"Well, all of them are like this. His father is like this. So is he. He's busy. He doesn't come home in a few days."

Yin Xinxin said with a smile: "but it's only a few days. He said he would come to see his mother when he came back."

Mother Qin said with a smile: "I should have advised you. How could you persuade me? Well, I'm fine. Go upstairs and have a lunch break. I'll call you later. Let's go shopping together. "

Yin heart should sound good, turned to go upstairs.

Although the exterior of the Qin family mansion is antique, the interior decoration design is absolutely modern, especially the dizzying revolving stairs and the crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the living room. Hanging down from the top of the building, Yin Xin goes up the stairs and looks at the crystal chandelier. He can't help but get lost in it. The tassels under the lamp tinkle occasionally because of the wind. The voice is clear and pleasant. Extraordinary luxury!

Just lost consciousness, suddenly a hand covered her mouth, another hand took her arm, quickly dragged her into a room, the door of the room "pa!" The door locked with a click.

Yin Xin raised her head in horror and stopped struggling when she saw who it was. She broke away the man's hand and glared at the man with red eyes. Then she didn't get rid of her anger and beat the man with her fist. She didn't have a good way: "Qin Xiaoduan, your uncle's, you are a ghost. You scared me to death!"

Qin Xiaoduan is not annoyed by Yin Xinxin's fists. He smiles softly and approaches Yin Xinxin slowly.

In front of him, Qin Xiaoduan is wearing a gray suit with a silver color. His tailored design highlights his slender figure. His proportion is excellent, his shoulders are wide, his waist is slim, and his legs are straight. Because he came back by night flight and jet lag, he looked a little tired and could see blood in his eyes. However, now he is alive, from the moment he saw his daughter-in-law.

"Didn't you say you'd put off coming back a few days? Why are you back now? "

Qin looked at Yin Xinxin and said, "I was a few days late, but I couldn't control my heart, so I came back ahead of time."

The words made Yin's cheeks blush and murmur: "then you'll scare me as soon as you come back."

Yin Xinxin was really scared. The broken hair in front of his forehead was a bit messy. Qin Xiaoduan stretched out his hand and smoothed the broken hair. The hair in his ear was smoothed to the back of his ear, revealing a bright and full forehead. With long black hair, fair skin and delicate facial features, the whole person looks very charming.

Qin Xiaoduan knew that Yin Xinchang was very good-looking. When he saw her for the first time, he couldn't move his eyes.

This will be close to the point of view, do not see pores, skin smooth and delicate, can not help but let people have a sense of suffocation.

No matter how many times, he still can't see enough!

Qin Xiaoduan laughed and asked, "are you not happy when I come back early?" There was expectation in those slender eyes.

Yin curled his mouth and didn't answer.

Qin Xiaoduan asked again, "what were you looking at just now? Then are you not afraid to fall down the stairs when you are distracted? "

Yin Xinxin said: "there are many things to think about. I want to go out to eat later. I want to see the topic of postgraduate entrance examination last night."

Qin slightly end picked to pick eyebrow, "did that miss me?"

Yin Xin shook his head and asked, "why do I miss you?"


Shake your head again.

"But I think of you all the time. I feel pain here." Qin Xiaoduan said, holding Yin Xinxin's hand on his left heart, "do you feel it? Every time it beats, it means I miss you once. "