No wonder they all want to send themselves to the army, because they deserve it!

Hesitating again and again, Zhou Botao put the phone back. At that moment, Zhou Botao suddenly accepted his life. He knew that if he didn't accept the military service or broke his arm and leg, he would not be able to go back.

Zhou Bo Tao still likes himself very much. He takes himself seriously. He doesn't want to lose his arm and leg. He is still very young and has many good days to live. Therefore, Zhou Bo Tao has decided that from this moment on, he will spend the three years in a very low-key way, abide by the law and won't be punished, and strive to get out of here with healthy limbs and lively, as long as he survives the three years, He returned to the capital, he was the former wanton happy Zhou Botao.

In order to be as free and happy as before, he must hold on!

After coming out from the reception room, it was time for dinner. Zhou Bo Tao had been hungry for a long time. Now he ran to the canteen and finished the meal. No matter whether the meal was as bad as pig food, he ate it.

Because he made mistakes these days and was punished almost every day, many people knew him and called him "unlucky guy" behind his back. So when eating, Zhou felt that someone was whispering and laughing at him. Zhou was very aggrieved. Later, he thought that if he was aggrieved, he would go back to the capital after three years. Who knows who? So now he gave full play to his cheeky spirit, turn a deaf ear to.

After dinner, Zhou Botao returned to the dormitory.

The people in the dormitory saw his red eyes and joked, "what's the matter? Why are you crying again? Look at this pathetic appearance, like a wronged daughter-in-law. "

Another person echoed: "yes, Zhou Bo Tao is white, and his skin is smooth and tender. Isn't he his daughter-in-law?"

Another humanitarian: "if I hadn't bathed with Zhou Botao, I couldn't believe that he had the same thing as us."

This words, dormitory people all laugh.

There are six people living in a dormitory. They are all recruits who joined the army with Zhou Botao. They come from all over the country. Most of them volunteer to be soldiers themselves. They are able to bear hardships and keep up with the training. Zhou Botao, a little white face who is helpless and crying all day long, is an exception. However, most of them are not bad. Two older people take good care of Zhou Botao. They are responsible for calling him up when he can't get out of bed in the morning. They can't wake him up and directly smash him with things. Although the method is a little violent, the starting point is still good. In a word, because of their help, Zhou made fewer mistakes. Otherwise, he would be punished more.

Zhou Botao has been immune to their jokes. At first, he was very sad and crazy. After a long time, he found that they were not malicious, just joking, so he let them go. In their words, they all fucked old men. What's the matter with two jokes?!

Zhou Botao straightened his back and said with a serious face: "I've figured it out. I'll never be late again!"

After hearing this, all the people in the dormitory were stunned. Zhou Botao's ability to say this is similar to that of the sun coming out in the West. You know, the most he has said since the first day is, "I can't do it!"“ I'm so tired! "“ I'm going home! " Or something.

A person in the dormitory said with a smile: "not only can't be late, but also abide by other disciplines!"

Another person cool mouth: "strange ah? Why do you think it all of a sudden? Or did you call home and get rejected? Oh, I can't figure it out. Do you want to eat your mother's milk when you are so old? "