Chen Jinrong and Gu Haijun, a lawyer, have been talking about each other. He knows that this man is extremely difficult to deal with. He says that he can survive even if he dies. In order to win by all means, he has countless cases of wrongs. Thinking of this, Chen Jinrong sneered and said, "yes, we are a group of poor policemen. We are not rich lawyers. We have no spare money. However, if Mr. Ding insists, I can invite him to have a cup of coffee in private."

Ding Tuo just looked up at Chen Jinrong and said a few words to Gu Haijun in a voice that only the two of them could hear. Gu Haijun nodded slightly, laughed and said to Chen Jinrong, "coffee is free. We don't drink instant coffee. If you insist, we can also inform the media that they should be very interested in the topic of detaining a good citizen without evidence. "

"Of course, they will be interested, especially the detained citizen who also planned a vicious bombing..."

"Please pay attention to your wording, Mr. policeman!" Gu Haijun said with a polite smile: "if there is no evidence for your accusation, I don't mind suing you for slander."

"Don't worry, if there is no evidence, we won't excuse Mr. Ding to condescend to the police station." Chen Jinrong said faintly: "to say the least, even if lawyer Gu can clear his suspicion, as a good citizen, he has the obligation to cooperate with the police investigation..."

"This non mandatory obligation my client does not want to perform at the moment!" Gu Haijun said: "my client would like to enjoy his legal bail right now. Mr. policeman, my time is very precious. If you don't let people go, I will directly negotiate with your superior. "

Chen Jinrong said with a sneer: "we arrested Mr. Ding Tuo with a witness. Now both witnesses have said that Mr. Ding Tuo is the mastermind. Mr. Ding Tuo is related to this vicious explosion. I have the right to detain him for 48 to 72 hours, and refuse bail during this period."

Gu Haijun didn't seem to hear it. He shook his head and said, "it seems that we must alarm captain Yang..." as he said, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Chen Jinrong interrupted him and said, "wait a minute!"

Gu Haijun said with a smile: "that is, such a simple thing, why..."

Chen Jinrong did not look at Gu Haijun. He opened his mouth to Dong Ya: "go and bring the tape recorder that recorded the testimony of two people."

Dong Ya paused and said, "yes!" Then he went out.

Ding Tuo and Gu Haijun don't look very good after the tape recorder is finished. Especially Ding Tuo, his light and expressionless face looks pale at the moment. I probably didn't expect that these two people not only confessed Him, but also confessed Him so thoroughly. They didn't speak at all. They couldn't help it. They said calmly: "I know these two people, But what they said doesn't exist! "

Chen Jinrong said, "if you do not exist, it is not your has the final say. We need to do further investigation. Please also Mr. Ding cooperate with us!"

Gu Haijun immediately said: "I think it's someone who deliberately manipulated my client behind his back and deliberately designed such a movie. I can't let my client take the blame for nothing, so please let him go! "

Zhou pin, who has been standing beside Chen Jinrong and taking notes, said: "it seems that I really need to remind you, Mr. Gu. You are a lawyer and you are not familiar with the punishment in our country. It's really surprising that you are not familiar with the punishment in our country."

Gu Haijun didn't expect that Zhou pin was so ridiculed by a woman. His face suddenly changed. Before waiting for him to speak, Zhou pin said, "if you don't plead guilty and have any objection to the alleged crime, you can't be released on bail. If Gu has any questions, please go back and check Article 28 of chapter 346 of our law to see what circumstances you can't be released on bail."