Chapter 389

Looking at Gu canzhao's figure disappearing at the stairway, Lu Pingyi sighed and went to the ward.

He went to the ward and reached for the door. When he saw the lid of the kettle in his hand, he remembered that the hot kettle was still in the boiling water room, and he turned back to the boiling water room to pour water.

Lu Pingyi returned to the ward full of boiling water and sat by the bed looking at Lu Xiaolai's sleeping face. His frowned brow could not stretch.

This may be too cruel for her daughter, but Lu Pingyi has no other choice.

In the past two days, several suspicious people have been wandering around the martial arts school and near their home. Lu Pingyi is worried that he has attracted the attention of those important people. He decides to go through the transfer procedures for Lu Xiao after he leaves hospital tomorrow, and then moves out of Z city to live in a remote city.

However, how to explain it to Lu Xiao has become a big problem.

In the ward, the warm air conditioner was on, and a layer of white fog formed on the window glass. The moon was half round.

This ward is a double room. The patient in the next bed just left the hospital this evening. For the time being, there is only one patient in the ward, Lu Xiaolai.

After a full sleep, Lu Xiaolai grinned at Lu Pingyi at the head of the bed, stretched out and looked out of the window. He was disappointed to see the dark day.

"What? It's still at night. Why isn't it in the morning..."

Lu Pingyi expression heavy, struggling in the heart, deep mouth: "little, some things, I think it's time to tell you."

"Let me think about it..." Lu Xiaolai poked his head with his fingers, and suddenly his eyes brightened and his fingers pointed to his head. "Dad, do you mean those things in Taoyuan Township of Wuyi?"

Lu Pingyi looked at her in amazement: "how do you know..."

"I don't know. Tell me about it."

Lu Pingyi straightened his face and said slowly, "it's going to start a long time ago... (ten thousand words are omitted here)... For a long time, they have been coveting the medicine that our ancestors made for Qin Shihuang. So when we leave hospital tomorrow, we'll go through the transfer procedures and move out of this place forever."

Lu Xiaolai looked at him for unknown reasons: "even the first emperor of Qin has pulled it out. Dad, how can you tell a historical story?"

"Come on, it's not a story. It's all true."

Lu Xiaolai nodded: "OK, I see. Now let's start asking questions. When I received the admission notice of Shengjing school, my father didn't want me to go to this school, because of this reason? "

"Yes... Because of this."

"Where is that medicine now?"

"Long lost in the ancestors on the way to escape, there is no medicine."

"Tell those people that we can't do without medicine. Why do we have to transfer? I'm going to take the final exam soon, so it's very important for me to go back and forth. "

"They have always been extorting, they will not listen to our explanation... And they firmly believe that the medicine is buried in the Lu family's ancestral grave."

"But Dad, even if we move, the transfer procedures will also write what school I transferred to. With the development of science and technology, ID cards are used everywhere. It's not easy for those people to know where we are by hiring a hacker or paying for a department? Do we have to move to a remote place without Internet? It's no use running, so what else can we run? "

Lu Pingyi frowned at her: "come on, don't you want that young man?"

Lu Xiaolai said mischievously: "Oh, I've been found. But what I said is very reasonable, isn't it? "