A luxury sports car stops in an obscure corner of the city, and Ruan Sisi is still a bright and moving dress. It seems that I didn't expect this place to be so "shabby", and my pretty eyebrows wrinkled

pushing open the glass door of the cafe, Ruan takes off her sunglasses and looks at the people inside. At a glance, I saw the woman by the window. Her eyes flashed and she walked over

this woman has beautiful curly hair and a pair of sunglasses covering most of her face. Coupled with a famous brand, it is obviously out of place with this cheap coffee shop

"who are you?" Ruan Si opened his seat and sat down, looking directly at the woman opposite. At a glance, she knew that the other party was the same as her, so for each other, the camouflage on the surface was completely decoration

"how do you know it's me?" Angel took off her sunglasses and bent her lips with a smile. Her eyebrows and eyes suddenly became vivid. Beauty like this, can't square things