"It's a big crime to kill an American colonel!" Wang Yong looked at the colonel and said.

If it's hostility, that's all. The key is to kill an American colonel without any reason now, which will inevitably lead to the arrest of the whole American army on the island.

Colonel, it's not the kind of grassroots personnel like the American soldiers. I'm afraid even the Pentagon will know about it then.

That would be too much for Wang Yong.

The Colonel clearly understood this, and with a trace of regret, he said, "I'm not thoughtful. I'm sorry. If you just commit suicide, you can't do it casually! I've seen a lot of bullets, but I can't help but fear and sorrow when I think of holding a gun on my forehead. It's a shame that a soldier can't die under the bullets of the enemy, but is forced to commit suicide. "

Wang Yong nodded.

Wang Yong can understand the Colonel's mentality that suicide is actually a disgraceful behavior in the eyes of these people. They would rather die at the gunpoint of the enemy.

But the eastern Bushido prevailing abdominal suicide, is not the same. The real Bushido abdominal incision was very painful. He cut a cross on his stomach with a knife. The liver, intestines and stomach inside were all cut off, and he could not die at that time. You have to struggle for an hour in great pain to die.

Such a painful way of suicide, so that later few Japanese people really use this method of abdominal incision. After World War II, some Japanese soldiers who were defeated in the war were symbolically scratched twice on their stomachs and then shot themselves.

"In fact," Wang Yong said slowly“ I can try to refine the spirit of type in your body, but this is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst. In the end, you will not have a few days to live. You have to think it over and report it to your superior. "

The main goal of Wang Yong's trip to the East is Zheng Rong. It is unwise to provoke the US Army at this juncture.

The Colonel immediately showed a look of joy on his face: "that is to say, I don't have to die now? I can also fly back to the United States to see my daughter hugging my wife, and then die quietly in my hometown town? "

Wang Yong nodded.

"No problem! I'll contact the commander right now! I have already felt its existence. It is trying to control my body again. If I have any changes later, Mr. Wang, please don't worry about anything. "

With that, the captain picked up the phone and began to contact his boss.

A moment later, the Colonel put down the phone and said, "commander Duran wants to see you. Don't worry. There is absolutely no malice."

"Duran?" Wang Yong frowned.

Duran's location is the base camp of the U.S. troops stationed on the island. Even if Wang Yong is now in the realm of DanJin, he does not dare to break into a base camp with all kinds of weapons.

Last time, I only used a few armed helicopters to irradiate the fire control, and then I scared the three corpses away.

Wang Yong will not only face a few aircraft this time, but hundreds of them, including all kinds of attack ships and missiles.

It's no exaggeration to describe it as sheep entering tiger's den.

Yinglang gently tugged at Wang Yong's clothes: "master, I don't think we should go? Your identity is a little sensitive. "

JianNu also looked at Wang Yong with a little worry. Obviously, even JianNu didn't have much confidence in going to and from the US military base camp.

But Wang Yong thought for a moment and then said with a smile, "it's OK. It's just the U.S. military base in the islands, not the U.S. home base. Moreover, it is precisely because of my sensitive identity that the other party can't do anything with me. I don't think admiral Duran wants to go the same way as the CIA, either? "

With an embarrassed smile, the colonel said, "I promise with dignity that admiral Duran will never do you any harm. We in the U.S. military are not like those CIA people who only use dark means. If we want to deal with you, Mr. Wang, we'll come in fair and square. "

Wang Yong smile, noncommittal.

Compared with the CIA, the U.S. military is a little more aboveboard, but only a little. The crow falls on the pig's back, never mind who is black.


Get on the bus to the U.S. military base camp and go straight to the destination.

Jumping out of the car, I saw that the floor was full of standard equipment. Armored vehicles, helicopters, tanks and so on, neatly placed in the open space of the camp.

What surprised Wang Yong most was that he saw row after row of slot machines. Many soldiers were sitting next to the machines, gambling wildly on the game currency.

"There have been slot machines in U.S. military barracks since the last century, but they have been stopped," the Colonel explained softly. Now it is only restored in overseas bases, mainly because life in overseas bases is boring and it is easy to conflict with local residents. Ryukyu base is an overseas base with the highest crime rate. It wants to use these slot machines to find some fun for the idle soldiers, so as to avoid life trouble. "

"Come on, Admiral Duran is in there." The captain pointed to the front headquarters and said.

Wang Yong followed the colonel and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Yong was slightly absent-minded.

In front of him was not the image of a domineering general in his military uniform. Duran was wearing cotton clothes with oriental style. He was sitting upright at the table like an old scholar, writing calligraphy.

When Wang Yong glanced at his calligraphy, it was clear that his handwriting was powerful and could not be accomplished in a day.

The content of calligraphy surprised Wang Yong.

"Rootless tree, flower is lonely, borrow Yin and yang to get no class.

It's hard for a female chicken to hold her chicks. She's carrying the stove of yin and Yang.

A woman without a husband is a resentful daughter, while a man without a wife is an absent husband.

Sigh lost, too vague; Sit in silence, and your Qi will wither. "

It is a Chinese poem!

Duran slowly finished the last word, and then put down the brush.

While wiping his hands, he looked up at Wang Yong: "do you know what this poem is?"

With a flash of vision, Wang Yong replied: "Zhang Sanfeng's rootless tree is a famous work of Dan Dao. There are twenty-four paragraphs in the full text. This is the fourth paragraph

Duran praised: "it's worthy of Wang Yong. Do you know? My father once took part in the war in your country. Influenced by him, I have been very fond of Oriental culture since I was a child. I dare not say to learn from rich five cars. At least I read a lot. I have seen many so-called masters in recent years, but their real level is not as high as mine, which makes me very disappointed. I once thought that there was no real master in Huaxia until you appeared. I've read your classic of Sinology. It's a great master. "

I didn't expect that Duran was still a fan of Chinese culture.

Wang Yong said with a smile, "I'm flattered《 The canon of Chinese studies is not my own credit, but the credit of the whole editorial board. The Admiral didn't come to me just to talk about culture, did he

Duran looked at Wang Yong with bright eyes. After a while, he said, "yes, it's not."

"What's the solution?"

"You said that my men were controlled by Shishen. I'm afraid that any officer would not believe this. Instead, he took you as the culprit. But I believe it! To tell you the truth, my father was one of the people who suggested the collapse of Shinto in the eastern countries. So I know something about Shinto. This is also a level that even though the US military has taken control of the whole oriental military, it is still unable to penetrate. It's just that Shinto has been very low-key in recent years, and has not done anything outrageous. As a result, the US Congress does not care about it. I didn't expect that they are making trouble again, and they have also provoked the US Army. "

Wang Yong listened quietly. Du Lan could guess more or less what he said. To say that the US military knew nothing about the Oriental Shinto, Wang Yong didn't believe it. Duran's position as commander of the U.S. forces on the island should also be related to his familiarity with oriental culture.

"In that case, will the Admiral not order the culprit to be arrested?" Wang Yongdao.

Duran looked at Wang Yong with a smile: "can you tell me who did it to my men?"

Wang Yong shook his head.

"That's it. First, we don't know who the killer is; Secondly, it is taboo for the US military to intervene in the local affairs of Ryukyu. If it extends its hand to other parts of the Oriental Ocean, it will only attract more fierce criticism from international public opinion. At that time, even my position as commander will not be stable. But you may be able to accept our employment and help us find the murderer. " Durand road.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Trading with you Americans, I'm afraid it's sold before it's done. " Wang Yong resolutely refused.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse. I'll show you something. You must be interested. "

Duran said, taking out a valuable looking box from the drawer, and then opening the code lock on the box, revealing the true appearance of the contents.

Glittering, but a grape seed size of gold sand.

"How about this as your reward?" Durand road.

Wang Yong has not yet expressed his opinion, but yinglang has turned his lip first.

A piece of gold sand wants to buy master's hand. The US Army doesn't take master seriously, does it?

What's more, Admiral Duran used such a high-grade box to keep it, just to keep a piece of gold sand, which was too overqualified.

When yinglang was in a bad mood, he saw Wang Yong staring at the gold sand and asked, "where did you get this?"

"I just came here as a commander, and I got it by accident when I cooperated with the local government to wipe out a deviation cult. According to the people of that church, this thing was stolen by their leader from the Toyo shrine, and there are many of the same things in the Toyo shrine. "

"And many more?" Wang Yong was shocked.

Duran laughed. "It seems you know what it is."

Wang Yong didn't answer, but suddenly a divine idea was released and infiltrated into the golden sand.

The next second something mysterious happened.

The gold sand lying in the box floated slowly!

Yinglang, who was in the process of making love, opened his mouth wide in an instant.


Wang Yong's mind moved, and the golden sand suddenly drew a golden arc in the air and shot to more than ten meters away. And then suddenly back, back into the box.

"God pith gold! To be exact, it's a god pith sand Wang Yong's eyes were drawn back from the gold sand, and he said.

I didn't expect that this extremely precious material would meet in the US military base camp. Although it's just a small one.

But Duran said that there are a lot of such things in the Oriental shrine, even if they are all sand type, which can be very considerable. Maybe the overall size and quality surpass that of yuyaonu.