Chapter 416

"Oh, yes. You mean Chen Zhou of the school sports team? Or the fat captain of your swimming team? "

"How dare you say that, our captain! Lu Xiaolai, get up from me! What do you want to do? "

Lu Xiaolai raised his chin and thought for a moment. He replied, "actually, I'm here to vent my anger."

Meng Yujie's face was full of humiliation. He yelled angrily: "don't go too far! Thank you for treating you as a friend

Lu Xiaolai shrugged his brows and said sarcastically, "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you."

"To tell you the truth, being friends with you is the worst thing in my life! Get out of the way

"I told you last time that our friend has nothing to do. You and I are no longer friends. Don't always say that. I didn't want you to help me explain to you. I don't care what you think. But if you make it difficult for you and song Fengya, it's your biggest mistake. "

"You don't want to threaten..."

Ho - the sharp point of the knife was just a few millimeters away from her face. Meng Yujie's shoulder trembled and her eyes were too scared to move. She was afraid that the edge of the knife would cut her face.

Lu Xiaolai was not worried at all. He said slowly, "it's time for the final exam. It's not good to see blood. Well, you quit the swimming team. In the three years of high school, you are not allowed to participate in any water related competitions, even if it is a little punishment for you. "

"If you ask me to quit, I will quit. What do you think of our swimming team?"?! Our swimming team is the formal formation of the school, not people like you can do what you want! "

"Why don't you understand?" Lu Xiaolai came to her ear and said in a low voice, "here, I can do what I want. I'm not asking for your opinion. I'm just informing you. Meng, wait for the notice. "

"Lu Xiaolai! If you dare to do that, I'll curse you for the rest of your life

Lu Xiaolai said to himself, "I'm hungry. Youyou is about to come back. It's not good for Youduo to wait. "

"I won't quit the swimming team! unable! How can you... "

Lu Xiaolai touched his stomach, stood up from Meng Yujie and walked to the door.

Meng Yujie got up from the ground with hands and feet, and roared angrily at Lu Xiaolai's back: "Lu Xiaolai!"

Brush - Lu Xiaolai quickly turns back, a sharp silver light flashes, the tip of the knife is facing Meng Yujie's throat, the blade cuts a shallow line in her neck, small blood beads seep out of her skin.

Meng Yujie's neck is stiff and her legs are shaking.

Lu Xiaolai's face was cold and fierce, and he snorted with disdain.

"Bad luck doesn't mean I'm taboo. I'm not a good man. Take care of your mouth, hands and feet. Next time I find out, you can pack up your things and get out of Shengjing. "

Lu Xiaolai finished, took back the knife, turned around, slammed the door and walked out of the room.

The door slammed, Meng Yujie's feet softened, and the whole person sat on the ground.

She stroked her neck tremblingly, looked at the blood on her fingertips, took a breath of cold air, supported her body with her hand, looked at the ground in fear, and let out a cold sweat.

"Lu Xiaolai... Why..."

Three minutes later, the phone vibrated.

Meng Yujie staggered up and opened the new news.

It's a group message from the captain of the swimming team. There is only one sentence: due to moral problems, Meng Yujie will no longer be a member of the swimming team from today on. Please know.

"How could..."

As the mobile phone slipped from her hand, Meng Yujie covered her face and began to cry helplessly.