"It's time, Mr. Wang, to go to the funeral." One man is good to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong takes a look at the sun. The sun sets earlier this season. Before five o'clock, there was a faint sign of darkness.

According to the Chinese funeral custom, we should settle down before the sun sets.

"Then go to the funeral." Wang Yong nodded.

With a long cry, suona, Sheng and other musical instrument teams walk in front. Wang Yong holds the portrait of Chen Zhixing, and four people behind him carry the coffin and walk towards a cemetery in Durango.

And Herrera and other drug lords hesitated for a moment, and quickly followed.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it."

"I'll do it."

"Give it to me, give it to me!"

The four drug lords who first came to the funeral were very happy at the moment. They could be called the four most fortunate people. From the beginning, in addition to a few men were fat beat, basically did not suffer any hardships.

All because they are smart enough, Wang Yong let them stand, Wang Yong let them kneel.

And now the opportunity comes again - carry the coffin!

Four men pushed out the coffin bearers, one carrying a corner, and followed them with a serious face.

When people around saw this scene, they were all stunned and speechless.

Are these four guys going too far? Even if they can't beat Wang Yong, don't they have to be so flattering? What would outsiders think of Mexico's drug lords if it spread?

It's a shame for Mexican drug lords!

Erela and others are also gloomy, looking at these four shameless guys with a look of disgust.

He made up his mind not to associate with these four people.

But with the lengthening of the funeral procession, many drug lords with a look of disgust unknowingly came to the coffin.

"Hey, give me a place. I'll help you, too."

"Are you tired? Shall I carry it for you? "

In the blink of an eye, a group of drug lords began to argue about who should carry the coffin.

They would have been fighting if they hadn't dared to make noise at the funeral.

In the end, a group of drug lords reached an agreement: the first four people would carry the coffin, and the others would carry it instead. One hand on the side of the coffin.

As a result, the onlookers saw a group of arrogant and domineering drug lords, holding Chen Zhixing's coffin like filial sons and virtuous grandchildren, walking slowly forward.

That scene, how spectacular, how spectacular.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

And a photographer braved himself to the front of the line and snapped down the shutter.

"Shame Molina gave a cold Snort and rushed to Ella.

"The most humiliating thing has been done. What's the difference between doing another one? I'm afraid I can't help showing myself. After all, Wang Yong's performance just now is just like the God coming down to earth, which makes life unable to resist. "

Molina didn't seem to expect that Ella would say that. She sighed with regret and said, "are you really willing to do this?"

Irela looked at Molina and suddenly smile: "if you are not reconciled, I will support you at the spiritual level! Come on

Molina turned her head and scolded, "old fox!"

Then Molina looked up at Wang Yong who was walking in front of her: "such a man, I'm really not reconciled!"

"Even if you fill in dozens of pounds of silicone, such a man has nothing to do with you. Don't be paranoid, take care of the present! " With that, erera quickly stepped forward and squeezed into the coffin crowd. She stretched out her arm and put her left hand on the coffin.

People saw that even Herrera had joined the procession of supporting the coffin, and there was a burst of surprise.

Many people firmly believe that Herrera is just enduring humiliation and waiting for a chance of revenge.

I didn't expect that erela, like other drug lords, betrayed her last dignity!

"It's too mysterious, it's really too mysterious. I have begun to doubt whether these people are real drug lords. They are not the actors Wang Yong asked for, are they Durango's Sergeant groped his head, gaping.

"I don't know if they are actors or not. I only know that the bloody bodies are real. It seems that Mexico really has a tough time! " The government official sighed.

When we arrived at the cemetery, the grave had already been dug.

The coffin was buried, sealed and erected.

A series of procedures are carried out in turn. Wang Yong is as meticulous as his own grandfather.

"Mr. Chen, have a good journey. I said I would give you an explanation. Now your killer is dead, and all the drug lords in Quanmo have been invited to see you off. You can rest assured on your way. In addition, the plaque you protected with your life will never fail me. Huaxia school will open all over Mexico, America and even the world from tomorrow Wang Yong sprinkled a cup of thin wine in front of the tomb and whispered.

Boom, yellow paper ignited, big blue flame jumped up, burning the paper sprinkled with wine.

One after another wreaths, paper money, paper men, were placed in front of the grave and burned into ashes.

It's very clean. There's no residue. In Chinese customs, it means that the deceased is very satisfied and takes everything down.

In the distance, the sun is setting, and the twilight is getting deeper. There are already several big stars in the sky.

Wang Yong stood up, took a look at all the people in the cemetery and said, "there is an old Chinese saying that" people respect me, and I respect people. ". I know that my personal strength is too small to change the environment of Mexico. So I don't want to be a hero and kill all of you. "

Hearing Wang Yong's words, all the drug lords who had been worried were secretly relieved.

Wang Yong really wants to launch a storm. I'm afraid all these people will die today in the cemetery to be buried with Chen Zhixing.

"But." Wang Yong's words changed“ Huaxia also has a saying, which is called "if a person offends me one inch, I will return one foot."! I don't have any thoughts on you, which doesn't mean I'll let down my vigilance. Tomorrow, I will officially rebuild Huaxia school on the ruins, and Huaxia school will expand to the whole of Mexico! If another school will be destroyed by you at that time, don't blame me for being cruel! "

Before Wang Yong's words came down, he saw a green light suddenly flying out, like a laser arrow whizzing at a group of drug lords.

The action of green awn was very fast. Before the drug lords could see what green awn was, green light flew back to Wang Yong and disappeared.

A moment later, all the drug lords were shocked to find a strand of hair falling to the ground.

Touch your hair, it's on your head!

"What?" The drug lords are looking after each other.

If Wang Yong's goal is not their hair, but their lives. They were all dead in the cemetery just now!

There is no need to use any guns, no need to use any boxing, just a light, a light that no one can see, they will die.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

Molina, who had thought before, was afraid after a while. If she had just chosen to do it, I'm afraid she would have been very cold.

That strange green awn is really terrible!

And erela's eyes seemed to have expected this for a long time. When she looked at Molina, her eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Not yet, waiting to stay for dinner?" Wang Yong said faintly.

The drug lords wake up like a dream, and then they leave with Wang Yong in a panic and turn to leave.

When all the drug lords left, Julian and hall emerged from the depths of the cemetery.

"Today you are beautiful, but we are tired." Julian complained to hall.

It was Julian and Hall who led those drug lords who were raided and beheaded.

As Herrera analyzed before, the decapitated people really have a bad relationship with the CIA, and the CIA has long wanted to find an opportunity to kill them.

"No matter how tired you are, you owe me." Wang Yongdao.

"Cough, we are comrades in arms who have experienced life and death together. Can we not use this word?"

"Good. Then change it to you short me, less me, should me, lack me... Which one do you like better? "

Julian and hall immediately and cleverly chose to shut up. They shouldn't discuss the usage of words with a scholar.

"Do you really want to rebuild the school tomorrow?" Hall changed the subject.

Wang Yong nodded: "of course. After the completion of the school, you need to take care of it to prevent people from misbehaving. That's what we agreed before. "

"Don't worry, even if there is no agreement, we will try our best. Although you don't treat us as friends, we really treat you as a friend. " Julian was serious with hall.

In the battle of Juarez, Wang Yong saved the two men several times. These two people are always grateful to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong smiles: "my standard of making friends is not so high. As long as you're a good person, that's enough. "

Hall and Julian gave a wry smile: "isn't that a high standard? Let's work hard! By the way, what kind of clothes should we wear for the school reconstruction ceremony tomorrow? suit? Windbreaker? Combat suit? Or do you like Chinese people's Zhongshan suit

Wang Yong looked at them and said sympathetically, "I'm afraid everything is the same."

"Ah, you're going too far..."

Three people are talking and laughing, is annihilated slowly by the curtain of night. At the moment, they seem to have a little bit of a friend.

That night, although many media were afraid of the Revenge of erela and other drug lords, they did not dare to report what happened during the day.

It doesn't stop the news from spreading outside Mexico.

In particular, a picture of a dozen drug lords carrying a coffin of an old Chinese man has spread all over the world.

Along with the spread of this photo, there are various versions of the interpretation of the story. Although different versions of the plot, but one thing is absolutely consistent, that is, the protagonist of the story is a Chinese.

Wang Yong.

And the most popular version is: Wang Yong killed several drug lords in order to kill an old Chinese man who was killed by a drug dealer. He personally went to the door and caught all the drug lords in Mexico. Let the drug lords kneel down in front of the old man's hall and apologize.

Folk netizens are happy with this legendary version and almost believe it.

The intelligence departments of Europe, America and other countries have scoffed. It's just bullshit! How can one fight so many drug lords? Are you really a paper tiger? It must be Wang Yong who has made some secret deal with these drug lords!

What these intelligence agencies don't know is that, in fact, this incredible version is not far from the truth.