Chapter 626

Thick dark clouds shine on the top of song Fengya's head.

Song Fengya holds the pen tightly and writes the last word on the test paper.

At the end of the exam, song Fengya put away the stationery on the desk and took it to the door.

He always recalled what Gu canzhao and Lu Xiaolai had said and what he had experienced with Zhou youyou.

The driver stood by the school door and opened the door for song Fengya.

Song Fengya bent down to sit in the car.

Half of his body has entered the car. Song Fengya suddenly stops all over. He drops his stationery and turns to rush into the school.

As he ran to school, he called Zhou youyou on his mobile phone.

But Zhou youyou's phone prompts to shut down.

He pressed off the phone and immediately called Lu Xiaolai, but Lu Xiaolai's phone occupied the line and could not get through.

Song Fengya is so anxious that she runs to the girls' dormitory.

Outside the elevator are all girls who go back to tidy up after the exam. Song Fengya can't wait to run up the stairs to the fifth floor and outside the Room 502, slapping at the door and shouting "is there anyone?".

When someone came out of the dormitory, Meng Yujie looked at him strangely and asked, "are you looking for them?"

Song Fengya gasped and nodded: "she... Have they... Come back..."

Meng Yujie shook his head: "Xiaolai should come back to pack things, youyou should not come back."

"For... Why?" Song Fengya stood there in surprise.

"Youyou's things have been moved out for a long time. Why do you come back?"

"When..." song Fengya looked dull.

Yes... It must be because of the summer vacation that she will move everything away. It must be.

But it's just a summer vacation, and it's not that I won't come back... Is it necessary?

Song Fengya asked eagerly, "do you know where she is now? Is she gone? "

"Who? Do you mean Xiaolai or youyou

"I said Zhou youyou..."

"You you, maybe you haven't left yet. She said that she would go back to the classroom first and get something from the teacher... "

Without waiting for Meng Yujie to finish, song Fengya ran away like a gust of wind.

Song Fengya ran back to the classroom of class 103.

There are only three people in the classroom, no Zhou youyou.

Song Fengya goes to Tang Miao's office again, but there are only teachers in the office, and there are no students at all.

Tang Miao saw him and asked him what he wanted.

Song Fengya shakes her head pale and says nothing. She turns around and walks away.

What the hell is he doing

What's the point of what he's doing now?

What can he do if he finds Zhou youyou?

Song Fengya doesn't know

But he can't find her, he can't find her

That moment of courage, and in the endless remorse gradually disappear.

Song Fengya's step is more and more slow, and finally stops in the empty corridor.

He picked up his cell phone, opened Zhou youyou's contact number, raised his finger and pressed it down.

The finger stops in mid air, how can't press down.

Song Fengya is very disappointed in herself.

He dropped his hand and went on.

Like a walking corpse, walking in the endless dark abyss.

There will never be a bright day.

At the school gate, Zhou youyou stands beside his private car and looks back at the Shengjing School Park standing in front of him.

There was a pale, sad smile on her lips.

Doodle doodle. The car stuck in the road honked its horn.

Zhou youyou hurried into the car and closed the door, as if isolating himself from the school.

She lowered her head and whispered "goodbye" to her hand on her knee.