
The explosion of the flame is full of joy and flexibility.

It seems that this is not refining Xingbao, but a transformation, a rebirth and desire of life.

"Ao ~ ~" a fire phoenix, spread its wings and fly.

The loud and clear cry, accompanied by the spread of the Phoenix's wings, brings a kind of life vitality.

It was the star image of the heart of glass, the ultimate beauty, and everything seemed to live. The Phoenix's eyes are shining with wisdom, the color luster of the glass heart is bright and transparent, and the vibrant metal elasticity. That feeling is called——


Real perfection!

"How beautiful."

"What amazing vitality."

At this time, Lin Feng has separated from his self state.

Just at that moment, the memory seemed to become hazy, and the whole person completely relaxed, just like the transformation of 'quality'.

A release of the heart.

Stars, slowly disappear.

However, Lin Feng's shock did not subside.

This is not a top-level astrology, nor is it a top-level astrology, because among the astrology, the completed "heart of glass" has one more layer——


This is an astrology that no level has.

"Yumo once told me that drawing the 'Tao' to the extreme has a new realm."

"Surpassing all the top grades is for real perfection."

That's what every tool refiner is pursuing

Perfect state!

"Is it really a perfect realm?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed.

Gently stroking the "heart of glass", I felt a feeling of heart movement, and I was stunned.

In the heart of coloured glaze, there is one more 'thing'. No, it should be said that it is a brand and a mark, just like the "signature" of a tool refiner, which is engraved on the top.

A fire phoenix!

The Phoenix is full of vitality.

"No, it's not perfect."

"There should be no such 'brand' in the real perfect realm."

Lin Feng nodded and thought.

Although the emergence of this "brand" is to raise the top grade again.

However, it is not a sign of "perfect grade", but more like the embodiment of a certain power in one's own body.

"It's the fire of rebirth."

"It should be the fire of rebirth. That's right."

Lin Feng's eyes were sparkling and his heart was suddenly clear.

As a smelter, I am particularly clear and sensitive to the process of each smelter.

This time, with the feeling of entering the 'Tao', the rebirth fire seemed to be perfectly combined with the heart of glass, giving full play to the most extreme power. It's like integrating its power into the heart of glass.

Therefore, there is this transformation.

"Because the fire of rebirth is the relationship between defense and fire?" Lin Feng smiled slightly.

One is the star treasure of the defense system, the other is the fire of the defense system. The two are perfect, but they also think about each other.

"It's not the top grade, nor is it the perfect grade, but it belongs to me, just like the craftsman's' signature '." Lin Feng smiled and stroked the' Fire Phoenix 'branded on the heart of glass, his eyes sparkling.

"Call it 'sub perfect grade'."

Lin family, star treasure house.

One of the four "libraries". Every day, countless Xingbao are taken out of the trading space, and its value is difficult to predict.

Lin Ping, the deputy director, always counted all the star treasures. His ordinary Chinese character face was calm and did repeated work every day. For him, it was basically completely numb. Even if these star treasures are expensive, they are just the accumulation of a pile of numbers.

Batch by batch.

Checking, calculating and warehousing, Lin Ping browsed quickly.


"Pop." his hands pause on the complex keyboard buttons.

With wide eyes and tongue tied mouth, Lin Ping looked at the screen in horror and swallowed his saliva in a "grunt" voice, as if he saw some shocking picture. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Lin Ping blinked hard, his chest fluctuated rapidly, and his breathing became extremely fast.


"How is it possible!!"

"It can't be true..."

Lin Ping stared at the screen, feeling at a loss.

He was in a hurry. He didn't even dare to press the button, and the whole person panicked.

After taking over the "star treasure house" for thousands of years, Lin Ping has never tried such a situation. His heart is about to break his watch and he is in a panic.

What should I do?

What should he do now!!

"Yes, yes!" Lin Ping finally reacted.

Immediately open the star crystal table and quickly dial the familiar communication list.

"What's up, Ping?" Lin Zhong opened the Star Crystal Watch and opened his mouth at will.

As the chief manager of the tool refiner, Lin Zhong is in charge of everything about "tool refining" in the family. It can be said that he is actually the chief manager. Compared with deputy manager Lin Pingping, Lin Zhong is more busy every day and has countless affairs to deal with.

At this time, I am busy settling the personnel allocation of refiners in the next quarter.

One name after another was crossed. Listening to Lin Ping's words, Lin Zhong was a little careless.


"Click." the pen in his hand broke in two.

Lin Zhong looked stunned and shocked, "what, the 'heart of colored glass'

In his ear, Lin Zhong's body trembled again, and his eyes flashed a look of disbelief. He was completely confused.

Top grade!

The level that the smelter dreams of refining.

But now, there are 69 "hearts of glass", which are nine star treasures!

Although it is only the lowest star treasure, it is still a "star treasure", not a Lingbao. In fact, even for Lingbao, even the local level refiners are not sure of refining it into a "top-level product", let alone Xingbao. There are 69 "top-level products", which is more than the top-level products refined by the family's eight local level smelters in their whole life.

"Impossible..." Lin Zhong muttered to himself.

"Wait, Ping, don't move!" Lin Zhong roared fiercely, his voice a little abnormal.

"I'll come right away, right away!"

Garden house.


"It will cause an uproar."

Lin Feng suddenly smiled and looked very calm.

Now I don't know anything about the smelter. I have learned a lot from Yu mo.

Top grade, quite difficult to refine.

Most refiners refine according to the "guide book for refining tools". It is quite good to be able to refine "medium grade". Many refiners often make mistakes, and the success rate of refining tools is not so high. After all, this is a very 'subtle' operation. If you make a mistake, you will lose everything.

Only by truly mastering the "Tao" can we have the opportunity to refine the "top-grade" star treasures.

However, it is undoubtedly more difficult for a craftsman not only to master the way of constellations, but also to "test" their own refining methods.

Technology is on the one hand, the other is——


How to do the experiment without money?

Even Lin Feng's experiment with a nine grade star treasure, the "heart of glass", took three days and three nights and consumed 400 million doling coins. For others, it takes at least more than a month, and the money consumed is difficult to calculate.

And this is just Jiupin Xingbao.

What about eight star treasures, seven star treasures and six star treasures?

It is difficult to master the "Tao" of constellations, and it is even more difficult to refine high-grade Xingbao.

And to refine the 'top grade'

Even more difficult!

As for the "perfect grade", it only exists in legends.

"If you want to sell this, I'm afraid it's the real thing that will cause a 'big earthquake'." Lin Feng smiled calmly and played with the 'heart of glass' in his hand. The existence of sub perfect grade gives him a very different feeling, which is completely different from the' top grade '.

This glazed heart is like a unique life.

Although it is not perfect, it can be called "flawless".



The price will naturally be sky high, but it will have an unnecessary impact on yourself.

Unlike the "top grade", even if it is found that it is refined by itself, so what? At best, it shows that he has fully realized the Tao of refining the "heart of glass", which is called a genius for refining tools. But take out the "sub perfect grade"

That's the monster.

At that time, I'm afraid the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages.

"I will have a lot of money after the 69 top-level glass hearts are sold."

"At that time, in addition to buying star armor, I can also buy some necessities, such as stars, fuxingdan, or replace the hundred fold 'array of time engraved patterns' and so on."

Lin Feng's eyes flickered and his heart whispered.

Money will be much more convenient in the fighting spirit world.

It can not only make yourself comfortable and carefree life, but also make the cultivation more effective with half the effort.

"There are five days left."

"Now everything should be ready for the rosefinch challenge."

"I don't know if the wing can fight at that time. If it helps me, the odds of victory will be much greater."

Lin Feng smiled with a smile. Now the wings are different.

On the path of the strong star in the sky that Wu Peng once walked through, now the wings have awakened, and the "Dragonfly constellation" is in the process of latent cultivation. It's just that the land of Jiuzhou is different from Yanling mansion. There are not too many wars here for him to give full play to his strengths.


"Enter the 9999 killing communities in Shiluo county."

"Absorb enough 'nutrients', just like Wu, the strength of wing can advance by leaps and bounds, but..."

"At the moment, there is no need."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and rejected it instantaneously.

To participate in the "rosefinch challenge", it depends more on your own strength.

"Sixty nine 'hearts of glass' are sold. It will take several hours to receive the' payment '."

"Now, what can I do?"

Lin Feng is silent and indecisive, but the trading space receives goods and rations at the same time every day.

It will take a while to get that "huge sum of money".

"Well, why don't you try to recognize the Lord 'Xingbao'?" Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

With a star treasure, one's own strength will be improved, which will be of great help to oneself in battle.

In addition to the "heart of glass", he also has a "star treasure staff" obtained from the hundred waterfalls and a "necklace" won from Jia Fei's gambling fight. In the evaluation of the price of the virtual and real ball, it exceeds "one billion bucket spirit coins".

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth suddenly raised slightly.

(first change ~ ~)