Chapter 573


With a fierce cry, the bodyguard behind released Lu Xiaolai, covered his crotch and jumped in place.

Lu Xiaolai stepped on the ground, turned back, threw away the hands of the two bodyguards, wiped off the overpowering liquid on his face, threw the white towel on the ground and stepped on several feet.

Bang. A stick in the back of my head.

Lu Xiaolai had a dull headache and looked back dizzily. His body swayed left and right, and he couldn't stand steadily: "you... You dare..."

Several bodyguards surrounded Lu Xiaolai, looking at her body, none of them came forward.

"Waiting for someone to come, isn't it! Take her down soon

The bodyguards reacted, gathered around and grabbed Lu Xiaolai's hands and feet, then took out a new overpowering towel. After more than ten seconds, Lu Xiaolai's consciousness became more and more blurred and fainted.

"Pack it up, get out of here!" Lai Haosheng shouts, kicks the door and goes downstairs.

The man in the black suit put Lu Xiaolai into a black cloth bag and ran downstairs.

Two cars were parked outside the emergency exit, and the black cloth bag containing Lu Xiaolai was stuffed into the trunk. Lai Haosheng got on the car and went away.

Four bodyguards left with Lai Haosheng, and the rest returned to the room just now.

Lai Haosheng originally intended to capture Lu Xiaolai first, but he would stay to take care of canzhao. But the strong dragon does not press the local snake, let alone the strong dragon on the ground. Lai Haosheng didn't have this ability. After he taught Gu canzhao a lesson, he successfully ran away and had to slip back to his own territory.

In fact, if he runs more than ten minutes late, he may not have arrived at Huadong airport, and he will be taken back by Gu canzhao.

The bodyguards who came back to the room got twice as much money as the others. They were still secretly happy and had no sense of the coming storm.

In the corner of the corridor not far from the rest room, Sue witnessed the whole process.

The officer next to him asked, "Miss sue, don't we help you?"

"I'm still injured. Your task is to protect me, not to save people."

"But Miss Lu is Gu Shao's fiancee..."

"You are wrong." Sue smiles.

Lu Xiaolai is not Gu Shao's fiancee, so she may never be Gu Shao's daughter-in-law. A kidnapped fiancee, a fiancee who may be violated, will never be admitted by the family elders.

Yes, Sue gave up Gu canzhao.

Let Lu Xiaolai seize the person in front of her to get what she wants is the most unsuccessful thing in su'er's life so far. But su'er is defeated by Gu canzhao. She is not defeated by Lu Xiaolai.

Despite her scars, she is the focus of the world, the center of the stage.

Gu canzhao, accept her revenge!

If they can protect each other in such a trial, she is willing to bless them.

Sue turned to the two officers and said, "remember, we don't want to save them. They are numerous and powerful, and I am injured. We don't stand up, just to protect ourselves. "

"This... Don't inform Gu Shao?"

"What's the hurry? I'll inform you right away. Before that --"

Sue went to the room at the end of the corridor. Two officers seemed to know what she was going to do. One stood by Sue's side, and the other ran to open the door for her.

Five black suits look to the door.


The arrows in the sleeves shot out one after another, and shot into the tendons of several men's feet nearby, screaming repeatedly.

Two officers rushed into the room, subdued the five bodyguards three or two times, punched and kicked them, tied their hands and feet, and tied them to the five corners of the room.

Sue raised her mouth and turned to the meeting.