Chapter 555 The Real Strength of Hirayama Jiro

The scene in front of them stunned the people on several nearby ships!

Strangely, these fish only attack their own kind, but they don't even look at other fish.

Everyone on the ship was safe, but everyone's heart trembled.

Baru, who had done all this, was calm.

It was as if he had done nothing.

"This... What is this..." A few experts were speechless, and a few even spoke their native language.

Baru tilted his head to look at the expert who asked, and replied calmly, "A drug that can control the brain. It can spread all over the body in three seconds, and it will have the same effect wherever the blood is contaminated. I added an attack attribute to this potion, so as long as it was administered to both humans and animals, it would attack its own kind like crazy. I named this potion kill."

The people on board shivered in unison.

The expert couldn't help but ask, "Wouldn't the entire sea be polluted by this kind of infinite pollution?"

Baru turned to look at the few sharks left in the fight and replied calmly, "No, this medicine has an effective time of ten minutes. Ten minutes later, the medicine will disappear and become a nutrient for the fish in the nearby waters. Of course, the fish here will become more ferocious from now on."

Gu Xixi listened to Baru and thought of ou yangfeng, the western poison, for some reason.

Back then, huang rong had seen this scene at sea!

However, Baru was much more advanced than ou yangfeng.

A medicine the size of a fingernail cap would completely solve the problem that no one could do!

The people on the same boat as Baru, whether they were enemies or not, could not help but avoid a certain distance from Baru.

The man was dressed in a hoodie and had a young face. He looked like a harmless type of person and animal.

I didn't expect him to be the real hidden boss.

Mu Ruona also looked at Baru with surprise, and Baru looked at Mu Ruona with an aggrieved expression.

Mu Ruona's reaction was unusual. He tilted his head and thought about it. He reached out and patted Baru on the shoulder, "Well done!"

Hearing Mu Ruona's praise, Baru laughed happily.

He didn't care at all about other people's eyes.

He didn't care about the fear of others.

But instinctively, he didn't want Mu Ruona to look at him differently, nor did he want Mu Ruona to be afraid of him.

The trembling expert couldn't suppress his curiosity, "How much more of this poison do you have?"

Baru looked at the box in his hand and replied casually, "Oh, I don't know either. You can mix it whenever you run out."

The expert trembled and did not dare to ask further.

Experts say I'm old and can't stand such excitement.

Yin Yuhan looked at Gu Xixi with bright eyes, "Mom, is grandpa's medicine as powerful as godfather's?"

Gu Xixi reached out and pinched the tip of Yin Yuhan's nose and said, "The the Yun family research institute doesn't do poisons, it only treats humans."

Yin Yuhan continued to ask, "Then why did grandpa send godfather to the the Yun family research institute?"

"Because saving lives and killing people are actually interlinked. It's like dolantin, which is used medicinally to relieve pain in patients with severe illnesses, but when used too much, it can become addictive and damage the central nervous system. It can be said that it can cure people or harm people." Gu Xixi explained patiently.

Gu Miao, on the other hand, couldn't help but say, "I know mom. This is like modern technology, but it has more ways of dying when it's convenient for human beings. For example, cars, along with car accidents, planes, and air crashes."

"That's right, that's it." Gu Xixi answered with a smile.

The performance of the two children immediately attracted the attention of five experts.

Yaya, this child is so smart.

Hey, hey, this kid is so smart.

The five experts instantly forgot about Baru's shock and turned to look at Yin Yuhan and Gu Miao with a smile, "Two children, are you interested in weapons? Oh, hehe, I still need a student. I can teach you all my life's knowledge..."

Yin Yuhan puffed up his chest, "Can you get the design of the aircraft carrier?"

Gu Miao raised his chin, "Can you invade the pentagon?"

Five experts:

Yin Yuhan and Gu Miao replied proudly, "We can!"

Five experts: ... "When we didn't say anything."

# I met two gifted children who wanted to trick me into being a student, but I got slapped in the face and asked for the psychological shadow area. #

With the sharks out of the way, everyone was finally able to walk forward with ease.

Seeing that the largest island was right in front of them, everyone relaxed a little.

Once on the island, everyone would be safe.

Just as everyone relaxed and felt that danger was about to go away, the real danger suddenly came!

During the attack, one of the sharks accidentally hit the bottom of the speedboat. Perhaps the agony of dying was too great. The shark's teeth pierced the bottom of the boat.

The water slowly seeped into the water where no one had noticed it.

By the time everyone noticed something was wrong with the hull, the bottom was already a sea.

At this time, the speedboat was hundreds of meters away from the shore!

"No, no, there's water in the bottom! We're sinking!" Someone shouted.

Most of the people on this ship were women and children, and no one knew how to repair a boat except the people who drove it!

The speedboat was only a subsidiary of a large ship, and usually there were special people responsible for maintenance and repair.

Now, where are we going to find the maintenance personnel?

What should I do?

Seeing more and more water under the boat, the speedboat gradually stopped moving because of too much water.

And the current in this area is very fast and there are numerous hidden surges. If you jump down like this, I really don't know where you will be washed by the water!

Gu Xixi's warning finally reached its peak.

Gu Xixi was so happy that he hugged Yin Yuhan and shouted at Mu Ruona, who was sitting not far away, "Ruona, jump off the boat with Gu Miao! Quick!"

After Gu Xixi said this, he turned around and jumped off the boat with Yin Yuhan in his arms and swam as fast as he could in the distance.

Mu Ruona didn't know why Gu Xixi did it all of a sudden, but Gu Xixi jumped. There was no reason why she didn't.

Mu Ruona hugged Gu Miao, tied Gu Miao to himself, and jumped down with him.

When Baru saw that Mu Ruona had jumped, he naturally followed suit.

The five experts were still looking at each other, not knowing why they jumped off the ship with all their lives.

Even if the ship was going to sink, it would not sink completely for a while, as long as it waited for someone else's ship to come to rescue it.

Why are you in such a hurry?

At this time, the other bodyguards seemed to smell something, their faces changed and shouted, "No, the gasoline leaked! There's an open fire on the boat! I think the shark has bitten off the ship's pipes too! Everyone, jump off the boat!"

At this moment, the bodyguards, regardless of the enemy and us, all jumped off the boat and fled in all directions.

The five experts finally came to their senses at this time, and just as they were about to jump off the ship clumsily, an explosion came from the cockpit.

Boom - a loud noise caused a huge heat wave.

Gu Xixi held Yin Yuhan in his arms, took a deep breath, and plunged into the water!

Mu Ruona followed suit and sank into the water with Gu Miao in his arms.

The speedboat Gu Xixi was in was not very big, but the explosion was not small, and the surrounding tens of meters were covered by heat waves.

Gu Xixi's heart sank.

Now that he was hundreds of meters away from the shore, his physical strength, can really hold out until he ran to the shore with the children?

And at this moment, the people on the boat that caught up behind witnessed this scene.

"No..." Yin Sichen looked at the direction of the speedboat explosion and screamed in a heartbreaking frenzy.

At this moment, Yin Sichen was ready to tear his eyes apart.

Earl Phil darted over, watched the speedboat blow up, turned around and grabbed captain Hans's collar, "What do you mean?"

Captain Hans looked puzzled, "How do I know what's going on? There are five experts on that ship! That's the world's top weapons expert! No! I finally got the expert, and it's gone!"

Yin Sichen turned around and was about to jump off the boat, but Earl Phil grabbed Yin Sichen, "You're the leader. You have to be there. I'm going to save someone!"

After saying this, Earl Phil carried an extra backpack, and when the speedboat reached the explosion zone, he put on his respirator and jumped directly into the sea.

Hans gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to save someone too! Yin Sichen, I swear to god, I didn't do it this time!"

Hans said this, grabbed his backpack and oxygen tank, and jumped into the sea.

Yin Sichen really wanted to jump down to look for someone, but if he did, he would really be leaderless!

Just as Yin Sichen was spinning around in a hurry, and her distressed mind went blank, Patriarch finally took the initiative to show up.

"The current of this generation is very fast. It's better to find people downstream." Patriarch came directly to Yin Sichen and whispered, "Go, time is precious!"

Yin Sichen suddenly turned around and saw Patriarch's calm eyes. He immediately gritted his teeth and, following Patriarch's advice, turned the speedboat around and dashed down the current.

Gu Xixi held Gu Miao in his arms and sank a few meters under the water. After that, he quickly opened his arms and rushed towards the water with all his might.

The light from the explosion above her head instantly shone below the surface of the water, allowing Gu Xixi to see the others who had jumped into the water at the same time.