The weak, trapped in people, pray in heaven.

The strong, however, go against the sky and control their destiny!

Control not only their own destiny, but also the fate of others! Friends, clansmen and even enemies are truly powerful beings. Such as the leader of the demon clan, Emperor Jiang, once the strongest of the witch clan, and now

Lin Feng.

Unified fighting spirit world?

For Lin Feng, this has never been a real pursuit. His greatest wish is to protect his family and reunite with them; The second is the pursuit of fate, the pursuit of power, a higher level, stronger power and a more distant realm.

As for the fighting spirit world, it is only a pedal and a ladder.

With Lin Feng's current strength, if you want to be free and easy, it's easy to shelter a country of hunting. No matter the witch or the demon, you won't offend Lin Feng for a small "island". Even according to what Duoduo said, with the progress speed of Lin Feng, break through and become a strong star... It's only a matter of time.


Many times, many things are not for one's own preference.

In the southern region, human beings are not only a responsibility but also an obligation to Lin Feng, which can not be avoided.

Instead of repeatedly entangled between the Lich and the human race, it's better to break through with vigour and vitality and be small and broad. Even if you lose, you don't have to care. Human forces spread all over the fighting spirit world, like weeds, and the spring wind blows again. What can be worse than before?

Although human beings had multiplied in large numbers before, in fact, they were subject to the witch nationality and were "enslaved" by it.

What are you waiting to survive?

"Fang Ning, little sword." Lin Feng glanced at them, and his eyes were shining.

"Yes." Fang Ning and Xiao Jian answered. Although they are brothers with Lin Feng, their private feelings are on the one hand. They are Lin Feng's subordinates, so they can't surpass them. If everyone calls them brothers, what's their prestige? How does the forest wind control the whole southern region?

"Take Fang Ning as the leader and Xiao Jian as the deputy to command the army in the southern region..." Lin Feng looked calm, but his voice was bright with a sense of war.

"Set out for the eight regions of mankind!"


As soon as Lin Feng's voice came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The eyes of everyone here are glowing. Although they are surprised, they are not really surprised. In fact, the strength of the southern region has been able to sweep the eight regions of mankind long ago, unify the nine regions and integrate them. However, Lin Feng has always been hiding his power and did not want to expand his power.

Now, it is needless to say that people understand what this means.

Lin Feng, I'm not kidding!

He really wants to unify the fighting spirit world and achieve a great cause in this troubled world!

Conquering the eight human domains is only the first step to unify and develop human forces. It is true that the strength of the other eight regional alliances is far inferior to that of the southern region, but was it not so in the former southern region? Many things are man-made.

Since Lin Feng can transform the southern region, he can naturally transform the other eight regions and make them stronger!

After all, human beings have accumulated profound information through the development of these endless years. The number of races, savvy and looking at the fighting spirit world are first-class. It is not luck that there are so many strong people in the southern region in a short time, but accumulated a little. As long as the eight human regions have enough time, they can also soar to the sky!

This is Lin Feng's decision.

Now that the war is over, then... Have a good fight!


"Grandpa." Lin Feng came smiling.

"Oh?" with a faint smile, Feng Zhuo's eyes were like burning fire. Looking at Lin Feng, he put down the tea in his hand. "Feng ER seems to have something important to visit late at night?"

Lin Feng nodded with a smile and didn't hide it.

Grandpa is a close relative of his own. He doesn't need to say anything against his heart in front of his relatives, because he will not refuse anything he can do as long as he opens his mouth.

"There is one thing that no one else can do except in public." Lin Feng's eyes glowed.

"Let Grandpa guess." Feng Zhuo raised his eyebrows and smiled. "With your strength and status now, it's easy to do whatever you want. Grandpa's weak strength can't help much. The only thing that can be regarded as' valuable 'should be... Identity."

The leader of the ancient Qiang Feng clan, the few strong survivors of the Phoenix clan and even the southern ancient regions, and the interpersonal context throughout the seven ancient regions, are the reliance of Feng Zhuo.

He dared to offend the temple that day. If Feng Zhuo was not sure, how could he put the whole family in danger?

"There is a lot of noise outside, saying that Feng ER is unwilling to hibernate. You are already sending troops to the eight human regions and want to expand the edge of the southern region at one stroke?" Feng Zhuo looked at Lin Feng, saw his nephew nod and admit, and smiled with satisfaction, "It's a good thing that a man has ambition. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. What's more, Feng ER, you have real strength and more than enough to command the whole human region."

Said, slightly pondering, Feng Zhuo looked at Lin Feng and said, "so... Feng ER came this time to hope that my old bone would be a lobbyist?"

"Yes, please Grandpa." Lin Feng bowed his head and said without hesitation.

After all, grandpa is the head of a family. He has so much experience that he can guess his purpose.

Indeed, sending troops to capture the eight human domains is only their first step. It will attract all human elites and expand the foundation of the southern domain. At that time, more good seedlings will participate in the God making plan. The strong saints will spring up one after another, supplemented by more Xingbao equipment, which is enough to make up for the shortcomings of the southern domain.

If the quantity is not enough, replace it with quality.

At that time, every strong human has several star treasures, which can be one for three, five, or even ten.

But these are all late plans. Now the southern region is quite weak, and will be wiped out by the demon family at any time. It is impossible for a race to advance by leaps and bounds in just a few days, but there is a way——


Alliance and common hatred are the most common tactics in war. For the southern region, the witch clan and the demon clan can not be the object of alliance. The major forces secretly planning are also difficult to win over, but one force is not only powerful and profound, but also has the origin of the same origin!

That is... The ancient family.

"After unifying the human region, the alliance of the ancient clan comes first."

"This is the future development goal of our southern region. I hope Grandpa will try his best to help. Feng ER is very grateful."

Lin Fengwei bowed his head and said softly.

If we can get the strong support of the ancient people, the southern region will have enough strength to participate in this catastrophe, and even compete for the position of "King" in the spiritual world. The southern region has its own strongest fighter in the spirit world. With a large number of Saint level and King level strong men of the ancient family, it is enough to pull the wrist with the demon family. As for the witch family

Now, there is no threat.

"Well..." Feng Zhuo was slightly pondering and his eyebrows were slightly clustered. "It's a pity that Wu Fenggu God died. Otherwise, it's very likely that he would come forward. Although I have many good friends, most of them are the head of the family, elders, and even the strong people of the ancient family. I don't have deep friends with the other six ancient gods and even the temple."

Lin Feng's eyes were slightly bright, and he also understood grandpa's meaning.

Obviously, the external policy of ancient ethnic affairs is determined by the seven ancient gods and temples, just as the affairs of the southern region are not those who are strong in the nine continents, but themselves.

Every ethnic group has the existence of an equivalent "emperor" to determine everything.

"It's up to man to plan, and it's up to heaven." Lin Feng nodded. "At least there's a chance. Now I'm not only the strongest in the fighting spirit world, but also half of the ancient blood. I feel very friendly with the ancient people. Maybe the six ancient gods will consider it."

There are still possibilities.

Lin Feng knew that his greatest reliance was the blood flowing from his body, half of which was born by the ancient family.

Perhaps the ancient people despise human beings, and the temple has set strict rules to prohibit human intermarriage with the ancient people, but there are exceptions to everything. Now their strength is the best in the whole fighting spirit world. For the ancient people, this is not only a shame, but also a pride!

Moreover, the strength of the Wu clan has plummeted. Without the Wu Emperor Jiang, the ancient clan will carefully consider whether it is worth it if they want to maintain an alliance with the Wu clan again.

The extinction of the southern ancient domain is an iron fact!

The Lich clan is by no means a good "ally". Since the beginning of the second Lich war, the ancient clan has been put in danger countless times, with heavy casualties. Lin Feng knew clearly that he must be very angry to put himself in his own position. However, he had to swallow this tone for the sake of the overall situation. After all, the witch clan was defeated and the ancient clan was also at a loss.

In the past, the ancient clan had no choice but to rely on the witch clan, but now it has a choice. I just don't know whether the ancient clan will alliance with the "human" it despised before?

After all, the ancient clan's self-esteem... Even exceeds that of the witch clan!

That's a very proud race.


There is nothing to do. All Lin Feng can do is wait.

Grandpa fengzhuo is definitely the most suitable lobbyist. If he can't succeed, he can't help himself. The only thing is to implement the second plan, but it's far less effective than the alliance with the ancient people. I'm sure that once the southern region and the ancient clan alliance, supplemented by their reputation as the strongest in the spirit fighting world, the demon clan will never go to war with themselves in a short time. After all, the witch clan is always the most hated by the demon clan.

The demon clan is happy to do the things that make things worse.

A hundred footed insects die but do not freeze. Although the Lich family has no Lich emperor Jiang, its strength still exists. Even if the Lich family takes the strength of the family and wants to completely annihilate the Lich family, it will take at least a few years or even more. During this time, it will command the whole human region, and there will be countless saints or even kings in the southern region relying on the God creation plan.

Human strength will increase greatly!

If we fight again at that time, human beings will have a better chance of winning!

But the plan is always a plan, and the reality will not be so perfect. Many things can't be seen and guessed right now. The only thing is to go step by step and be flexible.

Moreover, will the ancient clan really agree?