Although it's warm here, it's cool at night when it rains at the seaside. If you get wet for a long time, you will catch a cold.

What's more, she found that he had lost a lot of weight after not seeing him for more than half a year.

Xia Yanxi bit her lip hard. She didn't know whether she wanted to let him in.

Belle looked at the tangled Xia Yanxi, she sighed, "sister Lu, you see he is shivering with cold. If this continues, he will not be able to bear it. Even if you refuse to be with him, don't be so cruel, let him get sick!"

Xia Yanxi's eyes are red. Seeing that he was suffering, she felt a hundred times more painful than him.

Turning around and sitting on the bed, she covered her small face with a quilt soaked in tears and said to BEI'ER in a hoarse voice, "let him come in to shelter from the rain, but don't let him come to my room. If he asks me, I'll say I'm asleep."

Belle nodded, "all right!"

Open the door, looking at the wet man in the yard, Belle waved to him, "Sir, come in quickly!"

Qiao Yan leaves the body to move, he steps heavily into the room. Belle handed him a clean towel. "Wipe it quickly."

Belle went to the kitchen again, made a cup of ginger tea for him, and handed him a suit of Luce's clothes. "After drinking ginger tea, go and take a bath. This is my brother's clothes. If you don't like it, put them on first!"


Although Xia Yanxi is lying on the bed, she always sticks up her ears and listens to every move outside.

The door closed and she couldn't hear what he said to Belle outside.

A heart is in chaos.

About thirty minutes later, the door of her bedroom was pushed open.

Xia Yanxi quickly buries her face in the quilt. Although she doesn't see who is coming in, she thinks it's him by feeling. Before she had locked the door, Ruth and Belle would not come in. And he, even if he doesn't have a key, has a way to unlock the door.

Hands tightly grasp the quilt, heart thumping, it seems that almost out of the throat.

Qiao Yanli went to the bedside, looking at the shadow in the quilt, deep eyes, flashed complex.

The long finger with distinct bone joints, gently put on the quilt, want to open, but hesitated for a while, he took back the long finger.

"Yan Xi, it's me."

Hearing his low voice, Xia Yanxi's heart trembled. Clench the small hand on the bed tightly, tighten ceaselessly, finger joint all a burst of whiteness.

"I just had a chat with Lu Si and Lu BEI'ER and learned from them why you refused me..."

Xia Yanxi smell speech, Xiu eyebrow tightly wrinkled. How can luisgo and Belle "betray" her?

"No matter what you become, and whether you can have children in the future, I will treat you as I always do. If you refuse me and push me away, it will hurt me the most. What's more, what you worry about is not a big deal in terms of the current level of science and Technology... "

"There are scars on your face. If you want to recover, you can go to Korea. You have congestion in your mind and sometimes you can't see your eyes. I can take you to the United States to find the best brain experts. As for giving birth, if you can't conceive naturally, we'll do artificial insemination or test tube baby. If it doesn't work, we'll be DINK couple."

Xia Yanxi heard his words, tears, like a broken line of pearls, a steady stream of falling down.

How can there be such a good man in the world? What happened to her? , the fastest update of the webnovel!