Chapter 432

Lai Haotian stepped back: "you're so powerful. I'm sick when I fight with you."

"I'm tied up and I'll give you two hands."

"Really? I don't believe you can fight without hands! " Lai Haotian didn't believe it. He looked up and down at him, but his heart began to shake.

"It may be the only chance you can beat me. If you don't believe it, try it? "

Gu canzhao looked calm and calm, and could not see a trace of fear.

Lai Haotian and Gu canzhao once trained in the military camp at the same time. Together with them, there was a young lady from the Su family, the founding father of the country. Lai Haotian, two years older than Gu canzhao, also came to the military camp two months earlier. With the height advantage of half a head higher and the tough physical quality, they had countless competitions, and Lai Haotian was completely defeated several times.

This is not only a failure of Lai Haotian's military training career, but also a disgrace in his life.

Gu canzhao is just relying on the strength of a strong and fearless, Lai Haotian does not believe Gu canzhao can beat him without two hands.

Lai Haotian shakes his hand to the mustard beside him and asks him to uncover the rope just tied on the outermost layer of Gu canzhao.

Moustache frowned and advised: "young master, madam Gu can fight. I'm afraid it will do us a disservice."

"I am young master or you are young master! If you don't go, I'll go myself! "

"Yes, you are young master. I'll go." The mustard could only walk to the back of the chair and untied the rope tied to Gu canzhao's outer ring.

Gu canzhao stood up and went to Lai Haotian, who was five centimeters taller than Lai Haotian.

"You have the weapon, I'll give you both hands. Even if you can't win me, you can go back to your hometown and farm. "

"Gu canzhao!" Lai Haotian threw away his nunchakus. "I don't need weapons! You must die

Lai Haotian waves his fist and rushes up. Gu canzhao leans to the left, then avoids Lai Haotian's fist easily, and slowly retreats to the back of the chair. Gu canzhao gently kicked the chair, which tripped over Lai Haotian's body and almost made him fall to the ground.

Lai Haotian held the chair with his hand and stood still. Regardless of face and lining, he picked up the nunchakus on the ground and swung them. He went to Gu canzhao with a sad smile.

But at this time, Lu Xiaolai suddenly ran to the door, yelled "catch" and threw out his Swiss Army knife.

Everyone was shocked to look at the door, but Gu canzhao slightly bent his knee and jumped up. He bit it with his mouth and threw it back. The hand tied behind him firmly caught the saber and inserted it into the knot to cut the rope.

"Arrest that woman!" In a rage, Lai Haotian orders everyone to catch Lu Xiaolai and attack Gu canzhao with his nunchakus.

Gu canzhao ducked, quickly dodged to one side, and cut the rope in his hand for a moment.

"Gu canzhao! I will defeat you Lai Haotian showed his teeth and rushed up.

Gu can Zhao didn't dodge, but with a sneer on his lips, he suddenly broke away from all the ropes on his body, grabbed a stainless steel stick only two and a half centimeters away from his side face, and quickly approached him.

When Lai Haotian reacted, the tip of the Swiss Army knife had already touched the artery in his neck.

"You lost, again."

"You..." Lai Haotian raised his neck and did not dare to move.

Not far away, Lu Xiaolai is in a hurry to cope with the encirclement. Seeing that Lai Haotian is under control, she yells: "Hello! Your young master is dying! Why are you pestering me? "

Gu canzhao's saber came closer: "let them stop."

"Stop it... Stop it all..." Lai Haotian didn't dare to speak too hard and yelled at the top of his voice.