Sure enough, as soon as she heard that Yu Zhili's case was going to be tried next week, Yin Xin raised her eyes dejectedly. She knew that she had no choice at all. Half ring, Yin heart mouth: "I promise." These three words seem to have been uttered with all my strength. It was not hot and dry at all, but she felt dry mouth and chest. After a pause, he said, "but we have to make three rules."

"Well, you say." Qin slightly raised his eyebrows and chuckled. As long as a woman agrees to marry him, everything is easy to say.

"First, we must respect each other and their families; second, we must not interfere in each other's private lives; third, we must only have the name of husband and wife, but not the reality of husband and wife." Yin Xin thought and spoke slowly.

"Ha ha, don't worry, I'm not interested in you." After hearing this, Qin Xiaoduan laughed, shrugged and said pointlessly.

"That's the best way." Yin bit his lip at will.

"But since we're married, we have to live together, or my parents won't be able to do business."

"Yes, but it has to have two bedrooms, one for each."

"What does respect mean?"

"You can't force the other party to do what the other party doesn't want to do. If one party has a lover outside, you can stay out, but you can't take him home for the night, you can't do something indecent in front of the other party, and you can't let the other Party's family know." Yin said her terms at one go. She doesn't think Qin Xiaoduan is a private person. From the moment when she first met Qin Xiaoduan in the hospital, Yin Xinxin automatically defined Qin Xiaoduan as a pervert and obscene man. Although it's a fake marriage, Qin Xiaoduan doesn't like her either. They just take what they need, but it's better to explain some things in advance. Yin Xinxin doesn't want to see Qin Xiaoduan go back to tarnish his eyes with his messy lovers.

"That's what I look like to you?" On hearing this, Qin Xiaoduan's face immediately sank.

"Be on guard!" Yin's heart stopped and began to speak.

"Good!" Qin Xiaoduan stares at Yin Xinyue for about three seconds, and then nods.

"Well, I think so much for the time being. I'll print two of them in graphic printing, and we'll sign them. It's a contract. What else do you want to add?" Yin Xin asked.

"This contract can only be known to you and me, not to a third party."

"No more?"

Qin Xiaoduan's fingers knocked on the steering wheel. Hearing the words, he shook his head.

"Well, that's settled. If I think about anything later, I'll add it."

Looking at this woman pursing her lips, Qin Xiaoduan wants to laugh. She does everything so seriously, and he likes to see her serious.


Since it was Qin who made a little effort, the efficiency became extremely high.

Within a week, the matter of Yu Zhili was settled. As soon as Yu Zhili gets out of the police station, Yin Xinxin buys two tickets to send her aunt and Yu Zhili back to Huicheng.

These days, in addition to working and comforting her aunt, Yin Xin has been thinking about a problem for the rest of her time, that is, how to tell her parents and friends about her upcoming marriage.

I have just graduated, and I have been single all the time. Can they accept such a sudden marriage?

Qin Xiaoduan has already set a time. Ten days later, on Saturday, he will take her home to see her parents. Then he will bring his parents to the capital. When their parents meet, they will get married.

It's only a month in between. How can I say this to my parents and friends?

Last night, when he called Wang Yuwei and told her about it, Wang Yuwei almost blew up the phone, "ah! what? Are you going to get married? And Qin Xiaoduan? The president of Qin Shang? Really? Are you kidding? He's after you? Did you have a relationship? Or have children? So in such a hurry to get married? "

Yin Xinxin took his mobile phone one meter away to avoid the high decibel bombardment of Wang Yuwei.

"Yuwei, where are you going? How could it be Yin shook his head helplessly.

"Come from the facts. What's the matter?" Wang Yuwei continued to roar on the phone.

Yin Xin thinks about it, and then says it half truely. It's just that she and Qin Xiaoduan met twice later. Qin Xiaoduan launched a love offensive against her, but she didn't care about it until Qin Xiaoduan knew about Yu Zhili last time. Qin Xiaoduan quietly used his relationship to help Yin Xin. Yin xinduan knew it and was very grateful. They met several times, Yin Xin feels that Qin Xiaoduan is actually quite good, so he agrees to Qin Xiaoduan's proposal.

After hearing this, Wang Yuwei was silent for a long time, and then sighed, "so bloody!"

Yin swallowed and did not speak.

She can't help it either. She can't let a third person know about the contract with Qin Xiaoduan, so she has to abide by the contract. Moreover, Wang Yuwei's big mouth is out of order, and his parents and aunt will know about it. The consequences are unimaginable.