Pei Yiting looked funny, and pretended to say: "What's the inconvenience?

The fish successfully took the bait, this feeling was even more interesting than him getting a big order.

Xia Yueqing's face flushed, she was too embarrassed to say such a clumsy lie.

"If you're going, quickly change into your sportswear, and see if you like the environment." Pei Yiting opened his mouth wide and said calmly.

Knowing but not pointing out, taking a step back, this made Xia Yueqing feel less embarrassed.

In this regard, Pei Yiting did a good job.

When she thought of the fat she had quietly grown, she became cruel and decided to go.

"Then, wait for me for a few minutes." Xia Yueqing retreated to the room, changed into a set of equipment as quickly as possible, and came out wearing short-sleeved shorts.

Pei Yiting seldom saw her wearing shorts, but only saw her two white thighs exposed in sight, and her white, slender legs were long and slender, which made his throat tighten.

"Let's go." Xia Yueqing cleared her throat. After all, she felt a little embarrassed to join in the back instead of going as she agreed, so she didn't pay attention to Pei Yiting's expression.

As soon as she made a sound, Pei Yiting quickly came back to his senses, bit by bit the mist in his eyes cleared away, and soon he returned to his usual calm and composed appearance.

"Well, let's go."

The gym is on the first and second floors of the building next door to them.

There were not too many people on the first floor, nor were they too few. Xia Yueqing came here for the first time, and it was a bit novel.

However, Pei Yiting, who was walking beside her, couldn't take her eyes off her eyes. She immediately put on a serious expression, retracted the curiosity on her face, and pretended to be calm.

Pei Yiting walked through the corridor and walked to the stairs at the end.

Now, Xia Yueqing couldn't bear it any longer, "Where else should I go? Didn't I come to exercise?"

"Upstairs." He answered with hooked lips.

Xia Yueqing suddenly realized, so there is still upstairs?

There was only the second floor, so there was no elevator, and the two walked up the stairs directly.

At this point, Xia Yueqing realized that there was something wrong up there.

She couldn't help being surprised that there was no one in such a huge gym.

This is in stark contrast to the excitement below. What is the situation?

Her expression revealed her doubts, Pei Yiting pointed to the wardrobe and asked her to put her things there, and said, "This is my private fitness room."

Private, private?

Xia Yueqing looked surprised.

"I'll give you a key. If you want to come in the future, you can come anytime." Pei Yiting put away his things, and leaned against Xia Yueqing, who was half a beat away.

"What's the matter? Are you so out of your mind?" He raised his hand and caught Xia Yueqing's wandering gaze back.

"Is it you who own the first floor?" Xia Yueqing asked slowly.


Xia Yueqing "..."

This private gym is probably more expensive than the house he lives in. Once again, Xia Yueqing realized Pei Yiting's inhumanity!

Without contact with this circle, she really couldn't imagine that they were like this.

"In that case, why did you buy the building next door? Just buy your upstairs, downstairs or the next door?"

"Because that one has already been sold out."

Xia Yueqing was immediately speechless, so it's not because she didn't want to, but because of external reasons, right?

"Don't worry about it, it's not important, you go and see the details."

Xia Yueqing turned around, there were treadmills and all kinds of equipment, there was nothing to say.

It's just a place for fitness, not much different from ordinary gyms. The only difference is that there is only one set of various equipment here, which seems to have a relatively large space.

However, when Xia Yueqing continued shopping, she discovered that there was a swimming pool behind a wall!

"There is no dance room or yoga room here. If you want to practice these, there is one below. But you can swim in the back." Pei Yiting said with a smile.

Xia Yueqing has never practiced dancing or yoga, so I am grateful for that.

Dancing requires skills, but she has no interest in yoga.

Her college roommate used to practice yoga and was tortured by the teacher. Since then, Xia Yueqing has had a psychological shadow, and put yoga in the category of uninteresting sports.

"I see, you go and practice yours, and I'll take a look." He kept following himself, introducing him like a qualified tour guide, Xia Yueqing felt very embarrassed.

"Are you okay with yourself?"

Xia Yueqing nodded again and again, "It's definitely no problem."

Only then was Pei Yiting relieved, turned around and backed away.

After he walked away, Xia Yueqing took out her mobile phone and started Baidu's way to lose weight.

Since she was a child, she has never deliberately lost weight, and she has a little understanding of these.

It took a while for Xia Yueqing to have a specific direction, and after going through the plan in her head, she turned back to the gym.

Pei Yiting has finished warming up and is training his arms.

He was wearing a sleeveless sportswear, revealing his strong and powerful arms. As the movements stretched, the muscles protruded and the lines were graceful.

Such a Pei Yiting looks pleasing to the eye, like a beautiful scenery, it firmly catches people's attention.

Xia Yueqing realized that she didn't come here to watch others exercise, she came here to exercise and lose weight!

So, immediately run on the treadmill.

Pei Yiting looked in her direction from time to time, although there was no communication during the whole process, he didn't find it boring.

It's just that Xia Yueqing's running time seems a bit long?

After a while, he came over. Xia Yueqing was still jogging, but the treadmill showed that she had been running for forty-five minutes.

Pei Yiting raised his eyebrows, "It's enough to warm up, why have you been running for so long?"

Xia Yueqing was sweating profusely, her face was as red as an apple, and her breathing was a little panting.

"I'll run for fifty minutes and it will be ready."

Fifty minutes is long enough. It takes so long to lose fat, right?

Pei Yiting's face was full of black lines, did Xia Yueqing really take his joke seriously?

Isn't it just a matter of course? It was the driving force for her to lose weight!

After finishing running soon, Xia Yueqing didn't do anything else, rested for a while, and then went swimming.

Swimmed for forty minutes.

After doing all this, Xia Yueqing was about to collapse.

She was panting on the shore, feeling that her bones were about to fall apart.

It's my first time here, and the exercise intensity is too high. It's hard to say whether I can get out of bed tomorrow.

"Are you risking your life to lose weight?" At some point, Pei Yiting walked to the pool, frowned and spoke to Xia Yueqing who was paralyzed by the shore.

"I'm a little tired after not exercising for too long." Xia Yueqing replied with curled lips. As for taking her life, that's not the case.

She cherishes her life very much.

"In that case, let's proceed step by step." Pei Yiting reprimanded with a cold face.

"I want to do it step by step, but fat doesn't wait for anyone, what can I do?" Xia Yueqing replied aggrievedly.

If she could, she wouldn't want to work so hard.

Pei Yiting's eyebrows twitched slightly, circling back and forth, but returned to the fat.