But in the twinkling of an eye, she and another man stood in the church oath, do not see behind her, bloody himself.

Yin Xinxin, please, please look back. Even if you look back, you will know that I will always stand behind you and never leave! I've been waiting for you, waiting for you to see me!

However, you never look back!

Ding Tuo was really frozen that day. He didn't cover the quilt. He had a high fever in the middle of the night. He didn't want to take medicine, so he lay on his own. In the middle of the night, the fever became more and more fierce. After burning for two days, he almost didn't die at home.

Ding Tuo has no strength and walks around. He can't go to the hospital by himself. There is no one around him and he doesn't want to call his parents. He worries them.

As for Yin Xinxin, there is no need for him to call her.

She's already someone else's wife. What's the use of calling her here? Will only add sad and sad just!

Later, Ding Tuo simply a horizontal heart, lying in bed hard resistance.

In a daze, I don't know how much I burned or how long I slept. I just lay on the bed with a quilt rolled up. When I was sleepy, I closed my eyes and went to sleep. When I woke up, I looked at the ceiling in a daze. It was so easy to get up and boil some water for myself. As a result, I burned my hands.

Walking hard to move to the tap to flush cold water, Ding Tuo felt that he had nothing to get used to.

This is my life abroad.

Do everything by yourself.

The room was quiet and quiet.

On the first day, Ding Tuo was still asleep. In her dreams, Yin Xinxin came to find her. She told her that she was not married at all. In fact, what she liked was herself. She loved her in high school, and then she cooked for herself. She took herself to the hospital to get a hang bottle. Her eyes were red to make her better.

After waking up, Ding Tuo stomach hungry cramps, dizzy brain opened the refrigerator, took out a bag of instant noodles, also did not boil, so dry eat. After eating, I found that instant noodles are really bad, and it's very hard to chew. I chewed my cheek and didn't taste it.

After eating, he lay back in bed.

After one night and one day, there was no sign of fever abating the next night. Because of sleeping too much before, he would lie in bed, and Dingtuo couldn't sleep.

It's very hot, but it's very cold.

Especially the head, pain straight want to hit the wall.

Dingtuo closed his eyes, a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

Yin Xinxin got married, and Yin Xinxin got married.

Ding Tuo thought for a while and wanted to laugh.

I feel like I have something wrong.

I want to understand it a long time ago. I have worried about it and advised myself.

As expected, who can see it like this.

She was so good. There were many people chasing her in high school, many of them were excellent. They had been away for five years. Who can guarantee that there will be no change?

After staying at home for two days, Ding Tuo finally got rid of his fever.

At the same time, he also wanted to understand one thing.

He can't give up on Yin Xin!

He can't do it!

He and Yin Xinxin met. These times, she never told herself about her marriage. She didn't even wear a wedding ring on her hand, nor did she watch her answer the phone calls of any close people. Had it not been for Yin's mother's saying that she was married that day, she would not have known that Yin Xin was married. All kinds of signs show that Yin Xinxi's marriage is not so happy, or she doesn't like the person she married now.