Qin slightly pointed to Jiang Yihui's leg still in plaster cast, "are you sure which company dares to ask you this lame?"

Jiang Yihui said: "I can remove this plaster tomorrow. Walking basically has little influence."

Qin nodded a little, and then found that Jiang Yihui was really determined to go out and break, "aren't you helping me to watch the bar now?"

Jiang Yihui said: "I will watch the bar for you when I have time. Don't worry. I've got two people under my command. They can handle everything. "

"Don't hesitate to ask if you need my help."

"Just a moment, my good friend, you have helped me enough. This time, I want to rely on myself."

Qin Xiaoduan looks at Jiang Yihui and smiles, "you say, are you still the Jiang Yihui I know?"

Jiang Yihui smiles: "why not? I don't believe you pinched my face to see if I had changed my skin. "

Qin Duan pinched it symbolically for a while, and then nodded, "the skin is still so thick. It's true that Huizi is right, but now you really feel a bit reborn. I think it's necessary for me to get to know you again."

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Yihui looked ahead. "Although it's a little late, I have to take this step to talk about the future."

In the future, he will become strong and get rid of the title of rice bug and waste. He wants to be a real, indomitable man, not relying on anyone, just like Qin Xiaoduan, everyone will give a thumbs up when talking about him!

Of course, these can only be the future, far away from him!

However, he will work hard!

Qin Xiaoduan poured two glasses of wine and dried up with Jiang Yihui. No matter what Jiang Yihui's reason is, this decision is gratifying for Qin Xiaoduan.

Jiang Yihui is growing up step by step. Although he started late and the process is slow, he is willing to make great progress.

Jiang Yihui raised his glass and drank it. Tomorrow's road is still hard. Tomorrow's life will not be easier than today's, but he is still full of confidence in his heart and takes a powerful step towards tomorrow.


Looking for a job is difficult for a college student who has just graduated, not to mention Jiang Yihui, who is nearly 30 years old.

Working as a steward in Meixin for several years has not helped him in his job search.

Fang Jiegang jokingly said: "what else can you do besides eat, drink and play?"

The cruel reality has also proved this to Jiang Yihui. He can do nothing but eat, drink and play. Even the university diploma that seems to have a high gold content is bought.

His resume almost sank, a rare interview, he did not even know what to say. Sitting on the porch bench outside the conference room in a five figure suit, I look like a fool at the young job seekers walking around.

Those young job seekers are well prepared, with gorgeous lines in their mouths. They are full of vitality, publicity and youth. They are waiting to be on the dazzling stage and shine.

Jiang Yihui's self-confidence and self-esteem in his heart have been consumed by reality.

He didn't know how to answer those seemingly ordinary questions.

I'd like to introduce myself. Why do you choose our company? Let's talk about your understanding of your major, your salary requirements, your competitive advantage, and what do you think is success?!

The first interview, he almost escaped.

be defeated and flee!

Those critical, disdainful eyes, those looking at the eyes of the unknown Jiang Yihui back to the original shape, he was nervous, flustered, sweat drops on the forehead of the rolling, neck tie strangled him.

After sitting in the flower bed outside the company for a long time, he stood up and walked aimlessly in the street.

If you knew that, you should find some interview videos online in advance to learn more. If you learn those high sounding words, you will not be so embarrassed today.

Back to the rental house of dozens of square meters, he sat on a chair with a broken leg for a long time.

Originally, leaving Jiang's home, he was really so unbearable and had nothing!