Under the sky.

Endless darkness, deep depravity.

This is a quiet area, silent.

But now there is a tide of death, regional wind, and terror.

If you go deeper, you can see the scene of the nether world, countless bodies, gravel, dust, waste water, bones, floating in the void.

The biggest of all.

The fallen archaic star, the death star.

In archaic times, 3600 stars, except for the main star, the secondary star, have all fallen.

A god of the underworld occupies a death star, takes root on it, and transforms it into a fortress of war. It is also their old nest, so it is not easy to use.


In the dark!

Five hundred Death Stars converge.

It has formed a dark force to destroy the world.

To the heaven, to destroy the hope of the living.

Bronze Death Star, platinum Death Star, magic flame Death Star, dead tree death star, black water Death Star, dust Death Star, Canjian Death Star, daoshan Death Star, lament Death Star, white bone death star, blood Death Star, flesh mud Death Star, sinking Death Star, meteorite Death Star

Five hundred masters of the underworld came out.

Each one transcends the nine sacred realms.

Although not as good as the great emperor, the real emperor can also be slaughtered if he acts together.

"Our team, shocking the world and destroying the heaven and the earth, is enough to destroy the delusions of the heaven and completely sink all living beings."

"I have received the news that the three emperors of the heavens are all saints. Although they gather a large number of subordinates, they are all disabled and embarrassed."

"Yes, there's some trouble with the immortal ship on the other side of the anti heaven emperor, but the combined attack of the five hundred death stars can absolutely crush the damned immortal ship."

"Ha ha ha! This battle is sure to win. We don't have to divide our forces and push forward together. We will smash the star of crape myrtle emperor and stop the ring immortal array. There is no chance of winning any more. "

All the great plutocrats believed that they would win, and they were very proud.


There are also some visionaries.

"Well, you're so complacent that sooner or later something will go wrong!"

"Although the opposite side is weak, once it grows up, it is extremely terrifying."

"The main reason is that hell and Yama disdain to attack. Other Pluto are too far away. We can only pull out 500 death stars."

"The real trouble is that dark matter is limited, and once it's used up, we're all a bunch of waste. It's doomed that we can only fight fast, and we must never fall into a war of attrition, or we will lose. "

The bronze underworld Master said with pride: "there is a fountain of pestilence in the bronze Death Star. As long as the bronze rust pestilence runs rampant, the people who are killed will turn into dark matter and flow out continuously."

Wen Yan.

All the Hades have a look.

The core of the bronze Death Star.

Sure enough, there is a spring with dark substance flowing through it.

There have been so many deaths in these years that they have all converged into the dark.

Five hundred plutocrats haven't had time to surprise.

Buzz, buzz!

The fountain of pestilence quivers.

The flow decreases and becomes weaker.

"How can dark matter flow less and less?"

The bronze underworld Lord's face was ugly. He found out the source and roared

"Damn it, Qin Li stepped on the stage to worship heaven, broadcast the sunlight, and wipe out the bronze rust plague."

Platinum God looked up and said, "we are at least ten days away from the land of heaven. When we arrive, the sacrifice to heaven will be finished long ago."

"It seems that there is bound to be a hard battle. Please put away your contempt."



In the Qianyuan world.

A piece of prosperity, extremely prosperous.

Qin Li, as the holy emperor of heaven, gave an order.

Dozens of the world around them are restless and come to help with their treasures.

This time, the worship of heaven is unprecedented and grand. It is necessary to open up the 800 world, all living beings, and establish the system of merits and virtues of all heaven.


As the center of the heavens.

Naturally, it became the place of choice for offering sacrifices to heaven.

There are also hundreds of altars in the two realms, which are now sub altars.

The heavens are too big. If you want to ignore the distance, you need to use these transmission altars.

As for the main altar, of course, it is the altar of God. It is silver and immortal. It is still sacred after years of vicissitudes.

"Sacrifice to heaven begins!"

Words fall.

Yuanzhou is restless.

Countless auspicious sceneries bloom.

All kinds of sacrificial auxiliary personnel began to exercise etiquette.

Li Shi beat the drum, Jin Jia blew the horn, tiannu scattered flowers, Buddhism struck the bell, the boy chanted sutras, Luan and Fenghe roared, Qilin roared, the real dragon chanted, and all animals roared. There are also musicians of big and small bands, holding flags and praying

Big exaggeration.

There are hundreds of saints out there.

All the world came to help the sacrifice.

As a vice sacrifice, they ascended the altars slowly.

Qin Li.


Xia Yu's imperial concubine tidied his clothes.

"Xianggong, we are all proud of you!"

Then he gave Qin Li a kiss and left shyly.

"I'm an old man and wife, and I look like a little girl." Qin Li smiles.


He's on the stage, too.

The breath is wide open and dignified.

There's no one to see at all. There's only a group of nine color fairy lights.

"That's the emperor of heaven. I've heard about him for a long time, and I saw him for the first time."

"Isn't it three headed, eight armed and thirty-six winged? It's a rumor. "

"Good mysterious light, you can understand the Tao at a glance. You are worthy of the holy emperor."

In the middle of the discussion.

Qin Li is close to fengshentai.

On both sides of the silver platform, there is also the patron saint.

They are the emperor of Qingfeng and the king of changhen with a respectful face.

"Let's welcome the chief priest to the stage!"

Qin Li nodded.

Step by step on the altar.

On both sides of the big Tianjiao, holding sacrificial utensils.

Many of them are of the same generation as Qin Li, and now they are very sad.

The young man who had been chased and killed had grown into an inconceivable existence. When the sage saw him, he had to kneel down.

Qin Li is calm.

Step by step, the physical body comes to the stage.

The will is gone, deep into time and space.

With the help of sacrificing to heaven, he crossed hundreds of millions of obstacles.

He saw the origin of the world, a sea of chaos.

Today, the 800 worlds are merging, and the origins of the world are converging, forming an unparalleled landscape with no end in sight.

"According to the creation myth, there are three thousand fairy fruits and three thousand worlds. The so-called origin of the world is actually the fruit core. Now there are eight hundred, and you can see the magnificence of the tree of the creation world."

In the wave of origin, the infinite runes are gathered, interwoven with the chains of rules, passing across the sky, gathering the main road, then crashing and breaking, extending the vast vitality.

This is the origin of the vitality of the world.

Right now.

Qin Li is the source of communication.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to death.

Direct communication by ordinary monks is equivalent to blasphemy.

But Qin Li is the 301 st immortal fruit, so he can roam freely.

He could feel that the world's original vibration, like a heartbeat, provided a steady stream of vitality to the 800 world.

If you look carefully.

We can see 24 crystals.

These are the marks of the great emperor, and the world power has not yet been completed.

"It seems that in the near future, there will be twenty-four great emperors." Qin Li was happy, but unexpectedly saw a touch of blue.


"A green gourd!"

Qin Li will take a look and said in surprise:

"This is the missing Tai Yi gourd in Tai Yi holy land. It's here."

If you have a deep look, you can find that there is an emperor's corpse in the gourd. It should be Taiyi emperor.


Qin Li sighed.

"He should be here."

"Or with the help of the origin of the world, we can find the mystery of the true emperor."

"It's a pity that time is too merciless and the real emperor is too rare. He didn't achieve it after all."

Qin Li traveled around the world and saw many weapons, including the taixuan Daofeng of the great emperor taixuan, who were once famous Imperial soldiers.

He even saw a grave.

The tomb of emperor Qianyuan.

Ups and downs are of great origin.

"Even the real emperor has passed away!"

Qin Li did not expect that he would meet emperor Qianyuan.

Time is too merciless, even the real emperor, also can not escape the death outcome, sad.

Only by finding the immortal things, such as the immortal bones of Kunpeng demon emperor, or the origin of Buddha, Buddha cliff, and three immortal roots, can we have a chance to survive.

Otherwise, no matter how gorgeous you are, you will be invincible in the world, and you will never escape from extinction.

Qin Li is pathetic.

Sigh that the hero is powerless, and he will die in the end.

"If I can't succeed against the weather, I'll come to the same end."

Qin Li became more and more firm, at the same time, he withdrew his will and continued to sacrifice. As for the treasure in the source sea, he could not take it away, so he ignored it.

Right now.

On the top of the altar.

Sacrifice also came to a climax.

The sound of nature resounds through the sky, and all living beings hope that it will affect heaven and earth.

The land of Yuanzhou is full of visions, auspicious clouds, rainbow, purple air coming from the East, cloud and mist transpiration, dragon singing and tiger roaring, golden light hundreds of millions

Qin Li stands at the top.

Other vice sacrifices have also been staged.

They prayed silently, calling for the attention of the world.

Qin Li, on the other hand, offered sacrifices to heaven.