Chapter 428

Lu Xiaolai sat face to face with the middle-aged man, and no one spoke first.

The rebel bodyguard rushed forward anxiously and yelled at the middle-aged man: "I've brought people here as you said! When can I have my daughter back? "

"It's so noisy. Take it down."

As soon as the middle-aged man waved his hand, the two men immediately took the bodyguard down. The bodyguard was dragged out of the hall, and the cry of "give my daughter back to me" could still be heard in the distance.

Lu Xiaolai looked back and raised a false smile.

I didn't expect that this man had a daughter. It's not right for her to withdraw her "note on Orphans" and curse the destruction of people's families.

The middle-aged man put out his cigarette and looked at Lu Xiaolai: "Miss Lu, I've always wanted to see you and your family. It's lucky to see you here today."

"No, I don't deserve it. I admire the way you employ people. "

"You're very busy, and I'm very busy, so we don't talk in secret."

Lu Xiaolai narrowed his eyes with a smile: "no, I just finished the final exam. I'm very idle. You can talk with me a little more and let me pass the time

The man skips her words and asks directly: "venture to ask, where is the thing you are looking for now?"

Lu Xiaolai frowned and said, "my ancestors said that I can't talk to strangers. I don't know who you are. I won't tell you casually."

"It's in your Lu family's hands. Sooner or later, it will bring you disaster. It's better to get rid of it early so that you can live a stable life for ordinary people. What's the difference between taking care of one's family and other aristocratic families? "

Lu Xiaolai nodded with approval: "what you said is very reasonable, but I listen to my ancestors most."

The man thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "have you ever heard of the Lai family in Northeast China?"

"Oh, Lao Lai!" Lu Xiaolai suddenly raised his eyebrows and immediately put away his expression, "I haven't heard of it."

The man's face sank a little: "Miss Lu, please show some respect."

Lu Xiaolai glanced at the wall, shrugged his shoulders and said, "robbing people's houses is not Laolai?"

As soon as the man's face turned blue, he immediately recovered: "I've heard that Miss Lu is very eloquent. It really deserves her reputation."

"Don't flatter me. If you flatter me too much, I won't take you seriously." Lu Xiaolai didn't take these people seriously in his heart.

"I have identified myself. What about the things?"

"You said we were looking for it, of course." Lu Xiaolai leaned back in his chair and swayed his legs leisurely.

"Miss Lu, you'd better understand your situation. Dare to play with me, you and Mr. Gu don't want to go back alive. "

"Then you don't want to get anything. If you don't finish the task, you old Lai's one should be very angry, right

The moustache man's facial expression, suddenly laughed: "ha ha, ha ha ha, no wonder Mr. Gu will like you, you are really different."

"I don't need to tell you that."

"Miss Lu, I hope we can solve this problem as peacefully as possible. We will make some compensation for this hotel in the future, and of course we will reward you for your help. "

Lu Xiaolai thought from the bottom of his heart and said slowly, "actually, I hate what people force me to do. I don't want to dig a grave in this place where the birds don't shit. If it wasn't for Gu, I wouldn't come here. They've been digging for three or five years, and they can't dig anything out. "