"Hanhan, I'm back!" Before people could see Jin Yanchen's voice, it came over first, and then the bedroom door was opened, "cold?"

when Jin Yanchen came in, he didn't see Ruan Xihan, so he thought she was still sleeping, but when her eyes fell on the bed, her face became gloomy

no one! The bed was empty, and Ruan Xihan was gone! All the places in the house were locked by him. Where did he escape from? Jin Yanchen's eyes were gradually cold, and his eyes were patrolling every inch of the room. How did you get away? Who saved her

Jin Yanchen's thoughts turned around in an instant, and his eyes suddenly fell on the bathroom. The door of the bathroom is still open. It seems that someone has entered. Jin Yanchen's eyes flashed and strode over. The small window of the bathroom was open, and a "rope" was connected to the floor with sheets

Jin Yanchen's eyes flickered slightly, but he was relieved. It seems that she escaped by herself, so she must not have gone far. Jin Yanchen immediately turned down the stairs and started the car that had just stalled. He quickly found it along the road