"Oh, my mother, it's really the boundary in the boundary, it's really the origin of the scattered mainland, they're really back, great!"

Some people saw this scene, one by one exclaimed, how can not think of, nine bones gathered together, it is really a miracle.

"My God, what's going on? How do you feel that the earth is moving rapidly? Is it that the earth is wandering

On the earth, some people are scared, feel the earth is constantly moving, in the left and right swing, like an earthquake in general.

However, fortunately, this feeling soon slowed down and then stopped.

"My mother, I thought there were enemies attacking our country!"

Some big guy couldn't help laughing bitterly. He was really scared. At that time, all the radars and all the communication equipment were paralyzed in a flash. Moreover, even the whole ground was shaking and making a roaring sound.

"Bang bang!"

After the origin of the mainland flew over, all the people on Earth actually flew up. The space there was directly and actively broken, and the sky could see the void outside.

However, in one or two seconds, Qin Li found that the small piece of land outside the earth also flickered. Obviously, it was also the origin of a small, originally separated continent.

"My God, that ancient relic is actually a small piece of the origin of the mainland!"

Those people of the earth sect were very excited and said.

The earth, too, has undergone tremendous changes, constantly unfolding, from a sphere to a piece of land, and the surrounding sources have directly merged with it and integrated into it.

"My God, what are these gases?"

"Yes, there are so many such small particles!"

The sense organs of human beings on the earth have been changed immediately. The whole world has changed, and the aura has revived. Everything has changed. Here, it has become a continent that can be cultivated. Moreover, plants and animals have changed and began to change.

"That's great. Is the mainland of level 10 really coming back to life? Great

Some people immediately exclaimed.

Qin Li, on the other hand, swept away his mental strength and found that there were many skills in a certain original continent, while some small original continents had weapons or something.

Qin Li flashed directly, flew closer, and then waved his hand. The terrible mental power was released. Soon, dozens of skills flew out.

After looking at it, he said with a smile: "these skills record the parts that can break through to the realm of false immortals. You can make more rubbings and pass them on in the future. In the future, we in the wasteland can break through to the realm of false immortals and become immortals."

"Really? That's great. We can really break through to the realm of false immortals. And fly up? "

The master of Mohism knelt down on the ground with tears. He never thought that this moment really came. The happiness came so fast.

However, this happiness has been waiting too long. He has been waiting for more than 20000 years. More than 20000 years ago, he had already broken through to the ninth grade of dominating realm, and now he is still the cultivation of dominating realm.

"Ha ha, master Mohist, I'm afraid I can't give you that spiritual bone. You can see that they have completely integrated into this continent in order to make the new ten level continent more spiritual."

Qin Li saw that the Mohist master was so excited. He patted him on the shoulder and grinned.

"Hey, you little boy, why are you still talking like that?"

The Mohist master was excited: "do you know? It's all because of you, because of you, our continent, no, it's all continents, it's the continent in our whole plane, so that we can see tomorrow. It can be said that you are me, it's not too bad for all of us to be reborn parents. If it wasn't for you, we'd be afraid that Shouyuan would be exhausted, and we don't know that we could really be immortal! "

When Qin Li heard this, his face showed a strange color, and he was even more frightened. He took a cold breath and said to each other, "master Mohist, I can't do it. If you say that, I might as well kill myself. I'm only a hundred years old. You actually say that I'm your living parent. If you say that, I'll lose my life!"

The Mohist master was stunned. Then he realized that he was excited just now. He seemed to have said something wrong and let Qin Li take advantage of it.

He immediately laughed awkwardly: "I'm talking about living parents, not parents. Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong!"

Qin Li couldn't help laughing when he saw the embarrassment of the other party.

"However, the mainland has been hurt a lot. In the past, there was still immortal Qi. Now, although it is fused together again, there is no immortal Qi. It can only be regarded as a relatively poor level 10 mainland. It still needs to recover slowly!"

The master of the blood family, after a moment's silence, looked at the land full of spirit in front of him, and then said.

Some of the people above have got the favor of the mainland, got the skills, and began to practice.

Obviously, the earth is no longer the same as it was before, but a grade 10 continent. All this will have to be reshuffled in the future.

After thinking about it, Qin Li announced, "as you can see, this wasteland continent has just recovered, and it still needs time to grow up. Therefore, I hope that in the recent one or two hundred years, we will not disturb it. When it recovers, we will go to practice!"

Speaking of this, Qin Li hesitated and said, "the wasteland continent is very close to our Tianlong continent. If I find out that any of you enter it at will and act recklessly, then you will not be able to live with our Huaxia clan."

"Don't worry, Lord Qin, we know that the origin of the mainland has just come back. Everything needs time. We won't be worried. Besides, now you have so many skills. We just need to choose one of them, break through the realm of false immortals, and be able to fly up!"

The Mohist master grinned and said, "now, I'm not interested in this ancient land at all. What I'm most interested in now, of course, is to fly up and become an immortal. Ha ha!"


However, what is unexpected is that at this time, a colorful bead flew over from the vast void, and then stopped in front of Qin Li.

"What is this?"

Qin looked at the bead and frowned.

People are also looking at this bead, a face of doubt.

At this time, in Xiaobai's mind, there was a message, which made him cry instantly!

"What's the matter? "Xiaobai?"

Qin Li looked at Xiaobai and immediately asked.

"This, this is Ye Fei's treasure, the Pearl of heaven and earth. And now he wants to recognize you. He also tells me that the white fox who died that year is my mother

After Xiaobai finished speaking, his eyes were flowing down directly, and the whole thing was about to collapse.

"This thing, intend to recognize the Lord to me?"

Qin Li was stunned and reached for the bead.

All of a sudden, the bead disappeared and flew directly into his head.

At the same time, a lot of information is directly poured into Qin Li's mind.

"My God, the Pearl of heaven and earth, can enhance people's cultivation talent, and even more, can load nearly ten thousand people in it?"

Qin Li carefully digested the information and was completely frightened.

I didn't expect that qiankunzhu had such an ability against heaven.

Many people look at Qin Li with envy in their eyes.

Next, Qin Li and others began to practice continuously after they had the skills.

Unfortunately, Qin Li was the first one to break through the fake fairyland. Xia Yu's concubine and Bai Ruyun didn't know how much time it would take to break through.

"It's over. What should I do? A message from fairyland came in, saying that I might be going up in another month. By that time, I will be separated from you! Ruyun, Yufei, what do you do? "

Qin Li looked at Xia Yu's concubine and they were a little worried. For a month, it was too fast.

"We try our best to break through these days and see if we can fly together!"

Xia Yu imperial concubine and Bai Ru cloud they, one by one is to fight the life of cultivation.

Fortunately, five days later, they all broke through to the fake fairyland one after another. Moreover, the time of their ascent was the same day.

A month later, huge pillars of light appeared directly. Xia Yufei, Bai Ruyun and Qin Badao all broke through the realm of false immortals. Looking at the pillar of light, they looked dignified and finally walked in one by one.

"Why didn't you see the usher? Is it that after so many years, the way to enter the fairyland is not the same? "

Qin Li's eyebrows wrinkled and the light flashed, and everyone soon disappeared in the world.