But Yuwei likes Jiang Yihui so much. How sad Yuwei should be when such a thing happens!

Thinking all night, Yin Xinxin is really not at ease and calls Wang Yuwei to ask about the situation.

As soon as Wang Yuwei heard Yin Xinxin's voice, all the suffering and patience of the whole night collapsed, his eyes became sour, and tears began to fall down. "With... Xinxin, I'm so sad. Yihui and I may really be finished. What should I do? What shall we do? "

Yin Xin hangs up the phone and rushes to Wang Yuwei.

When Yin Xinxin arrived, Wang Yuwei was sitting on the sofa with a stupefied expression. When he saw Yin Xinxin coming in, there was a trace of brilliance in his eyes. Then his eyes turned red and began to cry again.

Yin Xin holds Wang Yuwei in her arms and gently pats her on the back, letting her cry and vent in her arms.

After crying enough, Yin Xin takes out a blanket from the room to cover Wang Yuwei's body and let Wang Yuwei lie on the sofa to have a rest. She goes to the kitchen to have a look and prepare something to eat for Wang Yuwei. Wang Yuwei is so sad. I'm afraid he hasn't eaten for a long time!

Fortunately, there are some dishes in the kitchen, as well as tomatoes and eggs. Yin thought about it as he wanted and ordered a bowl of tomato and egg noodles.

When he came out with tomato and egg noodles, he found that Wang Yuwei had already fallen asleep. Looking at Wang Yu's tearful face, Yin thought to himself. He didn't wake her up and let her sleep. It's estimated that she didn't sleep well.

When Wang Yuwei wakes up, it's three hours later. During this time, Yin Xin goes back to his home, cooks chicken soup, carries it to Wang Yuwei with a thermos cup, and brings his postgraduate entrance examination materials.

Yin Xinxin is at the side of the table, looking at the information, waiting for Wang Yu to wake up.

After Wang Yu had a little sleep, she seemed to be in a better mood. She took chicken soup, sniffed and ate it.

Yin Xin gets up and rushes a cup of cold spirit to Wang Yuwei, who takes a drink. Then they began to chat about the weather, shopping, food, work and gossip

In a word, never mention Jiang Yihui.

After chatting for almost an hour, Yin Xin proposed to go out for a walk. After all, he always stayed at home and was in a panic.

Wang Yu nodded and agreed.

They strolled in the street, chatting while walking.

Yin felt his pocket and took out a few chocolates. With a smile, he handed them to Wang Yuwei.

Wang Yuwei seldom eats chocolate because of her fat face. In her impression, Yin Xinxin seldom eats chocolate. She can't help but wonder and ask, "Xinxin, how did you become so fond of chocolate? Keep it with you. "

Yin Xinxiao said, "I went for a physical examination some time ago. The doctor said I had hypoglycemia, so Qin Xiaoduan bought a lot of chocolates. Even if I was at home, I had to put a few chocolates in my pocket. I'm really tired of him."

Although the mouth is boring, but the smile on the face is full of love.

Wang Yuwei looked at Yin Xinxin's smile, a moment of absence, half ring, she said from the bottom of her heart: "President Qin is very good to you!"

Yin Xin wants to scold himself. How can he mention Qin Xiaoduan? Qin Xiaoduan is a friend of Jiang Yihui. When he is mentioned, Wang Yuwei must think of Jiang Yihui. Isn't that right at the muzzle of the gun?

Wang Yu peeled the wrapping paper and threw the little chocolate into his mouth.

The fragrant chocolate melts slowly in his mouth, and Wang Yu savors the sweet taste.

When the chocolate in his mouth completely melted, Wang Yuwei said, "yesterday, Jiang Yihui's mother came to see me?"

"What?" Yin Xin's eyes widened in surprise, "did his mother find you? What did you say? "

Wang Yuwei laughed at himself, "what can you say? Just to warn me and let me know myself! "

Yin stamped his feet fiercely and said, "son of a bitch, it's too deceiving! What is self-knowledge? I really don't understand, or let her demonstrate it! "

Wang Yuwei was amused by Yin Xinxin, shaking his head, "it's OK, I know his family has been looking down on me."

Yin Xin scolded: "why? Why don't their families like you? There are many rich and powerful families in the capital, and no one is like theirs. What an affectation

With a bitter smile, Wang Yuwei said, "you think every family is as good as president Qin's family. So, I say, I envy you. President Qin is so kind to you, and his parents and family are also kind to you. They treat you as their own daughter. I want to say that in this society, there are many snobbish people like mother Jiang Yihui, but there are few sincere people like President Qin's parents. Moreover, President Qin's family background is much better than that of Yihui. "

Yin Xinxin thinks about it. It's true. Qin Xiaoduan's parents and family not only don't feel sorry for themselves, but also treat themselves and their families very well. They even let their parents play with them when they go out on a trip.

Yes, how many people can treat people sincerely like Qin Xiaoduan's family, who have no sense of family status?

Every time I think about it, Yin Xinxin feels very lucky and happy.

After thinking about it, Yin Xin asked, "what happened to you and Jiang Yihui?"

Wang Yu shook his head slightly, with a lonely and sad face, "not very good."

Yin Xinxin asked, "what does Jiang Yihui say?"

Wang Yu pauses and tells Yin Xinxin what Jiang Yihui said on the phone.