Chapter 4116

Xu Feng stroked Liu Xiangru's dark hair. Although there was a lot of oil on it, looking at Liu Xiangru crying, Xu Feng said, "don't be afraid, second lady. I'm not OK?" Liu Xiangru whimpered in Xu Feng's arms, shaking his head and crying: "if you have anything, I will never forgive myself in my life. Just now I saw you tortured by them. I'm really afraid that I will lose you."

"Ha ha ha, the one who can kill me Xu Feng has not appeared yet."

"Proud and complacent!" Liu Xiangru raised his head with red eyes and looked at Xu Feng's handsome face. He could not help but have some mystery. He reached out to wipe the bloodstain on his cheek and said faintly, "look at you. Every time I'm busy, I'm really useless."

"What's wrong, miss? The second miss is bole, and I am the steed. If you don't appreciate me, I'm still in a muddle now if you want to come from the first lady. "

Liu Xiang such as powder fist light hit, she knew Xu Feng this is coax oneself, but she is still very happy, like eating honey in the heart. I feel very comfortable lying in Xu Feng's arms. I don't feel like getting up. Xu Feng is more rational, busy way: "second miss, let's go quickly, I want to go to the gate to signal, but also to save liurui."

Xu Feng takes a look at the transmission array on the edge of the bed, which has been destroyed. It may be that Liu Rui was destroyed by Zhuo Tian and others when she wanted to escape. Now Xu Feng has to go there in person, which will take a lot of time. Liu Xiangru's small waist is not enough to hold. Liu Xiangru also hugs Xu Feng's tiger waist. Looking at Xu Feng's profile, he is very happy. He thinks it is wise to ask Xu Feng from his sister.

At this time, Yunhai city is in the middle of the night, but you can see the fire in the distance from time to time, and you can also hear the sound of swords fighting. Xu Feng falls into uncle a Niu's house, and Liu Rui and Qingmu are all there. Xu Feng keeps his promise and removes all the prohibitions imposed on the family of uncle a Niu. Meanwhile, he takes out three points of his power and says, "these are the things of the Lord of Yunhai city. You can see the right time to practice them If you want to be an ordinary person, you should lose it. "

Xu Feng left an invisible force of karma and took his three daughters to the gate of Yunhai City, which has become the main battlefield. Although the gate of the city was opened, Zhao Jing timely brought experts from several big families to guard here. Although Zhang Yulong and the old housekeeper were strong, their subordinates were not as sharp as the monks of several families in Yunhai city.

Obviously, now that there has been a sticky state, Ah Fu saw Xu Feng and ran over quickly and asked, "my father asked if you have any other way!" Why ask Xu Feng? Because all the people are saved is the credit of Xu Feng! Of course, it doesn't mean that other people didn't help, but Xu Feng has made great contributions. Therefore, Xu Feng's discourse power has been greatly improved. Moreover, Xu Feng's cultivation has also been improved a lot. Out of the old housekeeper, no one is better than Xu Feng.

Xu Feng glanced at the gate of the city. Several families were surprised and sent their children to set up the array, so that they could stop the crowd from rushing out. However, Zhao Jing and Fang Lao Er were more timid in fighting. They did not escape back into the array and did not seek victory but only stability. The longer you wait, the worse it will be for you!

"In the present situation, either break the array or kill one of the experts in the 15th grade disaster situation." Xu Feng touched his chin and felt that both were difficult. Now Zhao Jing is very clever. As long as he doesn't let the people of liujiabao and aolongbao leave, and then organize people to treat more people, he can kill Liujiapu and others at one stroke.

Xu Feng said: "it's useless to hold on to it now. We'll go back to the city Lord's house and rob everything we can!"

Zhang Yulong said in a loud voice: "that's a good idea! I can't work here. I'm going to clean up the city hall of Yunhai city! " The old housekeeper also saw the clue and threatened to go to the city Lord's house to clean up.

Now Zhao Jing was depressed. It was like a wolf into the sheep! When they first arrived, they were able to suppress them with the help of lielao and Fanglao. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yulong's tactics were more brilliant, and they killed them! As a result of this situation, Zhao Jing was worried that the city Lord's house would be demolished by these people.

Zhao Jing had to leave the city gate to chase, but in the vast night, where to find people? All of a sudden, Zhang Yulong and the old housekeeper suddenly jumped out and took a family monk. A simple move makes Zhao Jing confused! Zhao Jing scolded and returned, but it was too late. Zhang Yulong and the old housekeeper opened the road. They all galloped all the way and left Yunhai city!

As for Zhao Jing's life, Zhao Lun will find a way to clean it up. Xu Feng looks at the towering wall of Yunhai city. He has been here for five or six days for months, but the harvest is also very rich. At least, Xu Feng has improved a lot in his accomplishments.

The big team fled all the way to daybreak, and Zhang Yulong left liujiabao and regretted aolongbao. Liujiabao and his party continued to go to the Jiuhua emperor. Yes, now there is a young lady. Liu Xiangru and the old housekeeper can't drive Liu Xiangru back to Liujiapu now. She can only follow her willful way.

Only the original 16 people who went to Longyuan Pavilion for Liu Yuntian were left with nine at this time! The old housekeeper was a little depressed. He had planned to replenish in Yunhai City, but now he didn't supply. He lost nearly half of the people. It's bad luck. According to the map, there are still four days to go before the power territory of the strong people in the gathering barrier environment. In the middle, there is a monster forest to go through. The old housekeeper does not know how many people can live after passing through the forest.All of a sudden, behind a burst of shouting and drinking, Zhao Jing led a group of Yunhai city's servants to come! The huge dragon boat flying in the air, Xu Feng eyebrows a pick, this Zhao Jing is walking a correct way! Because it is serious to offend other forces, but no matter how serious it is, it can only offend the seventh Prince of the Jiuhua dynasty! As long as you wait for the liujiabao people and aolongbao Zhang Yulong to separate, then Yunhai city will gain the advantage again!

Once liujiabao and others are taken down in one fell swoop, then Yunhai city will be free from disaster. Xu Feng saw Zhao Lun, who was waving a folding fan leisurely on the dragon boat, standing beside Zhao Jing! Xu Feng narrowed his eyes. He thought that the plan was made by Zhao Lun. He really saw through his own scheme!

How could Zhao Lun be easily cheated by Xu Feng? Zhao Lun is much smarter than Zhao Jing. He still understands the truth of his dead lips and cold teeth. What else can he do if the city of Yunhai falls? Therefore, Zhao Lun has been pretending not to find Xu Feng's plot, until now only to take action.

The two men and four eyes, who were allies not long ago, are now enemies.

"I... I feel a disaster is coming, and my karma is increasing. I'm afraid I can't survive it!" A friar cried out in horror.

"Don't worry, it will be all right." Ah Fu comforts him. Ah Fu will not be afraid. If his father takes him away, Zhao Jing may not be able to catch up with him.

At this time, a large group of friars jumped down from the dragon boat in Yunhai city. Most of them were servants of the tenth class. Some of them were slightly advanced in cultivation, and the strongest were Zhao Jing and Fang Lao. Zhao jingling went down in the air and looked at the frightened Liu family castle. Zhao Jing finally regained some looks and self-confidence. He said, "you are running away. Can you escape within the boundary of Yunhai city?"

The old housekeeper's face was very ugly. If Liujiapu didn't send the girl who was the seventh Prince's talent show, Liujiapu should also take some responsibility. What's more, if Zhao Kuang and Liu Yuntian insist on their own words in the Jiuhua Dynasty, it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong! Finally, people in the Jiuhua Dynasty preferred Yunhai City, and it was not necessary to suppress liujiabao. Therefore, Qingmu and liurui must be sent.

The old housekeeper pulled Xu Feng, sacrificing his advice: "Xu Feng, the three young ladies rely on you to protect. I will let Ah Fu help you. This trip is not good, but you must escort the two young ladies to the Jiuhua emperor

Xu Feng nodded and asked, "housekeeper, do you want to fight with these people?"

The old housekeeper covered his heart and said, "how many people can escape from robbery? I can feel that robbery has begun to accumulate in my heart. There are two masters in the 15th class. I really can't think of any way to survive this disaster. "

Xu Feng shook his head and sighed, "if you report to liujiabao from the moment you leave Yunhai City, now the Liubao master may have arrived, then where can these people live? It's just that you want to share the worries for the castle master, and you don't want to fight with the leader of Zhao City, but you don't expect that you are in trouble. Since everyone in the world has to face the test of robbery, why should we think too much about it if we face it alone and do not have the domain of grace like a overlord

The old housekeeper looked at Xu Feng. At this moment, the old housekeeper felt that Xu Feng was like a man who had experienced a lot of wind and rain. He was much stronger than his old bones. He was still calm in the face of difficulties. The old housekeeper asked, "Xu Feng, don't you feel the warning of robbery?"

"What about warning me? Heaven wants me to die, but I will not die. I will not die Xu Feng saw Zhao Jing and others and said: "housekeeper, if we fight to the end, there is only one way to die."

"What good advice do you have?"

"Catch the king first. The two young masters of the Zhao family are here. Neither of them is your opponent."

The old housekeeper stroked his beard, but he did not agree with Xu Feng. He said, "I have thought about your proposal, but their two brothers are not at peace with each other. They caught one of them. I'm afraid that two of them will order the killing. The old Fang is not as powerful as I am. They are not afraid of anyone they catch."

Xu Feng said: "you don't understand this. I mean we are scattered. Their target must be you. Then you can choose who to take as hostage! You can kill Zhao Lun, so one of the two young masters is missing. Is it not safe for you to capture Zhao Jing? "

Xu Feng suddenly gave a smile and said that Zhao Lun had killed Zhao Kun. When Zhao Lun and his co-operative plan for Zhao Jing were said, the old housekeeper's eyes suddenly flashed! Xu Feng said: "if you speak these things out publicly, then Zhao Lun will surely die. In fact, as long as you capture Zhao Jing, it will be safe. As for our pursuers, I can ensure the safety of the three ladies! "

The old housekeeper rubbed his hands excitedly. After listening to Xu Feng's suggestion, he unexpectedly found that his robbery had disappeared! He knew that this was Xu Feng's intervention, Xu Feng's plan made him avoid a disaster! God's will is not a well written dramatic change, the key is to see people!

Xu Feng's words, but let Zhao Lun suddenly stop the pace! Because he felt his own disaster was coming! If you accumulate the power of karma, you will have a disaster! God, you're not kidding, are you? Zhao Lun looked at the front with some consternation. He just saw Xu Feng plotting to row a car for the old housekeeper."Did his words make me rob? How could that be possible! If I win this situation, I will be sacrificed? " Zhao Lun panicked and kept asking himself where he had a problem. , the fastest update of the webnovel!