Yin Xin quickly took out a tissue to Wang Yu to wipe it, and said: "I didn't mean to. It's really your candy. It's really funny! Oh, I can't do it. How can I be so funny! "

What a good reason to accuse her of not getting the egg soup with her flat stomach!

Wang Yuwei wiped the soybean milk on his face and glared at Yin Xinxin with his eyes. "Together, the soybean milk on my face is not sprayed by you, but by my sugar!"

"It's me, the direct cause is me, but the indirect cause is sugar."

Wang Yu can't help but get angry, "why don't you directly say that the indirect reason is me?"

Yin Xinyi patted her thigh, "yes, it's you. If you didn't let Tangtang eat egg soup, Tangtang wouldn't touch her stomach and say it's shriveled. If she didn't touch her stomach and say it's shriveled, I wouldn't laugh. If I didn't laugh, soy milk wouldn't spray on your face."

Wang Yuwei was angry and laughed. She got up and planned to go to the bathroom to wash her face. As she walked, she said, "Yin Xinxin, what's wrong with you!"

While they were talking and laughing, they watched the two kids playing. The heads of the two kids were tightly together, and they didn't know what they were communicating with. However, they were also happy to see the two kids having a good time.

Wang Yuwei saw the two little guys huddled together and said with a sense: "it seems that it is imperative to buy a house near here!"

Yin Xin nodded, "yes, children need playmates."

Wang Yu came to Yin Xinxin's ear and asked mysteriously, "Hey, Xinxin, are you going to have a second child?"

Yin heartily paused, shook his head, "I haven't thought about it yet, and you?"

Wang Yuwei scratched his hair in distress. "If it's a boy, it doesn't matter whether you want to or not. Lao Kang's mother always talks about holding grandchildren and staying behind. A few days ago, she called me to ask for another one while she was young. Her meaning is very obvious. She wants me to have another boy. But I can't decide whether to give birth to a boy or a girl. "

After thinking about it, Yin realized that the old man was backward in thought and always felt that boys were the ones who passed on. This was not totally incomprehensible“ What does Lao Kang say? "

"He didn't say anything, and he loves Tangtang more than me. As soon as he comes back, Tangtang won't be afraid of me and will run to her father whenever he has something to do. She knows her father will protect her! "

"It's true that my daughter is my father's former lover."

"No! As soon as her father came back, her wings hardened a lot. "

"Then you can do it by yourself. If you want to have another one, no matter the boy or the girl, the two children will have a partner."

Wang Yu nodded slightly, "yes, my parents gave birth to me. I'm an only child. I can understand the loneliness without brothers and sisters. I hope Tangtang can have a brother or sister to accompany her. But when I asked Tangtang if she wanted a younger brother or a younger sister, guess what she said

"What do you say?"

"She said she wanted her brother! My God, how can I live? I have to put sugar back in my stomach first... "


"Yin Xinxin, can you stop drinking and spray soybean milk everywhere?" Wang Yuwei angrily went to the bathroom again.

Yin said with a smile: "don't make me laugh when I drink Soybean milk, OK?"

Wang Yuwei saw that it was late and it was time to go, so he went to Tangtang and said, "Tangtang, brother Guoguo has also met. Let's go home."

Tangtang shakes her head to indicate that she doesn't want to go back.

"Tangtang is obedient, or mother won't bring you next time."