Chapter 285

The car left the school area and went on the Beltway.

Chang Yu turns from the co pilot to the back seat and looks at Lu Xiaolai leisurely looking at the scenery outside the window. He laughs naively.

Lu Xiaolai turned his head and looked at him in disgust: "what are you laughing at, senior? It's so silly to laugh

"Primary school sister, you have no scruples now. Just to meet zero? " Zhang Yu winked at her.

"Why not?"

"Yes, I'll be happy to assist you. But Xuemei, don't say you learned from me. It's not a good habit. "

"If someone asks, I'll tell you the truth."

"No, Xuemei! I haven't tasted love yet. I don't want to die so young! "

Lu Xiaolai patted his chest with confidence: "don't worry, I'll keep you alive."


"Ha ha ha, I'm very righteous!"

"Xuemei, you are a little arrogant recently."

"Do you have one?" Lu Xiaolai blinked, "no, I'm honest."

"I've heard from Chunhua that you're having trouble in sports class today, aren't you?"

Lu Xiaolai holds his chin thoughtfully: "it's only two hours ago. You know it so quickly. It's good to talk with my sister."

Zhang Yu looks embarrassed and turns his head back.

Lu Xiaolai came close to him and then said, "senior, I'm very glad you said that you must strike while the iron is hot to pursue Chunhua. You must be careful what you say. You can't say anything bad about your sister, or you will be easily put in the cold. "

"What do you mean?"

"Just boast. In your eyes all over the world, there is only sister Chunhua. You don't look at the beauties on the roadside. Whether you are angry, indifferent or angry, you are the most beautiful in your heart

"That's OK. I'm very good at it."

"Then you can't boast without thinking. It will be very fake."

Zhang Yu turned his head and said, "how can it be natural to boast?"

"Just like you usually do."

"No... what's the difference between you and me?"

Not far away came the building of the white night group.

Lu Xiaolai laughed twice and leaned back in his chair: "I'm just pulling. Don't listen to me."

"Xuemei, you... You can't do this. I'm helpless!"

"How to get along with the student sister is still how to get along. Your sincerity will move the student sister of spring painting one day. Senior, I believe you, come on

"Are you sure it's not me?"

Lu Xiaolai complacently smile: "who let you always gossip, don't tell you what happened in school."

"Daren Qing, you're talking about it. Xuemei, you're bad at learning from zero now!"

Lu Xiaolai put up his index finger to his left and right: "no, no, my classmate Gu is a good young man of Miao Hong."

Zhang Yu sighed: "Alas! Xuemei, you have changed! "

The car turned into the intersection and stopped at the gate of the group.

Lu Xiaolai said "thank you" and got out of the car to take a big breath of air.

Breathing the same air as him. Lu Xiaolai raised a smile and looked up at the building in front of him.

Zhang Yu rolled down the window and leaned out his head to talk to her: "Xuemei, are you sure you don't need me to wait for you here? I can go around and pick you up, or you can fix a time

"No, thank you." Lu Xiaolai looked back at him with a smile, stretched out and walked in.

Zhang Yu didn't insist and asked the driver to drive back.

The building is surrounded with take-off and landing barriers.

Lu Xiaolai walked into the pedestrian passageway and was about to ask how to get there. A security guard ran out and stopped her.